Posts for andymac

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You're right, it's not contrived. Check the GCD between one number and the next in the series.
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. When I made that post, I knew there must be a theoretical fractional speed. Which would explain why moving left on the same frame has a different acceleration profile compared to moving right. Also with oscillating speeds, I assumed that the speed must increase by 1.5 if less than 48 and decrease by 1.0 otherwise, hence the oscillations. I was always considerate of it, but I never saw the actual value. Now I feel like an idiot, the sub-speed value was next to the real speed on the lua script the whole time, and I haven't noticed it until now!
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Does anyone have any information regarding sub-subpixels? I remember Mister or ISM taking about it a long time ago, but I can't seem to find the post about it. It's an explanation for oscillating speeds and acceleration in general in smw.
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This is flatly amazing. I remember some emulator (maybe 1964) had a video plugin where you could pause the game and move the camera anywhere you wanted. This worked for any game. Perhaps this might be helpful to you?
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Here are the major ones that I have discovered: Wario Land 4: Diagonal zipping and wall clipping Super Mario bros. 3: Jumping into a wall while standing as big Marioa and Corner boosting. Yoshi's Island NTSC: Walljumping. (PAL walljumping had already been discovered). Super Mario Land 2: the pixel trick while jumping for faster movement. MUGG discovered the pixel trick while on the ground.
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Solution: Yes this is true. The ratio of the integer remainder is in the ratio of the second solution to the equation for the golden ratio. One solution is 1.618... and the other is -0.618... The error starts off at -1 at a power of zero, 0.618 at a power of 1, -0.381 at a power of two, 0.236 for phi cubed, and so on. The number get's exponentially closer to an integer. The exception is of course p^0 = 1 which is a perfect integer, but we will consider that to have an error of -1. It works like this. p = 1 + 1/p so p^(n + 1) = p^n + p^(n-1) ... (1) Also, p^(n - 1) = p^(n + 1) - p^n ... (2) so p + p^1 = p^2 from formula (1) which can also be written as (k1 - r1) + (k2 + r2) = (k1 + k2 + r1 + r2) = (k3 - r3). if the k's are the integer component and the r's are the decimal remainder. This happens to be: (2 - p^0) + (1 + p^-1) = (3 - p^-2) = (p^2). This is correct from formula (2), and is identical to formula (1). We can continue this on using formula (2) to get: (1 + p^-1) + (3 - p^-2) = (4 + p^-3) = (p^3) (3 - p^-2) + (4 + p^-3) = (7 - p^-4) = (p^4) (4 + p^-2) + (7 - p^-3) = (11 + p^-5) = (p^5) (7 - p^-2) + (11 + p^-3) = (18 - p^-6) = (p^6) As you can see, the decimal component converges to zero, at an exponential rate. as lim x -> infinity p^-x = 0
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It sounds as if this problem is probably NP-hard, as it closely resembles the set cover problem. My understanding is that there are only very specific examples where set cover is easy to solve (something something something unimodular something something). A greedy algorithm will produce a result within a factor of (ln n) of the optimal result where n is the number of individual squares. I would love to be proven wrong however.
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I would be stupid to refuse an offer of collaboration on a run this length! I'm currently at Euphoric mushroom backyard. Do you have a github account? Because if you'd like, I'll upload it there so we could edit it together. PM me if you're interested.
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I've started a 100% TAS of this game as an improvement to J1h7e7's run (of which I cannot seem to find a movie file for). This run will probably not be for submission, but if anyone would like to see how I'm going, I have a WIP below. Link to video EDIT: working video
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Sorry to double post, but does anyone know what yoshi related glitches are and aren't allowed in a non ACE run? Also have there been any tricks that haven't been documented in the TAS resources section for this game? I'm thinking of making a 100% TAS of another SMW hack.
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Makes sense. However, for the benefit of all three people who decide to watch it, I'll probably just leave it as it is.
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I thought I'd try this "TASing" thing a go again, so I made a run of a SMW hack "This Hack Needs a Name". It feels pretty good to give it a go again, and give me an opportunity to to some shameless self plugging. It's a long run, and I figured it isn't really a submittable game (and in my hastiness figuring out lsnes, I've created the movie starting from dirty SRAM accidentally) so I've uploaded it to the user movies section. Link As far as the run goes It's a bit heavy on the "flying underneath the level" mechanic, and as it's not being submitted, there's no crazy yoshi shit either. So, if anyone feels the need to pass some time, here it is: Link to video
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This one is very simple, just multiply speed by 1.5, and if speed is higher than 48, cap speed to 48.
This was exactly the information I was looking for, given I don't have the ability to get an emulator running. Thanks for that.
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hmm, maybe I recall incorrectly, but I thought that was one of the reasons the 5:04 run saved time over the 5:28 run? During the DDD skip, they changed "modes". Lower starting speed meant less forward acceleration during takeoff (not in the air) allowing mario to BLJ more effectively. I wasn't referring to building up speed with long jumps, that's an entirely different kettle of fish. And yes, you can BLJ from either mode, but as soon as you start the second jump, you will already be in the slow mode. I seem to remember the slow mode having an exponential increase in speed forwards or backwards, whereas the other mode I thought had a constant acceleration with a max speed (48). You would need some code hacking to do a slow velocity jump at high velocity or vice versa. I'm just wondering if you have a formula or description of the change in velocity for Mario for long jump takeoff for the various speed brackets?
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Can I also just mention that there are actually two different types of long jump? You can see one with Mario's arms going forwards at low forwards speeds (or negative speeds), and you can see another one with his arms going backwards, at higher positive speeds, I remember the speed calculations per frame being different between these two configurations, especially during "takeoff", the first kind being more suited to acceleration, and the second more suited to maintaining a high speed. I would say it's likely (but without proof) that Mario would not be able to BLJ in this second LJ state (even if it were possible to go backwards in the state). Since the actual LJ is different forwards than backwards, maybe this is a possibility why you can't BLJ forwards?
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Something like "Nahoc, et al". Maybe put the author with the earliest alphabetical name first.
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I'm just holding out for a good lightbulb joke.
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creoathceann = "crustacean" Nach = "Nak" Scepheo = "C3P0" klmz = "kay elms" Kyrsimys = "Christmas" Mothrayas = "moth rays" Patashu = "potato" bahamete = " bar har mate" YoungJ1997lol = "young jit lol" Acmlm = "ack milm" p4wn3r = "pawn three arr" antd = "an tid"
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For N64 games, there's a reason that there is no lag counter. It's very poorly defined. For SM64, it's easy. SM64 runs at 30 FPS and should poll input every frame. However, some games run at 60 FPS and might not poll at every frame, so that formula wouldn't work. Other games poll at 20Hz so the formula becomes wrong again. Some games poll at 60Hz but don't use the input on most frames to do anything, or discard the input of every other frame. Other games have no set framerate like conker's bad fur day, and some other Rare games, which means the concept of lag is irrelevant.
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Holy shit.
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Spikestuff wrote:
andymac wrote:
I believe someone took you chin, and your mouth, and replaced it with a muffin. I suggest you call the police.
..... So that means I just ate myself.... WELP, better go to the Ambulance.
While you're at it, for completeness, call the fire service as well.
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I believe someone took you chin, and your mouth, and replaced it with a muffin. I suggest you call the police.
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What kind of blocks? If blocks still had the old clipping behavior, surely, you could wall clip through 2-P instead of having to destroy the blocks. If a pipe is next to a wall in a level with a slope, then we may be able to see some interesting clipping behavior. (try clipping into the pipe near the end of P-2, near the upward slope, or just after the last wall.)
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There is a place in Mario adventure where that happens, and it's in the movie. I think this should definitely be tested. However, I have a hunch that Mario will need his feet in the ceiling in order to get ejected upwards.
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Zowaix: yes, that's exactly what it means. You either get one or two less pixels to stand on. The terrain detection for all tiles in a level with slopes (not just the sloes themselves) are changed. I think I checked this at one point actually. I could be wrong though...
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