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Truncated wrote:
One thing I've always wondered is why you wait behind that spiky enemy in the first shaft where you have to turn into a ball. Can't you just roll trough it and take damage? I guess not (it seems too obvious) but I'm still curious as to why.
You can't. It knocks you backwards, and by the time you get back to it, your invulnerability wears off, and you get knocked back again. It is possible to pass through after 2 hits, but it's no faster than waiting. On a side note, we're up 61 frames from my previous run after 3 rooms, thanks to an excellent idea from Arc. =) (Arc, I knocked another 20 frames off of what you sent me.)
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Highness wrote:
So we can await another improvement then?
Definately. I don't know how long this is going to take. We've pretty much just started. I had done up to a few rooms after the gold shaft, but I had hit a few snags along the way, including having to stall for 13 frames on the first shaft, and Arc's going to see if he can work them out.
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Arc wrote:
I am making a new as fast as possible version that will use the door glitch and Up+A.
I am also doing this run. I started it about 2 hours before you posted this. No password this time around. Can't afford the precious time. =) I don't know what route you plan on taking, but this is the best one I could come up with: *Brinstar Missle Tank *Ice Beam *Up+A *Kraid *Up+A *Tourian I thought about trying to get the upper left missle tank in Kraid's lair first, then going from there, but I would either have to backtrack too much or door glitch too many times, and I think it would end up slightly slower in the end. Bombs are unnecessary.
Arc wrote:
In addition to being an excellent timeattacker, Zoizite has a good attitude. :)
Thanks. That means a lot. Your Metroid run was the reason I started, though. =)
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I enjoyed this. Very well played. I used to be a Tetris addict back when I got my first Gameboy many many years ago. I feel old.
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Since the workbench topic has been locked, I'm going to answer a couple of questions that were brought up there.
-ziplock- wrote:
As for the run, do you think this would be faster using the restart sequence after leaving Kraid's? I think by the time you get to the top of the elevator, the game would have restarted, then you would have that small stretch to the first door to get you on top. I'm sure you thought you had used it enough already, but I'm just specualting.
It's 50 frames faster to not restart a second time after Kraid. The fade-in thing takes quite a while.
mazzic wrote:
1.The second time you roll through that tunnel right behind that enemy (hope you get what I aim for) you don't get hit when you jump past it, but you get hit the first time. Why?
Jumping just high enough to get hit forward is faster than jumping completely over it. This must be done to get the Rio offscreen. The Rio and the Zoomer by the door must not be on screen before entering the door, in order to have a "good spawn" on the shaft. If not, zoomers will be in very bad positions for going up the shaft. The second time around I jumped over the zoomer completely just to save energy for the upcoming Tourian.
mazzic wrote:
2. In Tourian, at the first lava hole (or whatever it is) you fell down and got hit without any reason (I guess there is a reason but I don't see it). Explain, please.
It's 4 frames faster to lava hop there. I'm only in the lava for 1 frame, and I take no damage. This is the same trick I used in my 100% run. It's faster because I would have to jump higher to completely clear the pit, and Samus moves 20% slower while jumping.
mazzic wrote:
3. This might be dumb but isn't ti possible to jump lower when you pas over Kraid?
The reason I jumped so early was to get to the other side of Kraid before he shot his spines, so that they would fire to the left. I do this because it took longer for the spines to reach the edge of the screen and disspear on the left side, as he was standing more towards the right. If he fired to the right, the top spine would reappear before I had a chance to stun him.
bisqwit wrote:
If someone submits a movie that "beats" Arc's movie - using the same route and items, but because of using up+a, what should we do?
I guess that it would be necessary to prove it was faster if not using up+a. Two ideas for this: frame counts for every room for both runs, or making a full run, and hex-editing a backup to use up+a. The second would seem like a bit of effort, and might even screw up the randomization.
OmegaFlareX wrote:
I do have a question, though... in the Multiviola room, you kill one of them but you shoot it slowly. Is this the only way to keep it from moving, or can you destroy it by frame-by-framing 8 shots into it before it hits you?
Regular monsters can only be damaged every 8 frames, i think, not sure on the count. Firing faster would simply be wasteful shots. Kraid and Ridley can be damaged every 2 frames. Mother Brain takes quite a long time before it can be damaged again. Monsters have a similar invulnerability after being hit to Samus's. This is very useful at times, because it allows you to pass through an enemy for a few frames after shooting it. I use this on the Ripper at the top of the first shaft, and also in the Multiviola room, and in a few other places as well.
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Phil wrote:
I haven't seen this video and don't know that game very much, only the Snes version, but why shouldn't Arc's video be replaced by this one? What's irregular in that timeattack?
Arc's route would be faster by at least 2 minutes using the restart, so this would be horridly inefficient if going purely for time.
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If I did a regular time attack, I wouldn't use the Up+A restart, since it really wouldn't be fair to, and if not compared to Arc's, it would add too many categories for one game. I have been thinking about it, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do next, though.
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Completed and submitted. Final time: 11:51. Enjoy. =)
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My name is intentionally misspelled.
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Thank you, Mazzic. I'm almost done with the second room in Tourian. I have a feeling you guys are going to like it. I've already suprised myself. I'm should at least be able to get to Mother Brain's room by the end of the night, although, I won't be posting any more previews until I'm finished. Mother Brain's room took me 2 days last time around, but this time I know what I'm doing, so hopefully it should be easier. Tourian is definately going to be the highlight of the run. I still haven't had any problems with desynch. I speed/slow the movie a lot when I'm playing it back, and it's never messed up. Maybe I'm just lucky. I hope I didn't just jynx myself. ^^ Thanks for the comments. Please feel free to point out anything you think I could have done better.
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I redid the room after the shaft and got 6 more missles. I came out with a little less energy but I should have enough missles now. Thanks for the encouragement, although I wasn't doing it to "take one for the team." ^^ Hopefully I'll have it done in a day or two. I'm not sure how long Tourian will take. It took around 3 days last time, but I go faster now with experience and with FCEU. Updated Run
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Just tried BMF's pallete. Much better than the default.
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I counted the number of missles used in Arc's run and in my 100% run. I needed 93 missles for the last door in Brinstar, and through Tourian. It will really suck if I'm wrong, though. ^^ I'm actually more concerned about energy, but I think I can do it. I really wanted to try this out for myself after seeing your run. Err... I just double checked my count, and it's 98... I forgot to count the Brinstar door. Gotta go get some more missles.
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I agree about the variable speed thing. I got pretty used to 2% speed in Famtasia, although I only use advance frame now. I also like the idea for the keys to speed/slow by 1%. I've never had FCEU crash on me(crosses fingers). I've had Famtasia crash on me quite a few times, although I only ever lost a second or two of the movie I was working on. I stop recording and backup my run every one or two rooms I do. I do that mainly to check my progress and check for desynchs, which I thankfully have had none of during this run. I just touched down in Tourian at 9:27. It's going very well so far. I don't really like my Ridley/Kraid fights, though. For Ridley, I should have had enough energy to take two hits. I think I could have done the last room in Brinstar without getting hit as much, and possibly gaining more energy. I had to jump the second time during the Ridley fight because the invulnerablity from getting hit runs out a few frames before I could clear him. For Kraid I was stuck with a bad spawn. In my previous run he starts firing his stomach spikes right as I enter the room. In this one I had to wait. I couldn't stun him completely while he still had his spikes in, and nothing I tried doing would change the way he spawned. They slowly inch forward on their own, making my shots hit them and not Kraid, and they also would wind up hitting me. I'm looking forward to the challenge that Tourian poses. It should be fun, in a sick sort of way. ^^ Anyways, here's my progress so far: 1 Item Run Preview
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I'm quite impressed.
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I'm taking up the one item challenge. I've been working on it for about a day and a half now. I'm currently at the starting location in Brinstar, after defeating Ridley, at 5:47. I've switched to FCEU from Famtasia, and I have to say, that it's so much better. No more slow motion. All I use now is the advance frame. I can't say enough about how nice that feature is. The frame counter is also awesome. It's very helpful to be able to compare times on small things. I've also improved the first part of Brinstar from my 100% run. I also entered the password much faster this time around. I had used autofire(the only time I used it in the whole run) on the password and slowdown at about 10%. This was from my first attempt at the 100% run. I got up to the wave beam, and decided to start it from scratch, except for entering the password(I started the final run with 3700 rerecords), simply because it was so sloppy. Anyways, I compared runs up to entering the bridge at the top of the first shaft in Brinstar, and I was already up 73 frames from my 100% run, although about 1/3-1/2 of that was from the password alone. I am going to be using Up+A this time around. Mainly to keep the run short, and also, just because I'm feeling lazy. ^^ I may redo my 100% run after this, but I'm not sure. The door trick is a bitch in FCEU, though. Half of the time Samus is off of the screen, so I couldn't see what I was doing. The sound in FCEU is horrible if not played at 100%, and that's what I was going by on the 100% run. It was easy to hear when I morphed in Famtasia, but in FCEU it all just sounds garbled at a slow speed, and there is no sound when doing the advance frame. Didn't plan on writing an essay... Zoi [Edit]Here's my progress so far: 1 Item Run Preview
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You can put the sea port anywhere on the map, and it still counts. I'd love to see a run of this, as I've never been able to reach 500k. I just played earlier today on 61, and my highest count was a little bit over 350k. I wanna see how it's done!
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From the submission thread:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Hey, is that why Metroid timeattackers like to turn into a ball before falling down long chutes?
I morph because it reduces the collision size. This allows me to miss platforms I would get stuck on if I didn't morph.
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
The only thing I didn't understand was the door that was just floating in the air. Where did that come from?
As far as I could tell, it's simply a random graphical glitch. The door wasn't actually there.
4masty wrote:
Yeah, the floating door seems to be related to the palette swap glitch... ...When'd the glitch get triggered, anyway?
The pallete swap occurred because I didn't go back through the bridge room in Norfair. That room, and the bridge room in Brinstar, are what cause the palette swaps in a normal game. I skipped it, so the palettes weren't changed. I would have to repeat the shortcut to fix the palette. -
Arc wrote:
However I think that a few rooms may be a little bit sub-optimal, and maybe game lag could be improved in a few spots. But I'm not completely certain about either yet.
Yeah, some stuff I know I can improve. Certain things stick out really bad after watching it about 50000 times. I didn't notice either of the ones you mentioned, but I'll watch it again when I get home, and see. Thanks for the comments and criticism. Criticism is always good for making the next attempt better. I don't know when I'll get around to making a new version. This one took me a month and a half, and I'm pretty sick of Metroid at this point. I'm also undecided on whether to keep it a continuous run or using the Up+A trick. I could take off a lot of time if I did, but it might not look as good in the end. There are a few things that I want to improve. There are a few new things I've learned since I started, like how to fire missles with bombs on the screen. When I started, I thought it was impossible, untill I watched Arc's run again when working on Tourian, and I noticed he was firing missles after the bombs when fighting the zeebetites. I also didn't take slowdown into account until after the energy tank behind Ridley when the slowdown was horrible with all those holtzes. I wish there was a way to get the long beam early on, but it's just too far off route. If anyone can help improve my route, it would be very much appreciated. There's still a few places I need to try to do the door trick to shortcut like I did in Norfair. I was just messing around when I found that. It took me a while to figure out how to get it working though. If I just went out the door, the shaft scrolls horizontally. I'm not sure if there are any other places where I can do this, but I'll certainly check. Glad you guys like it. And for the record, I'm not a girl. I'm not Asian either, just in case anyone was wondering. I just happen to be a very big Utada Hikaru fan(4 more days until Exodus!). This is not the first time my avatar has tricked people. ^^ This was a record time for discovering the origin of my nickname, though. Zoi
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whenever it would slow me down more than a few frames
I don't think I ever took more than 3 or 4 frames to avoid a hit that wouldn't push me backwards. Sucks that it's desynching for some people. I could re-upload it if it's going to be a problem. It desynchs sometimes at 400% speed, but never at 100% for me, and never near the Screw Attack. Thanks for the comments.
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I finally finished it today. I submitted it a few minutes ago. I beat my own expectations and finished in 41:43! Tourian was really hard, especially Mother Brain's room, but I think I did good. This is played straight through, no UP+A. I may make another version using UP+A. I figure I could shave 5-10 minutes off using it. Enjoy =)
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Hi, this is my first post here, but I've lurked here for quite a while. I'm currently working on a 100% run. I'm almost finished. I have 1 missle left to grab on my way out of Kraid's lair, and I have to grab the long beam on my way to Tourian. I'm currently at 36 minutes, and am hoping to finish at around 45 minutes. I believe Red Scarlet's 100% run is 55 minutes, but I'm not certain. I've been working on this for a little over a month. As Arc said, it takes a long time to make a precise run like this. I made an original route, and there should even be a few suprises. I found a really nice shortcut in Norfair that I've never seen or heard of before. I would have posted about this earlier, but I don't have internet access right now. I'm posting this at a friend's house. I'll submit it as soon as it is finished. I hope you guys will like it.
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