Posts for creaothceann

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Strongfoxx wrote:
andrew207 wrote:
here's a shitty encode Youtube is still processing it, so you prob won't be able to watch for an hour or so. update: ready to watch Link to video
Thank you for the encode
Video is private...
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Well, you can always manually treat these sections with TASBlend and the rest with ng_deblink...
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SaxxonPike wrote:
The movie hasn't been available long enough to watch the whole thing yet it's already getting votes :P
People have watched the WIPs ;)
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Tried on hardware?
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ETA to publication available?
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The video's first frame is a key frame (i.e. it contains the full picture) and with most codecs the following frames contain only the changes to the current picture on screen. When you open the video file in a player (e.g. MPCH, MPlayer, VLC, ...), it will play back the file without problems. You can seek forward (jump to a later point in the timeline than the current position) and the player will try to apply all the picture changes up to that selected point as fast as possible. But if you want to seek backwards (jump to a previous point in the timeline), the player has to start at frame 0 again and apply all the changes from there. So jumping from 1h00min30sec to 1h01min00sec is no problem, but jumping to 1h00min00sec will take a long time because one hour of video data has to be played back to reach that point. That's why normal video files need keyframes (full pictures) in regular intervals. If you use the video dump only for transcoding or for uploading to YT then you don't need keyframes. Btw. I forgot something when I made the above post: Note that some codecs always store keyframes for every frame (which is one reason why they produce so large files). I think Camstudio is one of them, ZMBV isn't, and Lagarith has the ability to use "null frames" when a frame has no changes from the previous one. So in case of Camstudio that option wouldn't make a difference.
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Both. But you should never need to use key frames if you never seek backwards in the video dump.
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Instead of * you could also use a Unix newline character - editors like Notepad++ understand them.
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Warepire wrote:
We are aware of the hex-unfriendlyness, the issue is that recording full keyboard, full mouse, full gamepads etc for each frame gives you a movie that is several kilobytes per frame. We decided this had to happen, a custom editor may have to be written.
A format that records only the changes ought to be much smaller. You could even use a text-based format (that encodes binary data in hex or e.g. base64 if no bin2txt converter is available).
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There are plenty games, especially RPGs that encourages you to complete something but in reality there's no chance to.
Like choosing the bucket on your first playthrough and discovering a new ending...
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The Lazarus framework (based on FreePascal, similar to Delphi with Object Pascal) is another possibility. The only drawback is that documentation is somewhat sparse, but you can use Delphi documentation/tutorials/example code with a bit of modification. (And if you want to use tabs in your code you're in for a world of pain.)
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It doesn't support WMV. But nobody should, anyway. :)
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synnchan wrote:
Out of those 6 options, which one should I choose (that gives the best quality) for dumping on 720p?
These are container formats. Quality depends on their characteristics and settings.
  • AVI - Can store video of almost any codec (Camstudio etc.) and audio in certain formats (afaik variable-bitrate MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III) is not supported).
  • JMD - ?
  • WAV - Audio only.
  • FFmpeg - This is a software package that you need to configure - think Handbrake.
  • NUT - ?
  • GIF - 256-color image files.
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Just install MKVToolnix and use its MKVMerge GUI. It "muxes" the data streams from one container (AVI) to another container (MKV) without changing them. The programs you listed probably tried to re-encode the video data... which of course produced wildly different results because each has different default settings.
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How long is that movie? EDIT: Oh wait, you said 01:25:00.
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I use - recording: CamStudio / ZMBV / Lagarith (in that order) - editing: Avisynth - subtitles: Aegisub - encoding video: VirtualDubMod+x264vfw / x264 - encoding audio: Lame MP3 (others might be better but the size gain is negligible imo) directly or from VirtualDubMod (via the ACM codec version) - muxing to MKV: mkvmerge GUI
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It'll create one file.
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Just try both options with a speed-uncapped emulator (no vsync etc.) and compare the speed. (The level only applies to GZIP, afaik.) Size-wise there's probably not going to be a world of difference between them, so dumping a movie should simply be as fast as possible. The data transfer limit of the drive (HDD or SDD) you'll be writing the encode onto won't be maxed out unless you select "raw dumping" (no compression), so I simply go for the option that's easier on the CPU. In this case that's LZO.
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synnchan wrote:
I'm kinda giving up on this built in AVI thing... it's too much pain for me and not worth it.
Don't. It's really easy once you've done it a few times. 1. install Lagarith 2. start psxjin and load the game 3. select "File | Record AVI" 4. enter file name and record Route 1: 5. download, extract and start VirtualDub 6. load the AVI file 7. select "Audio | Other from other file..." and select the WAV file 8. edit 9. encode Route 2: 5. install Avisynth 6. open Notepad or AvsPmod and write a script like this:
v = AVISource("filename.avi")
a = WAVSource("filename.wav")
AudioDub(v, a)
7. edit script to your liking 8. encode with an encoder program, e.g. VirtualDub To encode, it's easiest to get the x264vfw codec and the Lame MP3 ACM codec. You can then select both in VirtualDub as video/audio encoders (set "full processing mode" first).
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ZMBV, Lagarith, the Camstudio codec
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the_randomizer wrote:
The other matter of concern is the CPU resources and the CPU intensity of either emulator. I don't want to overheat and kill the CPU during the TAS, as I get paranoid that the bsnes-based SNES core will be extremely grueling on it if that makes any sense.
Look at the emulator's CPU usage in Task Manager (or better yet, Process Explorer). The bsnes core will always use only 1 CPU core at a time (it's a single-threaded program), so it'll never cause more than 100/(number of CPU cores) percent CPU load. If you're still worried, use SpeedFan to monitor your PC temperatures (and maybe even control the fans). If you're still worried because you see abnormally high temperatures, improve airflow or try to change the thermal paste. Btw. BizHawk uses the "compatibility" core version of bsnes, so it's not as intensive as it could be. ;)
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FractalFusion wrote:
Try There may be other (better) ones out there, but that's the one I use.