Posts for Zakem66

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Nice find CLChambers00 and great job guys figuring out how stuff works. "And then I found that if I jumped straight up and did a one frame input to the left that my speed will maintain 1 every frame until I land" You can maintain whatever speed you have at any time just by holding UP button. (Maybe you know this already, but just to be sure)
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New TAS is published. Sorry that I haven't discussed this project here. I should have found this thread earlier, but I only found it after submitting the run :( [3380] NES Journey to Silius by Zakem66 in 08:49.86
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Radiant wrote:
Many times in the middle of levels, it fades to this black computer screen and back. These constant interruptions basically kill the pacing of the run. I don't think that's star material.
I'd have to agree with Radiant. Also I find the level design/game design and the artistic style in this game uninteresting and the music is very bad. On the other hand, the execution of the run seems to be top notch and the various glitches along with fast and nice movement makes watching the run tolerable. I'm torn between meh and yes, but based on the skill that the TASer shows in this run I'm gonna throw in a yes vote.
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Derakon wrote:
Against the stage 3 boss, you only fire once on the first jump, then you fire twice on all jumps after that. Wouldn't it be faster to fire twice on the first jump and only once on the last jump instead? Anyway, very nice improvement! I'm impressed that there was so much time to save on this game.
Thanks. do you mean 2nd boss?? I fire 2 ' 3 '3 ' 1 on the 3rd boss.. On 2nd boss it is actually faster to shoot only one missile on the first jump since you get the jumps faster that way and final missile can be shot closer..
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jlun2 wrote:
Have you tried something like land the hit when the glitch occurs, wait 10 frames, then use RAM Search, before load savestate then landing a hit without the glitch, wait 10 frames and find what changed in memory? If not much addresses are left, you could try freezing them one by one with the value of the first attempt until the glitch is triggered?
Unfortunately I couldn't produce the glitch this way to find out which memory address is relevant. Maybe someone more experienced and more knowledgeable could do this.. <EDIT> But thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't thought about that before <EDIT>
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These stages looks like incredible hard to optimize with zillions of possibilities, but these solutions looks very nice and many of them are quite surprising. Yes vote.
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honorableJay wrote:
Very nice improvement. Just one question: is there any way to replicate the glitch from stage 1 boss on other bosses?
Hey. Thanks again. I think the glitch is unlikely to work on other bosses although I can't be 100% sure, since I don't know exactly how it works. Also I have tested over 260 consecutive frames after the optimal deathblow at level 2 boss, so the deathblow frame alone at least doesn't seem to produce the glitch there( or rather there is no glitch triggering frame). Level 3 and 4 bosses I haven't actually tested that much, but it feels even more unlikely to trigger the glitch in those.
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For some reason the YT encode doesn't seem to load. I'm not sure what's wrong since the ID should be correct... <EDIT> Nevermind. Now it seems to be working. Just had to wait a while probably due to changing the status to public quite recently <EDIT>
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Okay. So I went through the trouble of testing every single frame from the first possible deathblow I managed to do @f#129 (from the beginning of the battle) to the last possible deathblow @f#532 (from the beginning of the battle)(403 tested frames). It turns out like has been suggested elsewhere that the glitch triggers when finishing blow is delivered at the last possible frame. I just wanted to make sure that thats the case so I tested that myself. <EDIT> I'm talking about ship battle just to make sure..<EDIT> I don't think there is need to do more research/testing? (even while not knowing how the glitch actually triggers..)
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The first boss second trigger spot is exactly 200 frames after the first one. And the boss is exactly at the same y position. Finishing blow must be delievered when the boss is at its (visually) lowest point and 11 frames before it starts (visually) ascending. (One cycle = 200 frames) <EDIT> Also the 3rd trigger spot is 200 frames after the second as expected. <EDIT> Time to check the ship now..
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Scumtron wrote:
Looks like the trick to the first boss is getting the killing blow while it is moving downward ($4FA == 0xB2) and its y velocity(?) is 243 ($45F == 0xF3). Since this game seems to copy everything to temp addresses to do anything with them, those values end up propagating elsewhere and just happen to speed up the transition to the next stage, I guess. The thing with the ship and the final boss probably happens for the same reason, so an input file of that happening might give some clues to getting it on other bosses.
Wow. Thats interesting. I think you might be on to something. I did not put it very accurately in my post, but what I have found is that. There is at least two trigger spots (I have found) in first boss seperated by about 4-5 seconds. The frame that triggers the glitch is "counted" from the point that 2nd phase starts. In other words the copter has been in the exact same position doing the exact same thing when glitch is triggered (that makes your theory (and those memory addresses) very worthwhile to study). If I study the up down movement and the trigger frames of the first and last boss, It should give some answers. If the y position indeed is relevant, then there shouldn't be any possibility to trigger the glitch on level 2-4 bosses I think. Thank you very much for this interesting information.
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honorableJay wrote: There's a glitch with the ship where you can destroy the front on a specific frame to skip the rest of the ship and go straight to the final boss.
OMG! Wow. Thats a very nice find. Thanks for letting me know. I'm gonna cancel this and redo the ending. Propably gonna take day or two to test some stuff.
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Thank you for watching and I'm glad you liked it fcxiaopengyou :)
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Nice umm... run... Probably well executed and somewhat interesting, but not very entertaining. If I had some experience with this game (and understood more of the technical stuff involved), I might appreciate this at some level more. Also, if the chosen numbers were drawn in order (from 10 to 80) or at least be the first or last drawn numbers, that would increase entertainment value a lot. (I think it might be impossible (without speed/entertainment trade off) though.) The voting is for entertainment, thus I vote no, as I would have if I had been voting for that previous run of this game. Nevertheless, good job for the improvement.
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Hey Alyosha. Thank you.
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Here is a new Mission: Impossible TAS submission by me. #5165: Zakem66's NES Mission: Impossible in 23:27.52
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Changed Youtube video to a better quality one. Thanks to SUPERMETROIDFTP.
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@mklip2001 thanks, I don't know about bullets flying differently than original. I get infinite Super Missiles when I pick up the "special" Wave Beam upgrade.
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@DiscoRico Thanks, 1. 3 E tanks is minimum since MB2 hits with the rainbow beam doing 300 damage, when having Varia suit on. Without Varia that would be 600 damage. 2. It was pretty much the next room layout and sometimes the next room after that which affects the strategy I use in each situation. Often times I need to maintain the shinespark because there is not much room in the next room to gain speed and to get another shinespark charge whitout losing time. I didn't test every possibile scenario in every situation and there is possibility of error there somewhere. I don't think I understand the last question, sorry.. @scrimpeh Thank you.
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Finally got the Youtube video added. <edit> The video is not very good quality, Also it runs at 30-33 fps, so it makes the run look slightly different than it is. Sorry about that.
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Video soon. I started uploading the video to youtube. Takes 2-3 hours.
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Hmm. What codec should I use or rather what option in lsnes rr2-b23? Or is it that simple? <edit> For the purpose of uploading to youtube <edit>
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Sorry I don't have encode. Should I make?
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Oh and btw. I don't have any expectations whether this should be accepted or rejected. I just finished the run couple days ago and just thought I should throw it in here for those people who are interested to watch and maybe receive feedback as well.
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1. I'm not very familiar with the 1.8 version. I played it a little bit about a year ago, but don't remember any major differences except Sporespawn fight and Ridley fight were different, harder. Oh and you had to "kill" Ridley in Ceres iirc. I admit it was a bit lazy of me in a sense that I haven't tested that version, but I don't think it really matters since I'm happy with the version choice and the run that I made. 2. No. I'm quite sure that Super ZeroMission is more known and probably more intresting than this run. I like that TAS very much and my personal opinion is that Escape2 is pretty much as good hack as Super Zeromission, both top tier hacks. <edit> I deleted the last sentence