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I'm claiming this submission for publication when/if it gets accepted.
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This movie is definitely a vault submission, and I'm voting no on entertainment as such. The game is played in such a way that it's almost like an auto-scroller, with the player barely deviating from their straight-line path. I don't know that the author could have done much about this from an entertainment perspective either - it's just what the game is. The third boss being defeated off-screen was amusing.
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You know this TAS is really something else when even the camhack encode can't keep up with your movement. The visualizations that were made for this encode are extremely impressive and the work that must have gone into producing this TAS is obviously large. From a technical standpoint this submission is an obvious 10. Unfortunately, without the brilliant encodes to show what's actually going on, the movie itself would be boring/confusing. I'm voting yes with the hope that the encodes with the visualizers are linked to in the movie description.
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A fast and dirty custom ffmpeg command you could use:
-c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 20 -coder 1 -movflags +faststart -g 30 -bf 2 -c:a aac -b:a 384k -profile:a aac_low -pix_fmt yuv420p -f mp4
This is based on YouTube's recommended settings for uploads. The parts you want to mess with are the preset and most importantly the crf arguments. crf will affect the quality of the output video. 20 is pretty good and is what is used by the TASVideos official encoding package for SD encodes. A value of 17 is visually "lossless", though a lower value can be valid to ensure a YouTube re-encode doesn't lose too much info. Adjust the preset argument to something that gives you an acceptable encoding time. Check out this document for more info on valid options here. If you need actually lossless output, you could use this:
-c:v libx264 -preset fast -crf 0 -coder 1 -movflags +faststart -g 30 -bf 2 -c:a copy -pix_fmt + -f mp4
edit: These settings are really only if you just need to dump video to watch later and need to avoid the 2gb split problem. Using lossless x264 video as input for later video processing is a bad idea and will be very slow and troublesome.
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Very entertaining run to watch, with very obvious care and effort put into it as evidenced by the submission notes. Games like this really do showcase the "superhuman" aspect of a TAS. Condolences to the judge/publisher/encoder of this one.
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Holy moley that is some efficient zombie killing! Compared to the RTA runs, you can tell how inhumanly efficient this TAS is. The rapid fire critical headshots with the silenced pistol is extremely satisfying. It's a shame the game does not have a "quick inventory" system of some kind so that you could spend less time in your inventory screen. Yes vote.
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I was surprised that there wasn't a TAS for this game and decided to play around with the game to see what I could do. Exactly like InfamousKnight said though, it's pretty disheartening right away to build and compare a single lap on Executioner for an any% run against the ace's world record. I've tried mimicking his exact movements to no avail - I actually get worse times than he does the closer I try to make it. So I've done my own movement and vascilate between maybe 1 second ahead of him, to less than a few milliseconds. Either ace's movement is so optimized and excellent that a TAS really just doesn't have a lot of room for improvement, or I am seriously bad at this game to the point that I can't figure out why I'm slower. Maybe someone who's better aquainted with this game can chime in on what might be going on here? I know from conversations on the SWE1R discord that the N64 is traditionally handicapped compared to the PC version (that ace is playing on) due to two main factors: the N64 version runs at 24 fps which affects traction, and the N64's analog stick is restricted to a circular gate, meaning cornering while holding a boost is much harder. The second reason is a moot point (as far as I can tell) for an emulator though since the analog range is totally unlocked. I'm not sure if the first reason factors into the problems. I'd like to note that while I can only just barely stay ahead of ace's WR run, I'm able to stay ahead of Hyuudoro's N64 WR more consistently, though I'm only 1 second ahead of his lap time (I think due staging boosts at different times). Link to video
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Darth Marios wrote:
I have an i5-9600k (6cores, 6threads, 3.7GHz - Turbo 4.7GHz) i will get good improvements with this method? (normally i get 120fps for 720p encoding and 30fps for 1080p)
I honestly have no idea. Possibly. My very amateur understanding of what's going on here is that if the AviSynth script itself is your bottleneck, this should help. The Official Encoding Package is already using multi-threaded x264 to do the actual encoding work, so if your bottleneck is there, this probably won't help. My laptop has an i7-8550U mobile chip @ 1.8ghz with 4 cores, significantly slower than yours. It might be that your processor is fast enough that the AviSynth script isn't a problem, in which case this won't help. You'll have to try these modifications and see if something changes. It's worth noting that if you are using very intensive filters in your AviSynth script, like QTGMC for deinterlacing, these changes will have a much more profound effect.
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