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I recently watched some Metroid runs and thought of a small time saving trick. The last time you enter that tunnel (which you have to blow up with a power bomb to enter maridia) before entering maridia, you should set a power bomb. After explosion just go to the next room and go on as usual. When you then enter maridia the tunnel is already blowed up. Doing this will really save a bit of time.
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I have a small problem with this tool. Is it possible that it doesn't read the address properly? I need the WRAM address 02000008 and it shows a different value.
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Hard boss has more HP, but that shouldn't be a problem. Just get a ton of grenades, stand before the boss and fire dozens of them in some seconds. It's amazing how fast a boss will die of this. By the way, you could watch some (un-assisted) runs on SDA of other Metal Slug games. There you should you find useful tricks. And there you can see very easy how to use grenades against the boss ;) Do not forget jumping instead of walking, it's faster (yes I know, somebody mentioned this already :) Finally, find the fastest way through the levels as more than one paths are possible in some levels. This is important! I tried an un-assisted run of myself and you learn much about the game and being fast.
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Just another hint I remember: To skip the "switch from special weapon to pistol"-animation, just duck.
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A small advice: Among the extra-weapons the Heavy Machine Gun is the less powerful. So if possible, get any other.
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Actually I am still the person to do that, but the problem is just the school. I try to continue my run hoping I'll complete it in some day. But feel free to try an attempt...
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Nice vid, you've dodged enemies and bullets accurately and made use of some nice glitches. Yes-vote.
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I'm depressed, and far too lazy. And with not so familiar people, I have really problems to speak with em (RL). But screw it.
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Imo, the control can't get any better, and the whole game is fantastic. Still looking forward to Mp3 for Wii. But this thread is spam imo =)
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I'd guess there isn't a perfect movie, each can be improved by at least 1 frame. I might be wrong, but a perfect movie? I can't imagine. Besides that, I really think only brute force, or AI which completely understand the game's algorithm, is able to perform a perfect run. But who knows?
Post subject: Re: Proposition for the technical rating description
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Warp wrote:
When judging the "technical quality" rating, two elements of the video should be considered: How close to optimal the run length is (ie. if it's as fast as possible), and the techniques used to make the run.
How should a watcher know how close it is to optimal length? A impressed one would think, "Wow, I didn't think you can do this glitch and I never thought of using this at that place! This HAS to be optimal!" or something. Most of the watcher aren't familiar with the in-game mechanism, glitches, sequence breaking and whatever. How should such a person know if this is perfect? And quite nobody does frame-per-frame analysis to find out, "Hey! This can be improved by 1 frame!". Or am I mistaken?
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AAHHH! I hate that music!! I just can't get used to those NES-sounds. Anyway, I don't vote.
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Brute Force would also be a possible tool. The computer checks every possible combination of buttons pressed to find out the fastest way, for example to enter the next door. Of course, depending on the situation, it can take a long time, and it's quite inefficient.
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So, I'll download this hack. Sounds interesting ;)
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Interesting question... and difficult. Those Castlevania, Mario and Metroid games would be awesome. For GC I would prefer MP 1 & 2.
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I have a weird idea about this: one could make a stop motion video. Maybe much work, but would look quite funny :)
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I have one, but also only Wii Sports & Wii Play, so not very much. I have to wait for Wario Ware, Metroid Prime 3 and SSBB. But it's a very nice console.
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I'm not very familar with that game, but if you can't win any time during the battles, you should think about it twice.
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Dasrik wrote:
Awesome! Highlights: *knocking off Metaknight's mask *going through the boss tower with the quickness *pushing King DeDeDe *playing DDR during the final boss theme :D Wholehearted yes!
I agree :) But anyway, I think there are many things which can improved.
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@Zurecco: I don't like to dump the clocktower, underground resevoir and arena part, just to get black belt & lightning doll. So my suggestion, I'll finish this run, and if I feel like to do it, I'll restart the run with collecting those things. @sephiroth: I found to values which give me the soul, E7D5464F and F91ECB30. I got the soul, but it cost my too much time. I toy with the idea not to get that soul at all, especially with final sword, boss fights can be done very fast.
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YEAH! I found a way how to get minotaur's soul, but I need death's soul for it. Do you think I should use it? I found no way to get it with great armor. I hope getting lubicant & ronginus won't be that hard...
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Hey, this is very cool :) You make it look like it's trivial to get a soul. And don't know any mistakes (but you could avoid getting heart before the axe armor room). Btw, 35k of rerecords in just 1min ;)
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I agree with Bisqwit, I think the more power ups the better.
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Oh, thanks very much! I think this value should help, though, I don't know the algorithm. I think some research could be done, using my/Atma's/pirate_sephiroth's run and compare the memory viewer with the drop soul. But it won't be easy, other values like luck influence drop soul and such too. The random number consists of 8 hexadecimal digits as you can see in the memory viewer. Is this a single number, or does it consist of more different values? (I hope you understand what I want to tell you...) For example the number is 89ABCDEF. Maybe only 89AB does influence soul drop and CDEF item drop. Edit: Coincidence? I damaged the minotaur with the sword. The random value then is exactly the same when using the backdash and also using great armor soul... It seems that backdashing, using great armor for 7 frames and attacking (or damaging an enemy) has the same result concerning to the random number. And yes, when using Killer mantle soul the random number always becomes 3294C45F (a couple of frames after the attack) in my situation, no matter what I did before. I found the value, which makes the minotaur drop his soul: I simply replaced the first two digits by F9, so it's: F9B91963.
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Thx, but I've already tested it, the only thing I could get is the battle axe. My WIP. Try it yourself, I wasn't able to get the soul, and I have been working on this for 2 weeks now...
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