Posts for banshiryuu

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Joined: 8/24/2012
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FractalFusion wrote:
Ingredients: - 1 Shanoa - 10 cups Metroidvania - 1 cup vandalism - 8 cups boss destruction - 16 cups floor shuffling - 1 giant enemy crab - 1 cup switching - 2 cups superfast mode - 1 Dracula - 3 tbsp ドゥエ - 1 tbsp ホァイ Directions: Mix all the ingredients together using 57103 rerecords. Keep mixing until NKT. Let it sit until IGAAAAAAAAA. Result: Yet another awesome Castlevania TAS.
I find that adding a pinch ま゛か゛せ゛ろ゛ in there really enriches the flavor, although too much will have you saying [Oops][Here][Good work]. I don't post here often, but I really, really enjoyed this run. Great work, easy yes for publication.
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The glitch doesn't work if you try to perform it off of the current run. It freezes at floor -7, so I presume it's because the hovercraft isn't in its specific place. Plus, the un-hex-friendly nature of the game doesn't help much when talking about inserting parts of the current run...
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I am pretty much obsessed with video game music, let me get that out of the way first. Second off, for those who can manage to navigate a Japanese website, a large group of people from 2ch run polls for favorite video game music (the recent one, the 6th annual ranking ends on Saturday actually, and here's a link to the videos for the 5th) and put together a wiki over here, and I've personally been following it since the OP/ED rankings done at the beginning of this year. Definitely worth a look if you're really into this kind of stuff, you find a lot of new songs that you never would have found out about elsewhere. Anyway, as for my favorite songs I'll just copy/paste my vote for the recent poll (descending order, of course): Pursuit ~Cross-Examination - Gyakuten Saiban 2 (Phoenix Wright: JFA) Fly to the Leaden Sky - Battle Garegga Pursuit - Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Okhotsk ni Kiyu Gensokyo Millennium ~History of the Moon - Touhou Eiyashou ~Imperishable Night. Danger - Secret of Mana 02 - Kirby 64 Last Battle -T260G- - SaGa Frontier The Flame and the Arrow - Rudra no Hihou Clocktower's Beat - Haunted Castle battle on the plane of holy - Dragonseeds (so good it's being recommended twice in this thread :D) Decisive Battle - Final Fantasy V Boss Battle - Battle & Get! Pokemon Typing DS (when music in an educational game is better than that of the actual series...) Confidence in the domination - Valkyrie Profile [Senritsu] SHUDDER - Einhänder System - Sin and Punishment: Star Successor Running Hell - Cave Story 3D FAKE - Darius Gaiden Rainbow Road - Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Explorer ~Closed Town - Megami Tensei II (skip to 12:05) DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE - Nemesis 2 BOSS 6 - Night Striker (only first part is from the game, also see here) Pushing onwards - VVVVVV I'LL SAVE YOU ALL MY JUSTICE - The Scheme (Did I mention Yuzo Koshiro is a god? Well, he is.) MEGALOMANIA - Live A Live (Too bad Yoko Shimomura is an even bigger goddess) WE'RE THE ROBOTS - Mega Man 9 A few others: ChoroQ City "PARTY ROOM" - ChoroQ3 Ending - Vampire Killer Megalith -Agnus Dei- - Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies ZERO - Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War SILVER LINING - Eschatos (By the godly Yousuke Yasui) YO-KAI Disco - Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! (more from the god Yasui) Counter Strike - NEW Eijukugo Target 1900DS (Yousuke Yasui's most obscure work, probably. Did I mention it's Yasui? It's Yasui.) I literally could go on forever about my favorite tracks, but I fear I've gone overboard already ^^; Hope you guys find something new you like, whether it be here or elsewhere!
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Posts: 9
Ah, I guess that does explain why it would be stuck on the Overworld and not the Underworld. Well shoot, I was hoping there would be some sliver of hope for it, but at least we can do something with it even if it's not as early as we'd like.
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Sir VG wrote:
Untested: Kaipo. Notes state about some "sleeping area" but whether this refers to the house Rosa is at or the Inn I'm not sure yet.
It's the house Rosa's sleeping in, this area is actually one of the only ones I tested.
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According to the Japanese explanation page, it IS possible to increase the counter in the Underground Waterway (actually, a majority of the doors are Go doors both ways, apparently) and it says the Return door is in a "hidden room" or something. I didn't figure it out and actually haven't had much time to keep going through the game and checking each place like Sir VG is doing. The freezing at floor -3 is pretty bizarre, though, considering that the warp after Golbez that the video demonstrated shouldn't be possible then because the Lunar Whale events haven't happened at that point. It made sense at -2 early on, but at -3 it doesn't make sense to me.
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Floor -3? On the Japanese version, I'm getting stuck on Floor -2, not -3. Maybe there really is a difference on things you can do between the two?
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Sir VG wrote:
I tried Baron Town, but all it did was put me in the NW corner of Baron Town with no way of escape.
Mmm, same with Kaipo. It was only on floor -2 too, so since that floor's all triggers from the Ship, that means anything that might be possible is pushed all the way back to Mysidia. That is, of course, assuming floor -2 does the same thing for everything up until then. It might not because of differences in the map, etc., etc., but I have my doubts... Edit: Ah, just realized it wouldn't even matter because where you warp isn't at all affected by where the glitch is performed, so it looks like Mysidia is the first place anything interesting might happen...
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Hmmm... this 64 floors glitch has me thinking... would it be possible to get the same results of the Niconico video earlier in the game? Looking at one of the pages linked in the video translation ( it seems like there wouldn't be much hope for manipulating warps to other places because of how reliant floors like -7~-10 are on the Hovercraft/Black Chocobo positioning, but the Niconico video returns the Black Chocobo to the Chocobo Forest anyway, so is it possible it could be done as early as Antlion's Den since you have the Hovercraft? If not, maybe it would be possible to simply warp to somewhere closer in the game that would still skip a section of the run instead of all the way to the Falcon, where you could then wait until the Dwarf Castle to skip everything... Meh, it's simply a thought, and given the research that probably went into the video in the first place, if there was a faster way to skip everything they would have shown that instead. The link above gives a lot more information on the glitch, but seeing as I barely understood the table of what affects the negative floors there is no way I'm understanding the whole thing. Side note, but I find it amusing that all it takes is one big glitch in a game to come out to finally suck me into joining the forums... oh well :P