Posts for XtraX

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Joined: 12/25/2005
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It seems that this is game is going to have an awesome TAS (: Here is a movie of Crystal Flashing Mother Brain; I don't know why I didn't work for you, Drew, I have no problems doing it.... Some Notes: -You need to get hit one time before you can shoot diagonally or move after you get the Hyper beam -I get "infinite" Super Missiles in the movie. I have been able to get "infinite" Missiles;Supers; PBs, Missiles & Super and Super & Power Bombs. It seems that if you refill your energy almost all the way, then you'll get "infinite" PBs and if you refill only very few of your energy, then you'll get "infinite" Missiles etc. -Getting hit by the Hyper beam a second time will get rid of this "infinite" ammo. I therefore haven't been able to get into the escape with "infinite" Super + PBs... -I don't know if there is any possibility of getting "infinite" Missiles, Supers & PBs. If there is though, then it might be possible to glitch through the celing via Crystal Flashing in the very first room in the escape and skip some rooms there this way. Don't forget that Crystal Flashing takes away your "Free Shinespark" though. I don't know if this will end up being faster at all though with all these other items you would need to get ^^; This might be known (it's not all that hard to find), but turning around in water and spin Jumping afterwards will send Samus further horizontally (<- that is without Gravity Suit). [I only watched Drewseph's TAS up to the last Chozo statue as the movie desynched there and I didn't bother to download the .avi yet, so I can't tell whether this is already done in there]
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Joined: 12/25/2005
Posts: 7
It's not like Crystal Flashing skips MBs Hyper beam. -> You have to have your energy refilled enough so that you can withstand Mother Brains Hyper beam.
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Drewseph wrote:
I have no idea what that meant, cause crystal flashing ding MB's beam = death
It works for me... (I believe I have done it in 2.0, too) Crystal flashing during mother brains beam gives Samus a extra shinespark which can be used whenever you want. It might save some little time in the escape. You also get an "infinite" (read: more than enough) amount of Super Missiles if you crystal flash during MB's beam. You can skip the 10-Pack Missiles in the escape with that. (There is a faster way through that room now). Note: I believe i have gotten both "infinite" Missiles & Super Missiles at ther same time. If you could get both "infinite" Super Missiles and Power Bombs, then you could probably save some time with the PBs aswell. You can go through the upper right door in one of the water filled rooms using the Shinepark. The "fastest" way to the ship is apparently blocked by a green gate (which turns into a "you can't open me LOL" gate during the escape), so I believe the old route might still be the best. I am not sure though.
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Joined: 12/25/2005
Posts: 7
Be sure that, if you have enough supply of items, crystal flash while mother brain's hyper beam hits Samus to break the law, pwn the drew and save some (most likely not much) time by free served Shinespark. And skip untasty 10-pack-Missiles in the escape along the way with your new infinite supply of Super Missiles, too. It sure is fun to play around with it ^^ Deequipping Speed Booster and I believe High Jump makes Samus run faster in lava with Gravity Suit. Screw Attack Speed seems to be based on running speed so this is most likely the fastest way of travelling there. There is a weird and surely not really useful little Shinespark glitch. Every time you shinespark into a slope (and keep running afterwards) you can press aim up and shinespark afterwards (= w/o pressing down). This however doesn't work anymore after Samus ran for more than around ~3 blocks. I haven't tried any frame perfect things with it, because I never really was so interested in doing so. I don't see how it could be useful though.
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I liked the movie. It is definitely improveable(I don't like the lack of arm pumping). The route seems good to me. early Power bomb doesn't seeem to be slower(though I'm not sure if it would be faster aswell). Plasma beam and Spring ball saved quite some time,so I guess Lower Norfair before Sandy Maridia would be slower aswell.
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I really liked how you escaped the room after the first missile pack in your Legacy movie,Graveworm. I would love to see a complete TAS for Legacy,even if it wouldn't go on this site and would like to help with route planning and stuff,because I know quite much about the hack. A TAS of Limit would be very nice,too,but I haven't played all the way through it,so I probably can't judge it yet. This discussion should probably go in another topic though. And Saturn,I can't wait until you finish your RBO run! Hope it won't take too long.
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Joined: 12/25/2005
Posts: 7
@Graveworm: About that Charged Plasma&X-Ray trick, it's some trick some unknown dude found( It does not work on Ridley because the Plasma Beam doesn't go through him. I've tried this trick on Torizo and had the feeling that it did take less shots to kill him,but that you could hit him only 2 times(or something) with one Plasma shot. I haven't done any serious testing though,so this could be bullshit aswell. About the Ridley before Draygon route, can you freeze Golden Torizo w/o Murder Beam? You could freeze him in the right place and jump through the crumble block to the missile,I think. I doubt there is another way to the missile if that doesn't work. Anyway,good luck with all the TAS-runs to you all