Well. I started putting an ebuild of version 2.2 together. I have libgdiplus 5.4 installed (used the ebuild from this thread).
After looking around I figured out that .NET projects are built using xbuild. So running
xbuild BizHawk.sln seemed like an obvious choice. Note that this is the actual first time I'm trying to compile
any .NET project.
Next thing I saw was the missing
./Version/svnrev.cs, which I created from the template.
After that I managed to get the build process bit further. But it seems that there are several *.cs -files missing. Here's an example:
Language: snippet of the output
CSC: error CS2001: Source file `Consoles/Nintendo/N64/NativeApi/mupen64plusAudioApi.cs' could not be found
CSC: error CS2001: Source file `Consoles/Nintendo/N64/NativeApi/mupen64plusCoreApi.cs' could not be found
CSC: error CS2001: Source file `Consoles/Nintendo/N64/NativeApi/mupen64plusInputApi.cs' could not be found
CSC: error CS2001: Source file `Consoles/Nintendo/N64/NativeApi/mupen64plusVideoApi.cs' could not be found
Is there an easy way to create all of these?
Also if I'm doing this completely wrong, now is the time to tell me so. :D