Posts for Zarmakuizz

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Nice! Glad to see you back :)
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No vote because you'll gain 20 more seconds in 2 weeks. :p
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Sure, or I'll go to the IRC if one is setup meanwhile. Thanks :)
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Fortranm wrote:
Will Hourglass Resurrection have a better compatibility with NT 6.x systems?
There is a lot of work to do in order to run games in NT5.x, and unless somebody invests time in NT6.x compatibility it will wait. I also prefer git, Sourcetree is a nice GUI for Git on Windows (and Mac) if the git commands are a problem. Svn vs git vs mercurial is still personal preference for now, but Git has a lot of alternatives to Google Code if you need a repo (for example Github, who also offers a GUI for windows), while alternatives for svn are dying. (I am not participating, so my opinion doesn't count much for now.) For IRC, I rarely see somebody entirely dedicated to the moderator task, often you give moderator/admin powers to the developers the most active on the channel and you're done. Freenode has a lot of channels to offer.
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Thanks. Don't expect anything from me, if I help it would be mostly reading and commenting code, but I didn't got as much free time than I expected.
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Yellow is the current RNG value, Pink are the values where something happen. On the map or in a dungeon, pink means an encounter will happen, and the yellow bar moves at each step you make. I suppose that during fights, pink means critical hit?
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Warepire wrote:
There's a project going on in attempts to improve Hourglass, but developers are a resource we have very little of.. Those who know C/C++ and possibly the Windows API, please get in touch with me if you want to contribute. Some bugs fixed, like one of the reasons to why thread wrap-mode can fail. Currently mouse support is being added, and coordinate handling is being redone so that it's portable. This shall HOPEFULLY allow TASing of games that need a mouse. But we NEED help, even if all you can contribute is to read code, figure it out, and comment about it so that it becomes easier to understand, a lot of it is poorly commentated and we have trouble figuring out what it really is meant to do.
Where is the most recent code?
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Wait, it's only half the game but the video is already at 75% OH SHIT.
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I would love to see that on video, sounds awesome!
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Congratulations! Now it's time to be a man. What does it takes to be a man, you ask? Really simple. I take 3 pills of Supersized Melting Blob® at the morning, and 4 of Hypervania© in the evening. These pills give me a strong cannon that impresses all the ladies around there. Already 100 000 gentlemen use them, what are you waiting for? But wait there's more! A good cannon is a clean cannon. And what prevents you to keep it clean? HAIR. Exactly. So don't forget to shave! Or even better, use our last product, the Hair Prevention Premium™, a special cream to say STOP to unwanted hairs! Use it and all the ladies will RUN to you, guaranteed my friend! If anything, let me help you with more details, just send a mail to and I'll answer you as soon as possible. See you !
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The way Red goes stuck in one place, goes out, and 5 minutes after is still stuck in the same position after saving 4 times is quite hilarious. EDIT: 30 minutes after, still stuck at the same place.
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D'abord, tente d'ajouter les "Guest Additions" (j'ai oublié le nom français) en mode sans échec sur ta machine virtuelle. Tente de jouer sur les différents paramètres : full-screen ou fenêtré, désactiver le multithreading... Cela dit, c'est plus simple de TASer un jeu sur console.
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This list of compatible games isn't up to date but gives a few details about optimal settings to make some game work. Other than that (for example games with a mouse needed), programming skills are required to improve Hourglass.
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nico30620 wrote:
Je suis sur windows 7
Il te faut Hourglass dans un Windows XP. Pas besoin de t'acheter un nouvel ordi, une machine virtuelle te permet de démarrer XP sur ton ordi. 1) Télécharge et installe VirtualBox (ou VMWARE si tu sais t'en servir) 2) Télécharge un iso de Windows XP (je ne dirai pas où chopper ça :p ) 3) Crée sur VirtualBox une machine virtuelle Windows XP (la procédure est assez simple, si tu as un doute il y a des tutos sur le net) 4) Pour installer Windows XP dans ta machine virtuelle, tu dois indiquer l'iso comme étant dans le lecteur cd de ta machine virtuelle. Tu démarres ta machine virtuelle, et tu fais l'installation. (là aussi des tutos sont dispos) 5) Dès que t'as fini l'installation, tada, ta machine virtuelle est prête ! Enlève l'iso du lecteur cd virtuel. 6) démarre normalement ta machine virtuelle, installe-y Hourglass et ton jeu. Je pense qu'il existe pas mal de tutos qui couvrent les étapes 1 à 5 (sauf peut-être le téléchargement de l'iso de XP), donc si à un moment donné tu te sens perdu, tu peux direct chercher un tuto pour te servir.
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Est-ce que tu lances Hourglass (et le jeu) sur Windows XP ou sur Windows Vista/7/8 ? Hourglass a de gros problèmes si tu le fais fonctionner ailleurs. Je lis sur la liste complète des jeux :
Ninja Senki 60 FPS, Multithreading Disabled unstable intro, window activation problems Tested on XP, videos exist
Je connais pas vraiment Hourglass (je TAS pas :p ), mais tu as cherché une option pour désactiver le multithreading ?
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Hourglass ne marche que pour certains jeux et si tu les lances sur Windows XP. Si même en les lançant sur un Windows XP Hourglass crashe, alors ton jeu n'est pas TASable, et beaucoup de jeux sont dans ce cas hélas. Si ton jeu utilise la souris, tu peux l'oublier. Tu ferais mieux d'installer VirtualBox (ou VMWare si tu sais t'en servir, VirtualBox est plus simple) et de configurer une machine virtuelle avec Windows XP dedans. (Il te faut un .iso de Windows XP pour ça, nous n'avons pas le droit de donner des liens vers ce genre de choses.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hourglass works only for a few games AND if you run them on a Windows XP. If even on Windows XP they still crash, you're screwed, alas many games cannot be tased at all. If your game needs the mouse, forget it. You better should install VirtualBow (or VMWare if you know how to use it) and make a virtual machine with Windows XP. (You'll need a .iso for that, we aren't allowed to give links to those kibd of things.)
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One day you'll skip the entire game.
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The youtube video on the description is no longer available, and should be replaced by the official encode.
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The other ending means you don't have to care about Curly after the Core, you don't have the extra level and extra boss at Sacred Grounds. Maybe, you could even take the easy form of the Last Cave, as it is quicker if I remember well. I wouldn't be surprised to see a run shorter by 5 or 10 minutes with the faster ending.
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Patashu wrote:
Put it in the title or bust.
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Indeed, I edited my post. Thanks.
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The link to the AVI file takes forever to load.
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I would rather choose Obsolete Delight, as it keeps consistency with Gruefood Delight. But that's just a name… EDIT : fixed typo.
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Forum related. I watch this site with 2 different computers, one at work and the other one my personal laptop. I just came back from work reading new posts of the day, and on my personal computer they still show as new messages. Here is a neat picture: However, new posts that I checked on my laptop doesn't appear as "new" when I come back at work. Not really a bad thing, that way I don't have to remember which video to look at after work. I don't know if that happens to anybody else or it is just me?
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Disclaimer: I don't know anything about FCEUX. If you are sure that .sav files are on your system, you could search them:
  • Open a terminal. (use the [Windows] button and type in the dash "Terminal")
  • type
    find / -name "*.sav" 2> /dev/null
  • you'll get a list every file on your system with its name ending by .sav
Then check every destination until there is one that seems to be FCEUX's save destination. This doesn't answer your "can I choose the destination?" question, but at least you'll find where are the .sav stored.
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