Posts for Zucca

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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
"What this button do?" "Ah. Mute. Just what I was looking for." I hated this game. Now I finally can see that I almost completed it back in the days. I just loved to see Flicky being over powered against all the enemies. Did I already mention that I hated this game? I don't know why I ever bought this game... Well made TAS of a horrible game. Now can we please ban this game... for ever... globally. BTW.: a yes vote.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
Well. This was fun. Never played the game, but run was entertaining. *picks up the "YES" -stamp* Also this game is like the grandfather of Landstalker.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I really would have liked to see other weapons in use too. Also the fourth (super) powerup. Therefore my vote is no. It was fun to watch once... Games of this type are extremely hard to make entertaining as TAS. Thanks for the one time run anyways. :)
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Post subject: Well... I like this game... but...
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
You didn't get any super powerups?!? I know for sure that you can get one early on first stage. Those should help you get past boos monsters faster? Well I'm going to watch this to the end before judging.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
And I thought that Sonic runs were corrupted and glitchy...
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I accidentaly gave a yes -vote. I love this game. It hooked me for years when I was young(er?). BUT.we considered this "rest to cast spells" as a glitch, HOWEVER that a+c trick was cheating. It was written on most gaming magazines that had cheats for sega games. So I'd like to see a version that doesn't use that trick. Not sure if it's a cheat or glitch... I guess that cannot be done in any other versions of this game (on other platforms) so technically that's a glitch and not a cheat. Right? But it's to damn easy to apply and that's why I have always considered it as a cheat. Anyway: meh
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
Never played the game, but this looks INSANE! Yes.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
Thumbs up for non-zipping run! I enjoyed this. Although there were few occasions where sonic went though the wall... While that's not technically (?) zipping it kinda annoyed me a bit. ie. trough conveyor belt on Scrap Bran Zone 2...
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
If could make a working PKGBUILD of Jetblade and post it to AUR (Arch user repository) then maybe more people would start to beta test and contribute to this project... Because I want to see this game actually playable some day. :)
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
How's the progress nowdays? I tried to run jetblade but I encountered errors. Firstly
$ python3 
  File "", line 78
    print "Cannot use multiple-map generation with a sourced map file."
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Then using Python 2.7 looked more promising:
$ python2 

Error compiling Cython file:

    ## Instantiate a Vector2D. We accept either two coordinates, or a single
    # argument which is assumed to be a tuple or list with at least two 
    # elements. If you want to make a Vector2D from another Vector2D, 
    # use the copy function.
    def __new__(self, first, second = None, magnitude = -1):

vector2d.pyx:17:4: __new__ method of extension type will change semantics in a future version of Pyrex and Cython. Use __cinit__ instead.
/home/zucca/.pyxbld/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyrex/vector2d.c:1:2: error: #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 108, in <module>'run()', 'profiling.txt')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 29, in run
    prof =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 135, in run
    return self.runctx(cmd, dict, dict)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 140, in runctx
    exec cmd in globals, locals
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 27, in run
    import vector2d
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyximport/", line 331, in load_module
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyximport/", line 183, in load_module
    so_path = build_module(name, pyxfilename, pyxbuild_dir)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyximport/", line 167, in build_module
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyximport/", line 85, in pyx_to_dll
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 953, in run_commands
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 972, in run_command
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Cython/Distutils/", line 135, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 340, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Cython/Distutils/", line 143, in build_extensions
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/command/", line 499, in build_extension
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 624, in compile
    self._compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/", line 180, in _compile
    raise CompileError, msg
ImportError: Building module failed: ["CompileError: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1\n"]
And finally I even compiled Python 2.5:
$ python2.5 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 3, in <module>
    import splashscreen
  File "/home/zucca/jetblabe-hg/jetblade/", line 4, in <module>
    import pygame
ImportError: No module named pygame
... which is kinda strange since I have installed pygame and Python 2.7 doesn't complain about it. :P Finally here's some of my system stats:
$ inxi -xv2
System:    Host Mieu Kernel 2.6.39-ARCH x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop LXDE (Openbox Distro Arch Linux
Machine:   System Acer (portable) product Aspire 1810TZ version v1.3314
           Mobo Acer model JM11-MS version Base Board Version
           Bios INSYDE version v1.3314 date 08/31/2010
CPU:       Dual core Intel U4100 (-MCP-) clocked at 1200.00 MHz 
Graphics:  Card: Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller bus-ID: 00:02.0 
           X.Org 1.10.2 driver loaded: intel Resolution 1920x1080@60.0hz 
           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset GLX Version 2.1 Mesa 7.10.2 Direct Rendering Yes
Network:   Card-1 Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet driver atl1c v: port 2000 bus-ID: 01:00.0
           Card-2 Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000 driver iwlagn v: in-tree: bus-ID: 02:00.0
Disks:     HDD Total Size: 320.1GB (10.9% used) 1: Hitachi_HTS54503 
Info:      Processes 133 Uptime 1 day Memory 693.4/3870.0MB Runlevel 3 Client Shell inxi 1.6.7
BTW. If I get this working I'm going to write a PKGBUILD of this game for Arch Linux.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
Posts: 118
Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I just love the amount of luck manipulation in this game. Reminds me of Dragon Crystal for Game Gear...
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I'd like to see another tas of this game using Gilius.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
Posts: 118
Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
Does this run on Linux too?
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
Posts: 118
Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I watched the encode. It really needs some inline texts to explain what's happening - for entertainment and clarity.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Post subject: Re: Movie published
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
NesVideoAgent wrote:
This movie has been published.
At last. :)
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
OmegaWatcher wrote:
...and what happens when the boss is killed? the games just keep going?
That I haven't seen yet. :D
Derakon wrote:
More seriously, some cheats to make Opa-Opa invincible should reveal what happens pretty quickly.
Nice idea... :) BTW. You can use only d-pad to control luck manipulation. :P I don't know if you could use pause -button too...
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Post subject: Luck manipulation hell: Fantasy Zone Demo
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At least in Fantasy Zone for Master System the demos have first few seconds of prerecorded demo (Opa-Opa shoots at flat rate goes forward... nothing much). Then starts the crazy part: Fire rate goes to maximum, Opa-Opa starts to move randomly. The demo ends right before Opa-Opa would be killed. Here's the thing: Can you manipulate Opa-Opa survive trough first level, whole game? Personally I've once seen first stage boss in a demo. So it's possible at least to defeat one boss in a demo.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I don't find these walkathons very entertaining but there sure was a lot of skill. Meh.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
Somebody encode this and upload to or to P L Z (I really don't use plz seriously, ever.) EDIT: Oooops there was already one.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
alden wrote:
Thanks Derakon! Yeah, wikiupload seems to be deleting my files or something. I will try to find somewhere better...
I already did: ;)
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I've never seen this fast last-boss-beat-up in this game. :o Great run!
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
I'm looking forward to it. :)
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
Can someone encode this and upload to for example? I've seen a speedrun of this game but never a tool-assisted one before. And yes... I've been waiting for this tas!
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/22/2008
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Location: KUUSANKOSKI, Finland
ShinyDoofy wrote:
While I'm looking forward to actually seeing something newer than 9f or so (still 2.1 on Linux)...
Gens/GS is for Win and Lin.
trazz wrote:
Killing the skeletons sooner or letting the skeletons live (unlive?) won't affect that at all.