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Absolutely SPECTACULAR! I was beginning to wonder about the progress of this run... Clever things you had there! Only thing I can see improving is that pause the second time, if you know what I mean. 9/9.6
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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I believe that frame by frame code was some hidden developer test code that was activated using AR/Gameshark. The frame advance would have been used for debugging the game, but disabled for the final release. So all the cheat code does is activate this debug frame advance mode. Making a code that would add frame advance to a game that didn't have that feature at all (or had the feature completely cut out instead of simply disabled) would require a lot of insight to the game's programming. It would also likely be very long.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Frame skipping is only used to speed things up when you are playing a game in real-time. If your computer is slow, turning on frame skipping will skip the rendering of X number of frames per second, reducing the processing power required, but making the video look choppy. It all runs at the same speed, just with less frames rendered per emulated second. All game code is run normally, but some frames are just not given to the video card to display in order to save time. In a TAS, frame skipping is totally pointless since you are at least playing at a slow speed, if not frame-by-frame, and every frame of input is recorded and played back at full speed.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Yes, the problems that Ferret Warlord is talking about only happens in games that use CDAA audio (or, essentially, audio tracks that are the same format as an audio CD). Since PCSX uses the hardware to play the CD Audio music instead of digital ripping (dunno what ePSXe uses, but hopefully the latter...), that is why those problems occur. Many games seem to not use CDAA, but some do.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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FerretWarlord wrote:
Loading a save state in another level results in the previous level's music playing, and closing the emulator or going into the menus doesn't stop the music. The former I can understand, but the latter just baffles me.
Well, the emulator simply tells the CD player itself to play this type of music, so the music you hear is coming directly from the hardware. If you go into the advanced volume control of your computer, you can adjust the volume level of the CD Player since it is considered a completely separate audio input. Apparently PCSX doesn't keep track of where the music track is when creating a save state, so loading a save state causes the music to keep playing as if nothing happened. The second problem is obviously a bug in PCSX where it forgets to tell the CD player to stop playing the music.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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(Copied from the other thread, since that one was actually very old and should be closed. Delete this reply if the 2009 replies in the other thread are merged with this thread.) Hmm... apparently AngerFist forgot to post any of the discussion that went on between him and people on the Dolphin IRC today [Wednesday] or, at least, the link to the new TAS feature request on Google Code. So here's the link to the feature request that AngerFist wrote requesting TAS features for Dolphin (it's already been accepted too!): Some quotes from AngerFist in the TASVideos IRC (in chronological order; unnecessary dialog removed):
AngerFist wrote:
oh my god guys! I have huge news regarding dolphin :D they plan to implement frame advance and most importantly, RE-RECORDING!!! they are asking me tons of questions what shocked me was that 1 head developer immediately began asking what tas is and said oh right, that shouldnt be too difficult :D <nakee> AngerFist: wee I'm not sure that's possible <JPeterson> AngerFist: Well, okay, I think the frame stepping and input recording may be fairly easy to fix <nakee> AngerFist: not unless you do it in single core <nakee> we can't even make a perfect save state <nakee> which I think is elemetry for them sorry for the spam but that basically summons the entire discussion once they figure a way to make savestates bulletproof, it should be easier for them to add rerecording features. <nakee> AngerFist: if you open an issue about it, explaining exactly what need to be done in small steps there is a good chance people will write the code
Of course, who knows when these features will be implemented. As AngerFist noted, it may not be looked at much until the save state system is established and proven to be solid. Anyway, this feature request is currently ranked as low priority, but they may notice if a lot of people star the issue ticket :) Once again:
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Hmm... didn't notice how old this thread was. Perhaps all of the replies since 2009 should be merged into the new thread, since there really should only be one of these...
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Hmm... apparently AngerFist forgot to post any of the discussion that went on between him and people on the Dolphin IRC today or, at least, the link to the new TAS feature request on Google Code. So here's the link to the feature request that AngerFist wrote requesting TAS features for Dolphin (it's already been accepted too!): Some quotes from AngerFist in the TASVideos IRC (in chronological order; unnecessary dialog removed):
AngerFist wrote:
oh my god guys! I have huge news regarding dolphin :D they plan to implement frame advance and most importantly, RE-RECORDING!!! they are asking me tons of questions what shocked me was that 1 head developer immediately began asking what tas is and said oh right, that shouldnt be too difficult :D <nakee> AngerFist: wee I'm not sure that's possible <JPeterson> AngerFist: Well, okay, I think the frame stepping and input recording may be fairly easy to fix <nakee> AngerFist: not unless you do it in single core <nakee> we can't even make a perfect save state <nakee> which I think is elemetry for them sorry for the spam but that basically summons the entire discussion once they figure a way to make savestates bulletproof, it should be easier for them to add rerecording features. <nakee> AngerFist: if you open an issue about it, explaining exactly what need to be done in small steps there is a good chance people will write the code
Of course, who knows when these features will be implemented. As AngerFist noted, it may not be looked at much until the save state system is established and proven to be solid. Anyway, this feature request is currently ranked as low priority, but they may notice if a lot of people star the issue ticket :) Once again:
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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It would be nice if you could post your computer's specifications. i.e. processor (speed, cores, AND model), RAM (speed and amount), graphics card, etc.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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I seem to have a similar problem with e-mail notifications. For example, today I noticed that the PCSX thread had been updated in the IRC channel, but I had not received a notification for it. This problem seems to happen on and off (it's happened before), but it's happening right now because this has happened a few times in the past few days. I am still receiving some notifications, just not all of them. If this problem cannot be easily fixed, it would be nice for the forum to have a page that lists subscribed threads ranked by the most recent post, maybe even with that little orange unread icon. I'm sure this page would be easy to create if it doesn't exist already. I'm actually surprised that I can't find such a page anywhere on this forum.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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I think what I meant by compatibility was compatibility with games, not plug-ins or Vista (though Vista issues could have been part of the update...). Some games might have worked a bit better with 1.7, but if they did, I don't have any of those games...
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Quite an unexpected (and large) improvement! Voted 6/9.5. Definitely good for publication, unless you find something else. ;)
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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There is a "debriefing" screen after the credits. You just have to wait a minute or two before it appears automatically. I assume it would appear quicker if you pressed start, but obviously the input file should not be edited to include that. Make sure to include that in the new encode, ShinyDoofy (and if you already did, great!). EDIT: Ah, you did that already, good.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Someone could easily manipulate the save file to create a weird glitch (sort of like the resetting while saving errors found recently in this game, except with direct manipulation) and claim that it was saved in-game with cheats (which can't be recorded due to the cheats used). That's probably why.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Posts: 347 it does not. Use the original Japanese version. Please see Truncated's post above to see why the English translated version does not work. Keep in mind that the English version is a translation/hack made by fans of the game. Therefore, the English version is not official and not accepted at this site (Star Ocean was only released in Japan).
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
Post subject: Re: New emulator-based art form?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Or how about beating the final boss of Zelda 2, then having it drop you into, say, the final boss of Mario 3. A "final boss rush" across multiple games could be created, for example.
Sounds a whole lot like those special competitions that Nintendo put out back when the SNES was their top product where you would compete with others in several parts of random best-selling games using those special cartridges. Except, of course, this scripting thing would be one player instead of multi-player races against the game timer. Overall, this sounds like something I would like to check out if it ever becomes possible!
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Yeah, that is definitely easy to do... Just replace the current background image with the gradient image (which would just be 1px wide vertical line) and keep the CSS properties for it the same. Then add the logo to that anchor tag currently overlaying the logo, moving the inline CSS style for it around a bit. Yes, I am aware that this might have been obvious, but it clarifies the post above a bit. EDIT: not to mention that it cuts back on bandwidth by a bit to do it this way...
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Derakon wrote:
Couldn't the same effect be achieved with an absolutely-positioned GIF with a high z-index?
Animated GIFs are good for short animations, but if you go beyond some number of frames, say 100, then the CPU usage starts to climb... Unless you are using FireFox or Netscape (and perhaps Opera, since I've never used it), since for some reason those browsers have better animated GIF engines. So instead of improving the problem, you end up making it even worse for the most popular browsers. Oh, and to throw another browser out there, Chrome has absolutely no problem with Luigi. If it causes any increase in CPU power, it just looks like the random background CPU usage (10%-30%) I get on average while running this old computer. Yay for the V8 Javascript engine!
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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The unpatched version is in Japanese, some debug features are on, and there are several bugs. The patched version translates it to English, the debug features are turned off, and the bugs are fixed so the game becomes what it could have been if Nintendo hadn't canceled it's production.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Wow... some people must be upset today... What's with the bickering in these threads today? This argument is completely pointless anyway. The only real progress was to get Warp to specify exactly why he wanted the change, but that does not offset what else took place... Just stop the arguing and see what Bisqwit decides. You have no power to decide whether Warp's idea is horrible or not anyway, XKeeper, but asking for clarification without attacking would have been fine.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Hmm... the front page needs hanging indents for every line in there. It looks kinda awkward for a really long line to wrap around without a hanging indent since there is no space in between each entry.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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Randil wrote:
I like it. It will take me some time to get used to it, but overall I agree that it brings the style a few years forward. And I noticed that we got a new slogan with "When human skills are just not enough". Sounds good! I also noticed that there's a suscription page now. I'm not familiar with this feature, how does it work?
This feature, called an RSS feed, has actually been around for a while, but it's been kinda hidden. You will need an RSS reader to get the updates provided by this feed. Internet Explorer 7 includes a feed reader and there should be at least one Firefox extension as a RSS feed reader. If you use some kind of desktop gadgets, there is bound to be an RSS feeder gadget for that program. There are also standalone readers and Google Reader. Just search around and find the best application for your use.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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That torrent probably uses the tracker through port 6967 instead of 6969 Then again... currently both Super Mario Land 2 and the first Sonic CD (eng and jap) torrents are currently not authorized, and they come from the database (supposedly)... Maybe it's just a glitch, since those were authorized yesterday.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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FYI: here is the checksum information of the ROM that I patched. The first version I tried ended up with a corrupt ROM in one case and something that just didn't sync in the second case, so this may help:
CRC32: 1FB1CF76
MD5: DE70567495C962B15574ABF03A0785F4
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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