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Funny quotations, eh? I love to take a quote and then add ellipses to change what the person meant. Quotes out of context are the best kind. Brackets are common, too. My history book uses brackets to explain, insert, and replace words in quotations. I find it vexing [annoying] when... [words] are omitted or [changed]. Anyway, here's an example of a good quote gone bad:
Rridgway wrote:
Has anyone heard any... bush jokes?
And now, I have asked my good friend Anonymous for a few insights:
Somebody wrote:
* Duct Tape is like the force: it has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
* Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
* Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
* People usually get what's coming to them, unless its been mailed.
* If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?
* If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
* Eschew obfuscation.
* Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.
* According to my calculations, the problem doesn't exist.
You could always try the "Bad jokes and other deleted nonsense" sections of Wikipedia for a chuckle or two.
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Time to live up to my name...
Rocman X thread--
I think that means that this topic should be continued there rather than here. So quit posting in this thread.
Anyway, just make a really quick basic runthrough of the game (or just a few levels) so we can get an idea of what this game is about. At the same time, you can start making simple maps of the levels to begin route planning (I'm talking pencil-and-paper sketches here, unless you can find maps online somewhere). I made a brief run of a game once--with 50% speed and savestates I made decent (and horridly unoptimized) progress. I figured it was a start.
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I think this compilation should only include published movies--If it's a submission that's good enough to be published, it will be published eventually. If it's a workbench or WIP, it will be updated soon anyway, and may eventually reach published status (or, if it doesn't get published, it would not have been worth archiving anyway).
Therefore, only the MovieNumber is necessary.
Naturally, maintenance will include replacing obsoleted movies with new ones.
For nomenclature, I'm thinking:
(separated with hyphens)
SpecialCategory would be 120Stars, 2playerwarps, etc. if there are multiples of the same game. If there's only one movie for the game, nothing needs to be put here.
Kirby's Adventure (U) (PRG 0)-36.45.50-M701-JXQ.fcm
Gryzor (J)-pacifist-09.46.38-M756-adelikat.fcm
By the way, this sounds like a fair task. I appreciate your effort.
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..First impression, a bit less interesting than Corneria, but I think that's only because it's a space level--no ground to roll on. Still, lots of dodging throughout :)
..Two birds with one stone (~f11500, again at ~f13700)
..You swing right-to-left-to-right through the beams (~f12600). I think you could have squeezed back through to the left one more time.
..Though the beam (~f14100)
..You really like to bomb stuff (~f13900). Did you need to use a bomb around frame 14700 (three guys on a beam)? And ~f15800 (four ships in a vertical row)?
..You are so mean to Falco! (~f15000) :3
..It looks like the boss spins just barely after it becomes vulnerable (and gets bombed), but I doubt long enough for Fox's lasers to kill it--he would have to wait for it to spin around again otherwise. A bomb in the second phase might have helped a bit--it looks like future speed improvements (if anybody challenges this game again) will be made through bomb management.
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Well, the "TAS methods" I used were save-states/rerecord and slowdown (50% speed, with a hint of 25%). Here's your (incomplete) TAS! I hope this is boring enough for you.
If you REALLY want me to, I'll continue this WIP, and maybe worry a bit more about style the second time through. I'm still not convinced that this game will be worth watching, however.
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Vatchern wrote:
we should celebrate by having a Forum starcraft tournament.
1st post: dude1
Ok! Game starts in 5...4...3...2...1...
(20 minutes later)
2nd post: dude1
HA! You haven't even done anything yet, newb! I just sent 20 carriers into your base *PWNED*
(a couple hours later)
3rd post: guy2
Yeah, well, in those twenty minutes I built like a bajillion corsairs, so myeh!
That's what I would expect a Forum Starcraft Tournament to look like.
btw, my StarCraft (and WarCraft3) name is ChiefOluk. I only play the "custom maps" cause I'm no good at real battles ^-^;
Anyway, StarCraft 2 will inevitably be released at some point in time, but until I read a quote directly from an official Blizzard spokesperson in the line of, "StarCraft 2 (insert cool sequel name here) is currently in development," I'm going to assume that there is NO Starcraft 2 in development. Sorry folks, you're only deluding yourselves!
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Itstoearly wrote:
#6 is definately not from the NES version of maniac mansion (there was no skeleton).
yeah, I know, but getting sent to the dungeon... and the door has locks on it. I'm sure that if the aliens had shackles, this scene would be in Maniac Mansion.
and #7, might that be from Actraiser?
Well, since we seem to be posting our guesses, here's what I've thought of!
3= SuperMarioWorld2-Yoshi'sIsland (not sure what level)
5= TLoZ-OoT (the drawbridge at night)
6= Not Maniac Mansion
7= Fire Emblem (one of them....)
8= SuperSmashBros.Melee (Fountain of Dreams stage)
9= Actraiser (the "Cherub Powers" bar)
11= SuperMarioBros. ("Minus World")
13= BattleToads (Clinger Wingers, I think it's called)
19= MegaMan 2
A lot of them seem familiar though... gah! Can't think of the name!
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Warning! Details of the WIP will follow:
The Camera flies though one of your wingmen right after you launch ^^
Nice roll-on-the-ground-without-hurting-your-wings manuever.
I see you managed to fly under the door to get the twinblasters without taking damage. (~frame 3500) Are you going to hexedit that into the Level3 run?
Could you have flown a little closer to the crawler guy (~f4000)
You flew THROUGH those gray blocks... O_O (~f4500)
You bomb the guy chasing Slippy (~f5000). Why, exactly? Was nice though, unexpected.
One of the blue pillars fell the wrong way (~f6000)
A little slow on the last enemies (~f7000). Going for a, "Oh Noes! It's Starfox! Run Away!" effect? Maybe let them shoot at you first...
Minus one or two things, this run is great so far!
Number 6 makes me think of Maniac Mansion, whenever you get caught.
I think I know 9 of them. Which is about how many I got right on that first quiz.
Itstoearly wrote:
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I can definitely see a Level 2 run, but I'm not so sure about Level 1. Level 2 would be more of this same thing; I expect it will be just as good as the Level 3 run but still different enough.
Level 1 I just don't think will be interesting enough. A lot of the levels are basically the same--Corneria(1) is basically the same as on Level 2, Asteroid(1)=Asteroid(3), SpaceArmada is like a toned-down SectorZ, VenomAtmosphere(1)=VA(3), VenomGround(1)=VG(3), Andross... besides the fact that Level 1=EasyMode. If you really want to complete the set, I guess you can do it--obliterating the bosses would be fun.
A BlackHole run would not work well because it either cuts into the Level 2 or 3 runs, or it cuts out part of the Level 1 run. (Though maybe a short Level 1 would be less boring? Nah, I'd like to see every stage instead.)
I don't like the idea of doing a "Secret Ending" run either. The level itself is long, empty, and the only enemies are paper airplanes. And really, the ending is there to entertain the player--it's more fun for ME to shoot the staff credits than to watch YOU shoot the staff credits. That, and it never ends.
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My thoughts:
Lobby glitch -- If it means you have to get a coin, don't do it. This run is coinless. I can imagine the movie description, "Gets no coins except one because he does a cool glitch."
mrz vs. mr_roberts_z -- How about mrz vs. mr_rz? Or you could just use their respective full names.
Rainbow stars -- Lets not worry about it until we get there.
Test run -- I think this was more of a "Are these stars really possible? What about other ones?" run, and also get a vague idea of how long the stars will take. Keyword:Test.
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Here's a thought: Memory values. Find the locations for horiz/vert position, watch them as you walk around in a dark room, and when they stop moving that means you've hit a wall. Follow the wall and measure how many pixels long it is.
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Perhaps 70-star was originally meant to be a "Perfect Speedrun" under "normal" circumstances. That is, if the original speedrunners had perfected their routes and techniques, this would be the result. However, 70-Stars has been obsoleted by the 16-star technique. So a 70-Star run would be mostly nostalgic of the days when SMB64 records were measured with hours.
As for my opinion of how the run should be made, I would get 70 stars as fast as possible* and then run up the infinite staircase normally, just to emphasize getting 70 Stars. Preferably not take BLJ-warps anywhere: they seem too frame-perfect. And if you BLJ, why not at the end?
Personally I am not particularly keen on seeing this movie when similar movies (120star, 16star) have already been made.
HOWEVER... working on the game is bound to reveal new glitches/techniques, so perhaps you should work on it....
*" fast as possible..."
Without glitches would be more nostalgic; more like the programmers intended. But how many glitches wouldn't be allowed? If one, why not another? But if all glitches are allowed, it would remove a lot of the nostalgia (Nintendo hadn't imagined the BackwardLongJumpWarp).
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Starting with Terran(campaign1) is probably a good idea. The missions are simple, fairly quick, and will let you get used to the ordinary game. AND it's the first campaign, so you can go through in 'chronological' order =). Or any order, if you choose.
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I hope that when you guys use such fine decimal places you also take into account the exact hour and minute you were born.
(Edit: Hum, I was looking at the end of page 9 when I posted. Didn't notice Page 10. Comment still applies.)
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I like so many charaters, I've decided to make a list!
Heros, etc. (people you can be)
Final Fantasy's: Black Mage (I), Kain (IV) (he can jump like a mile into the air!)
Secret of Mana: Flammie (don't you want your own pet mana dragon?)
SMB: Luigi (I've always been a fan of player 2; it's hard to play as p2 when you play alone)
Villains, NPCs, etc. (people you can't be)
Zelda 2: "I am Error."
Maybe I'll think of more later.
(I think companies are skipping out on the coolness of the bad guys. I can think of far more good guys than bad guys)
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Well, according to the results posted from this test, everybody is above average. Yay!
As for me, I did the first page, got bored, and quit. Does that mean I get a zero from Attention Deficit Disorder or something?
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Dang, looking through those lists, seeing how many of them I own... and I thought they were actually decent! I sure was wrong ('cause whatever anyone else says HAS to be true).
Hydlide is one I gave a good review for (I looked back at it, realized I gave it far too many points, 7/10). Think: "Training RPG". All you do is train. Then you go get an item. Then you go train some more. And I think it's impossible to win at a low level--the dragon (and the final boss after it) hurt you when you just stand next to them. So a TAS would be much longer than 10 minutes due to training. Fortunately, this game has a "High Speed" setting (yay!).
I never got anywhere in Rambo. I always hated the one-way paths. Its enough to wander aimlessly in a maze, but when paths dissappear I get totally lost. (Can't try every path if you can't see them!) I never played long enough to find out what happens when your timer runs out. I imagine you lose.
I got maybe 1/8th of the way through Drakkhen. Drakkhen 2 ("Dragon View") is a much more interesting game, and quite different. Anyway, I really liked walking around the world in first-person. Better sound might have improved this game.
As for "worst games ever" you can include almost every game based on a movie or television show; so for our list we should only include those games that are particularly terrible.
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Various resolutions (browser window is full-screen):
The idea was reasonably organized(Topic for Games across from Topic for Emulator), but on smaller resolutions it's a bit too cramped. Wait a few years when no one uses less than 1280x1024, then try it again (I currently use 1024x768).
Just a thought: Put Off topic, Sites, Workbench, Published Movies, and Gruefood all under General (the category, not the topic). Might as well try it since the current design is considered unattractive anyway. It will throw off the balance of the page, though...
And why are Gruefood and Workbench under Finished Movies?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
September 24th! May 24th! December 21st! November 4th! January 21st! January 28th! January 11th! April 14th! September 7th! May 7th! October 28th! December 9th! July 18th! March 14th! March 23rd! February 29th! February 27th! June 15th! May 14th! March 6th! June 5th! August 8th! November 18th! September 25th! January 19th! April 5th! November 16th! June 17th! April 22nd! December 15th! July 9th! November 30th! April 24th! November 17th! February 25th! August 5th! March 21st! October 26th! March 2nd! April 20th! February 9th! July 29th! January 15th! August 29th! December 20th! August 12th! March 4th! October 27th! January 1st! March 17th! January 12th! June 30th! July 19th! November 15th! August 13th! December 7th! October 23rd! August 25th! May 29th! December 13th! February 23rd! April 16th! October 29th! February 19th! February 6th! March 12th! July 2nd! September 3rd! August 26th! August 24th! October 5th! August 28th! April 21st! October 25th! August 21st! January 24th! July 22nd! May 30th! March 15th! March 22nd! January 26th! November 29th! May 27th! July 26th! August 17th! February 12th! April 23rd! April 25th! February 4th! April 3rd! June 18th! November 19th! June 20th! August 15th! July 10th! November 5th! June 27th! April 8th! November 23rd! March 16th! July 15th! August 16th! May 9th! March 19th! September 28th! December 5th! October 7th! February 16th! May 13th! September 15th! December 27th! June 23rd! October 18th! February 17th! May 12th! August 23rd! July 25th! September 5th! January 22nd! July 8th! August 10th! July 7th! January 17th! November 2nd! October 4th! February 3rd! May 28th! May 21st! April 6th! November 27th! April 19th! July 23rd! July 16th! April 1st! August 6th! June 12th! January 7th! November 6th! May 10th! March 1st! March 28th! January 10th! June 4th! September 16th! November 14th! July 6th! March 27th! October 17th! September 1st! April 28th! January 25th! May 23rd! October 8th! February 2nd! April 11th! February 14th! May 6th! August 20th! January 18th! September 30th! June 11th! February 24th! May 3rd! February 21st! October 14th! April 12th! October 2nd! July 12th! September 11th! September 23rd! December 31st! September 13th! August 27th! October 10th! December 19th! December 28th! July 27th! February 5th! May 5th! December 1st! April 10th! September 22nd! December 23rd! November 13th! November 26th! April 9th! March 26th! March 25th! September 21st! June 21st! June 3rd! June 16th! May 20th! October 16th! October 11th! November 11th! September 14th! February 26th! August 3rd! October 6th! March 8th! June 19th! February 7th! July 5th! April 15th! August 18th! June 28th! May 18th! October 30th! March 11th! May 1st! November 20th! August 11th! June 13th! November 7th! October 1st! December 14th! June 26th! October 24th! March 9th! June 1st! July 14th! May 19th! October 20th! December 11th! June 14th! August 31st! May 25th! February 18th! October 12th! May 2nd! June 25th! February 28th! September 9th! December 4th! February 1st! February 10th! October 19th! January 6th! July 20th! November 8th! January 29th! July 28th! October 3rd! April 18th! January 30th! May 11th! April 13th! May 15th! August 19th! July 3rd! October 31st! November 9th! November 10th! May 22nd! September 2nd! July 30th! December 12th! December 16th! March 31st! January 4th! April 29th! November 3rd! September 27th! August 14th! January 16th! August 7th! November 22nd! June 8th! January 3rd! March 10th! March 24th! April 27th! January 9th! April 30th! April 2nd! December 24th! May 31st! December 22nd! August 9th! August 4th! October 13th! January 8th! March 29th! October 9th! June 10th! August 2nd! December 26th! February 8th! April 7th! February 22nd! September 29th! October 21st! January 13th! July 4th! June 9th! December 29th! January 2nd! February 13th! April 4th! March 30th! April 26th! November 12th! August 1st! September 17th! January 23rd! February 15th! May 26th! September 8th! June 24th! December 25th! December 3rd! February 20th! June 22nd! September 6th! January 31st! April 17th! September 18th! November 25th! September 19th! September 10th! August 30th! October 15th! November 21st! March 3rd! March 20th! September 4th! September 20th! August 22nd! December 6th! June 2nd! November 28th! January 20th! July 17th! July 1st! January 5th! October 22nd! July 11th! January 27th! December 10th! May 16th! June 29th! July 13th! February 11th! September 26th! March 7th! December 30th! March 13th! November 1st! May 8th! January 14th! July 24th! March 18th! December 18th! March 5th! June 7th! September 12th! May 4th! December 8th! May 17th! December 2nd! June 6th! July 31st! November 24th! December 17th!
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I believe we have some size issues here. AoL Link is at least twice as tall as LoZ, 4Swords, ALttP, LA, and OoS/A Links (by pixels. I'm guessing AoL Link is 32 pixels tall, LoZ/ALttP/4S are 16, Gameboy Links are probably like 8. Then again, AoL Link is really small on the overworld...). CD-i Link would be AoL's most decent match, but is kinda worthless. Then again, CD-i Link is so funny maybe everyone will die laughing.
The 3d style Links are definitely giants in the world. Or maybe they just change size all the time. (I can get bigger just by walking towards the camera!) The other Links would doubtless be stupified by the number of images used to show their many sides (the simpler style Links would have no comprehension of camera angles and 3d rendering)
If Link's Awakening Link could bring along Bow-Wow, no matter how small he is, he'd win.