Interesting... I've made a short test, and it doesn't seem to be incredibly useful. True, you can whip the mantle back and forth but you can't hit the same target multiple times with the same mantle.
Has LexSfX made a video about it? Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.
So this thread has spawned some interesting topics, but to be perfectly honest, I still don't know what's better. If I got Bisqwit right, brushing after breakfast is more healthy. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
The trick is actually quite easy.
First, wait on the platform with the armor, the catoblepas should be walking towards you (to the right). Drop down to the catoblepas when it's all the way to the right. Now make sure you're facing left. Finally when our enemy turns around simply backdash into mordor. Done!
Can easily be done in real-time. Good luck!
I know, not the most important topic, but this has been bothering me for quite a while.
Most people brush their teeth right away after they wake up. What's the point? If you brushed your teeth before going to bed they should still be clean, shouldn't they?
Back when I went to school I used to have breakfast, then brush my teeth, which in my opinion makes sense. But brushing teeth before breakfast?
Am I missing something?
I see.
Well, problem is if i erase that "istop = memory.readbyte(0x7E0009)" line, the script will not skip/ff the item-get, right?
Anyway, i'll just use the script that amaurea posted in the previous page for Ceres and load the other one once Samus reaches Zebes.
Not sure if this helps, but my lua script doesn't skip through ceres:
while true do
if memory.readbyte(0x7e198e) == 128 then
if a~=b then
else snes9x.speedmode("turbo")
Glitched boss rush
Not very impressive, but I felt like it had to be done :o
Still not sure if flying armor should actually be killed... might test it sometime.
Has anyone considered using artificial neural networks? It's an interesting method to create A.I.
A neural net needs 1 or more inputs, processes the date and generates 1 or more outputs. The advantage of that would be, one won't have to program the A.I. itself (only the neural net), but rather, it 'learns' what it has to do. The more neurons available, the more it can learn.
However, my attempts at creating such artificial neural nets weren't very successful, and they might not at all be suited for playing or TASing games, but I think they still are worth mentioning.
Could the menu times be reduced by creating an sram file that contains only the required souls and items, and nothing else?
Only a little. Most of the time is wasted on the menu's fading in and out animation and switching equip via doppelganger. The time it costs to scroll down to bomber armor, flame demon, abbadon, etc. is basically negligible.
Thanks for the feedback!
As for the pausing, I am pretty aware myself that it looks awful, but not doing so would simply waste time. My goal was to see what the best time could be.
scrimpeh wrote:
Don't get me wrong, you did great work and I appreciate the effort, but please, orient yourself on real-time, not on ingame time.
I don't really care about real-time. I just wanted to see how fast it could get.
Tompa wrote:
Would be awesome to watch it with all the pauses cut out, Super Metroid style :D.
It was really nice though, even though the pauses get a bit annoying.
You should totally post the movie file for it, yrr.
Problem is, I couldn't get my emulator to start recording from a snapshot, so I ended up using cheats to give all items, souls and unlock the boss rush mode. It could work with a save-state though. Where should I upload it?
moozooh wrote:
I have no idea what's going on there. :D Care to write it out in detail?
Sure! I probably should have done it in the first place anyway.
First of all, I need to mention a trick I call black panther cancel. I described somewhere else, but I'm just going to explain again for the sake of completion. When dashing with black panther by simply letting go off the R-button, you will not only cancel black panther movement but all other actions you are currently performing as well! So by simply pressing R and letting go the next frame you can 30hz-spam killer clown even while airborne. It can also be used cancel attacks.
About death scythe... You can cancel the special attack immediatly and the attack animation (and damage) will continue. So it is better to use special, cancel it, and then do a normal attack. Much faster than the attack-into-special-cancel.
Also, killer clown=kc, death scythe=ds, muramasa=mura
Flying Armor: Two KCs is one frame faster than one-hitting with ds special.
Balore: KC again is the fastest way to go. I managed to optimize the fight a little, so the exact strategy is to use three KCs, one mura hit, a black panther hit and a kick.
Dimitrii: Really easy, KC spam and finishing the job with a mura hit.
Puppet Master: The first fight that gets complicated. Figuring out the best method of killing him took quite some time. What I did was: Throw 3 KCs, jump, mura, kc, mura when hitting the ground, using flame demon (long hit-cooldown, but high burst damage) and finally ds combo. You could also save one mura hit and instead hit him with black panther and a kick, but it is slower.
Dario: I love dead pirate.
Rahab: Alternating mura and kc is the way to go. Boring and annoying to watch, but fast.
Gergoth: This guy really gave me trouble. Should I use my mana prism on Gergoth rather than saving it for Death? I figured the extra mp boost probably isn't worth it. Also, using too much mp here would make bat company slower, as I can't use ds special there. But I did it anyway... not sure what's faster.
This fight can be divided into three phases:
1. Devil is charging up. Deal as much damage to him as possibly, either with kc-spam or with mura. Kc, which is what I used, is faster, but drains mp.
2. Devil is charged. Mura now deals over 300 damage per hit. Hit him with mura enough times, so Gergoth can be killed with one ds combo. The more damage you dealt in phase 1, the less hits you need now. I needed three hits. Getting him with two hits only is probably not possible.
3. Finish with ds combo.
Zephyr: Easy. KC spam -> mura hit -> ds combo. I could have used dead pirate, but it's not worth it.
Bat Company: Six KCs, two mura hits, ds attack. Didn't have enough mp for a ds special.
Paranoia: Really an awesome boss! All you need is devil and a bullet soul that deals at least 255 damage. With the right timing you can hit him with that soul, your ds special and your ds attack at the same frame instantly killing him! I used guillotiner, but great axe armor, for example, works just as well.
Aguni: Ds special has a longer hit-cooldown than the normal attack, so while I used only three specials, I could actually normal-attack him four times, saving a little bit time.
Abbadon: I love this strategy. Two bomber armor souls plus a ds combo empowered by devil, all further enhanced by dead pirate, killed this guy pretty fast. Luck-manipulation is required to make him jump towards you.
Death: Luck-manipulation is used here as well to make him fly in your direction. Spam kc while charging devil, and when he gets in range, a ds combo will end the first phase. Finally, two bomber armor souls + mura hit + mura special + ds combo (with devil of course) to get rid of him.
Appearantly, kick-attacking is faster than a pure black panther rush, as it saved two frames to kick towards the potion as opposed to just dashing.
I hope this covers most of your questions. Feel free to ask if something is still unclear!
Ok guys, I gave the boss rush mode another try and I finished it in less than a minute:
-> Click
There are some minor strategy changes compared to my other run as well as better optimization that save some time.
Btw, I most likely wont do a normal run of this game as I don't have the time/motivation for it.
One note, the higher the power output, the greater the danger if something goes wrong. All that people that are saying that nuclear fission power is dangerous so we should move soon to fusion aren't thinking logically AT ALL. Let me explain what fusion power is. Fusion power is a GIANT BALL OF PLASMA as hot as the sun (and might be even hotter) that has to be contained on a giant magnetic field because IT MELTS EVERYTHING on the planet that it touches.
Unlike Fukushima, where people are terrified that the containment might have had a small fissure due to the earthquake, in a fusion reactor there's simply nothing that can contain the giant ball of plasma, and the best hope would be that it went straight to the center of the Earth creating the biggest hole ever.
I'm perfectly okay with nuclear power, and fusion reactors will be more powerful, cheaper, better and cleaner. But not safer. NOT. SAFER.
What? Where did you get that from? I hope your argument doesn't rely on the 'fusion reactor' featured in Spiderman 2.
1. The ball if FAR from giant. In fact, it is so small that you can't even see it.
2. As soon as the ball touches anything, it would cool down immediately.
3. As moozooh said, the moment the energy supply is interrupted, the fusion process is also interrupted, and well... nothing happens. At all. There is no critical reaction or something like it's the case for fission power.
How do wind turbines "mutilate the landscape"? Don't they just make the landscape look super cool? I don't understand you here. To me, a wind farm looks awe-inspiring.
I personally don't mind them either, but as of what I heard, most people think otherwise. They don't want to see them when they look outside the window.
I'm curious to know which alternative they are proposing. (Nuclear powerplants produce probably at least 50% of all the energy, probably a lot more. It's not like they could just shut it down. The economy would collapse and many people would die. What alternative are they suggesting?)
Here in germany only a little bit more than 20% of the total energy is produced by nuclear power plants, but still; it's a lot to cover if we were about to shut them down instantly.
Most people here are convinced that solar and wind power is the way to go. Funny is how nobody wants it near them, as wind turbines for example mutilate the landscapes. So renewable energy is good, but I don't want it in my backyard (nimby). In short, everyone wants nuclear power gone, but nobody offers a decent solution.
Solar and wind could be a lot better if it was done right. If every home had some minimum of solar panels on its roof and the grid was built right we wouldn't need (as many) centralized power stations.
True, but I can't imagine a world being only fueled with solar and wind power. We have solar panels (quite a lot of them actually) on our roof and turns out, that they need over two years to produce as much energy as the facility my dad works at consumes in one hour. Considering the continuous rise of energy consumption, it seems to be best to research straight for nuclear fusion.
But, you are right, if we wanted to, we could be building much better solar and wind power plants.
DeHackEd wrote:
If you want fewer deaths in the world, petition for driverless cars rather than the shutdown of nuclear power stations.
Exactly my thoughts. Nobody cares about car accidents despite being one of the most significant causes of death.
Thanks for the input so far!
Edit: Yes, I meant fusion. My bad.
Since the Fukushima incident nearly everyone here in Germany wants nuclear power plants to be shut down. I can't understand that at all. Why are there so many enemies? I know that nuclear power could be potentially dangerous, but noone seems to have any idea about the facts. Today's power plants are very safe and a disaster like Chernobyl is extremely unlikely.
Nuclear power isn't the future (fusion power probably is) but it is the best we have. I have yet to find a reason why nuclear power should be shut down.
Opinions and constructive feedback are welcome.
Thanks for the reply.
The run you posted used some interesting strategies - but getting beat because of Bat soul pisses me off a little (considering I used faster strategies). lol
I'll try to improve my run. Appearantly, using Bat, sub 1min and possibly sub 0:55 seems quite possible.
I don't exactly understand what you mean with killer clown. You mean how I throw them so rapidly? I abused black panther cancel. I mentioned that trick in the description.
Paranoia is quite simple actually. Devil + death scythe attack + special bring him down to 255 HP, so all I need is a bullet soul that deals at least that amount of damage, just like great axe armor. So I throw 1 gaa, use death scythe special, cancel out of it (the animation remains) and hit him with a regular attack. All three attacks hit the frame he becomes vulnerable and thus instantly dies.
If you have any questions left, feel free to ask me.
Edit: I made a new run. The time is 1:00:20 now.
I decided to give this game a try. A non-glitched any% run could be interesting, but I'm not sure if motivated enough to do one =P
Instead I did an attempt at the boss rush mode.