tasvideos isn't for submitting any TAS you can make, but only a TAS that beats all existing records for that category + cannot be easily improven (OR is an exceptional playaround)
THIS. With all due respect, and all good intentions you may come, you shouldn't submit this TAS like that. Even if you need feedback, you could just encode your TAS, post a link on SM64 topic and TASers will be pleased to feedback/give advices on your video.
No vote for me for same reasons above.
I'm pretty sure it's fieryblizzard (or volcano on his YT channel) who has WR on any% (and 100%) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly1_kR5AJ7k
I didn't vote from yet. Yes it's entertaining, but I don't get how can you be behind the RTA WR. Last input is far behind the RTA one, but the difference is not that obvious.
Timer starts (in tas) on the opening of a game so think of it as HappyLee's SMB the time says 04:57.31 in TAS time, with sda timing it would be ~04:54.xx
Hope that clarifies it for you.
Edit: Look at the ingame time 13:18 (RTA WR), 12:33 (TAS) just to let you know more where the timer actually starts.
Yeah that's what I thought when I said that the last input were far behind (in TAS).
I'm pretty sure it's fieryblizzard (or volcano on his YT channel) who has WR on any% (and 100%) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly1_kR5AJ7k
I didn't vote from yet. Yes it's entertaining, but I don't get how can you be behind the RTA WR. Last input is far behind the RTA one, but the difference is not that obvious.
Edit: you guys worked so hard on the entertainment part... it's insane.
I highly respect you guys, we need more devoted TASers like yourselves. Really great work!
I'm not sure it has already been posted so this may be helpfull for some of you : http://q-gears.sourceforge.net/gears.pdf
Tons of info, data values and precisely how display works. English is not my native language, it'll be more helpfull for you than me :)
Would it be that hard to find a good route? The RTA route would certainly need to be modified, but it wouldn't nearly be as complicated to do as MM 100%.
ZFG keeps working on his 100% route. I think it could be a good base to work on.
Merci pour ce retour, et oui effectivement l'évènement n'a pas été relayé autant qu'on l'aurait souhaité, toujours est-il que les français étaient au rendez-vous ! Entre 1000 et 3800 personnes 24h/7j c'est assez impressionnant de prime abord.
Je pense que les futures éditions seront plus relayés, c'est ce que nous attendons tous ! ;)
Definetly my choice too.
It was an intensive and insane TAS, great job to all authors of this run (MKDasher, Nahoc, sonicpacker, Bauru, Eru, Goronem, Jesus, Kyman, Mokkori, Moltov, Nothing693, pasta, SilentSlayers, Snark, ToT), you all deserved it !
I'm pretty sure that you know this guy but I prefer mention him cause he used to play SMB alot : http://fr.twitch.tv/breakdown777
I'm pretty sure he is 106% WR holder and make some decent any% too.
The best way to progress is train and see what best player do.
But great job anyway ! ;)
Aucun souci de notre côté, on fait comme vous nous demandez, on précise juste qu'on est disponibles et intéressés ^^
La seule qu'on aimerait vraiment, ça serait d'avoir Usul sur Kid Chameleon :p
Mais il n'est pas traumatisé par ce jeu depuis son "spoil"? ^^
A croire que regarder et commenter les autres s'arracher les cheveux sur ce jeu est plus reposant. Quoiqu'en fait ils ne s'arracheront même pas les cheveux vu qu'ils torchent le jeu en 28mn all boss ou 1m50 avec un warp des ténèbres !
Merci pour ta réponse Rayas nous avons pris en compte vos demandes. Cependant une question demeure concernant vos propositions. Sur certains run, il risque d'y avoir trop de monde ou des encombrements si on ajoute les "duos" de Nesblog, j'entends par là est-ce qu'ajouter une personne et non le binôme (RM/CdV ou RM/Rayas) vous dérangerait outre mesure?
Celà pourrait simplifier l'organisation de certains run. Merci d'avance de ta réponse.
Comme beaucoup d'entre vous le savent déjà, l'AGDQ 2013 débute dans très peu de temps et beaucoup de francophones vont le suivre assidûment.
Par ailleurs communauté française se mobilisait de manière appuyé lors des précédentes éditions, de part leurs dons, leur soutien et les commentaires qu'il proposaient.
Cette année, cette même communauté passe à la vitesse supérieure, ayant eu l'accord du principal organisateur de l'évènement Mike Uyama, qui nous autorise à commenter via un stream annexe l'intégralité du marathon en live (et donc en français).
Il reste encore quelques jeux qui n'ont pas trouvé de commentateurs attitré. Si vous vous sentez l'âme d'un Christian Jean-Pierre, que vous connaissez un tant soit peu le jeu, vous pouvez contacter les personnes en charge de l'évènement français pour tentez votre chance ! Sinon, nous vous donnons rendez-vous sur le stream français d'ici peu pour profiter de l'AGDQ en français, commenté par des passionnés du jeu-vidéo et des speedruns en général.
Voici le lien pour le commentaire français et les informations utiles : http://agdq2013.xavierdang.com/
A bientôt ! ;)
Un des paradoxe les plus impressionnant en regardant une vidéo de TAS commenté, c'est le décalage entre la rapidité d'exécution du personnage comparé à la longueur d'explication et de vulgarisation dudit trick. Nul doute qu'en 1h20 d'explication tu n'a pas du expliquer 20% de tout ce que tu aurais voulu.
Merci pour cet effort de vulgarisation, et quelle belle run !
Ça m'étonnait que l'équipe de 88mph n'ai pas montré le bout de leur nez et rayas apparait ! ^^
RealMyop (et CoeurDeVandale) ont commenté bon nombre de TAS, je suis certain qu'ils pourraient t'aider aussi ! ;)
I've missed some reactions here.
First of all, great job to Swordless Link. It's just amazing to see the evolution of runs year after year. Like SM64 they are my favorites games, and see how fast it is possible to beat the game is pretty insane.
Slowking wrote:
Uh those were the 88 Mph guys?
Didn't even know that they did the MM TAS.
At one point they wanted to make english subtitles for all their episodes. I guess they dropped that.
I think we should really make more commentarys here. But it somehow never happens.
wekhter wrote:
Maybe you need to brush up on your French. :V
That would be hard, since I don't speak it at all... which I said.
It was a guess. Would have been funny if I was right. I wasn't, so it's not. You win some, you lose some. :D
As you may guess, i'm french too (and i cannot write correctly in english, my bad). The "notoriety" of those guys is getting bigger and bigger every week since they podcast for one of the biggest videogames french website. I follow them from the beginning, and they linked me to this (your) community. I really like the fact that they really try to explain precisely how TAS can be done, which tools do you use and how can we figure the challenge that may cost. And btw, they don't just comment your run, they also present during festival some lectures, to discuss about video games and connexions with our society.
All is to say that there is a french community, who follow and speak about TAS, personified by those guys, who try to raise the knowledge of this kind of play. It should be great if french and english community could gather (the idea of english subtitles in 88mph videos has already been thought but never concretly been done).
I'll be very happy to help if needed.
Keep up and great work ! ;)
I've just seen the speedrun by CosmoWright (2:36:54), and your run is as impressive.
I can't imagine how many hours of work this run costs you. Very very nice tas !
N64 tas run of the year !!