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This was beyond amazing!
Post subject: Re: Worrying trends in speedrunning techniques
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Warp wrote:
Perhaps the most extreme and obnoxious example I have seen was a Minecraft speedrun where the runner alt-tabbed to Windows, started the task manager and killed the game from there, and then restarted the game. That's most definitely not gameplay. I most certainly do not consider that a valid completion of the game. You could just as well launch a hex-editor and modify the savefile; not much of a difference.
You could kill the game process by force powering off your computer. In this way, this is no different than pressing the reset button on your console. Do you consider console speedruns that abuse resetting the console as extreme?
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You're the captain! Yes :)
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This is insane! Loving these laps :D
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Warp wrote:
Did Rainbow Dash need to become even more badass that she already was? After all, as we can see from the episode, without her original rainboom, Equestria would be completely destroyed.
It's more of a team effort. Her original rainboom is the reason the girls meet each other, and it seems only them are able to save Equestria. But, she did become really badass on all these alternative presents.
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A VPN, with your computer configured to forward all your traffic to the VPN connection solves your problem perfectly. As for something simpler to configure, you can open a SOCKS v5 tunnel using SSH. Both the OpenSSH client (-D) and Putty (Dynamic tunnel) supports this.
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Is there any news regarding the updated 0-star? It's been a while.
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Hâthor wrote:
[...] While awaiting that, here's the 2nd cycle only: Link to video There are lots of improvement that can be done (Deku Game day 1 for exemple, few frames on Sakon's Hideout, ...) but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway :) PS: If you have any idea to fix my sync problem, it'll be welcome! :)
Just a friendly reminder that you have a mismatched closing tag for the video, breaking the link and hiding the rest of the post. :)
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Considering the lack of actual HTTPS content, I tried to figure out why I was redirected to this page, and it's a mix of me accessing my RSS agregator via HTTPS, and the TASVideos RSS feed with an odd link. If you check the source for (in my case it was and check any description that has links, the a tag appears as this:
<a href="//">Mega Man X Tricks</a>
It's pointing to "//", which Firefox seems to complete to the currently used protocol, that in my case happened to be HTTPS.
Post subject: HTTPS support
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(MOD EDIT: Posts from various topics have been merged together, to make information easier to find. -Mothrayas) When trying to open an HTTPS page on tasvideos, my Firefox (Dev Edition, so roughly v43) is giving a sec_error_cert_signature_algorithm_disabled error on the certificate. Checking the certificate itself, it uses 'sha512WithRSAEncryption' so there's a possibility it's a Firefox issue, but I'll err on the caution side. (Oh, and the certificate is valid until 'Oct 12 22:09:51 2015 GMT'. That's tomorrow.)
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diggidoyo wrote:
Sure is calm around here. Maybe a little too calm. Calm before a storm, perhaps? >:D
That's not ominous. Not even a little.
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More hype! Really loved the chain of guesses from a covetous monster, to a pet to your mounted ki-rin.
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Dwood15 wrote:
Edit: Well I've decided what I'm going to do. I'm going to implement the NEAT library from sharpNEAT in C# so lua doesn't do that heavy lifting, and make a createNetworks(<params>), evaluateNetworks(<netInputs>) which returns the output neuron states. It would also allow us/me to focus on the fitness function and the inputs/outputs in lua.
Zeromus understood what I meant by my last post, but considering what you just wrote I'll try to explain it again. In my suggested workflow, you write your whole logic in lua. That's convenient, because BizHawk already supports this, and expanding the exported functions, if you happen to need more, wont be disruptive to the rest of the emulator. Now for the core functions of your project that will do the heavy lifting, those 'createNetworks' and 'evaluateNetworks', we can do the following: * Create a C/C++ file that defines this function:
Language: c

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int luaopen_NEAT(lua_State *L);
* Compile such file to a NEAT.dll * Place the DLL next the the BizHawk.exe * Add the following to your lua script:
Language: lua

local NEAT = require("NEAT") local myNetwork = NEAT.createNetworks(params)
All that is left is implementing the createNetworks and evaluateNetworks, and deciding how it will pass variables around. If your params and return values are simple strings/numbers it's perfect. Simple tables are OK as well, as long as you just fetch values immediately. If there's callbacks, things get nasty. Especially if there's multi-threading. For information on how to implement the C wrapper functions: Manual Lua Reference Example of how the luaopen_NEAT could be written:
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If all you want is to be able to write a DLL in C++, you can use Lua's C bindings, then load the DLL directly from Lua via a require.
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Super Mario 64, the 3D puzzle game! That was amazing :)
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I never knew hew, but I observed her progress from being completely unexperienced to being a very active Dolphin developer. Goodbye Rachel, we will certainly miss you.
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Mario had way too much fun with these mushrooms in the Bowser fight.
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This continues to impress me. What a novel way to steal from the shop! :)
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Personally, I prefer Doctors Without Borders to PCF because it's a more international organization. On the other hand, you should only go if you actually personally want to go. Don't feel forced to go. For what to show if you do go, 'Speed TASing' feels weak to me.
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Voicing my thanks for posting all these videos. They're all awesome.
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Anty-Lemon wrote:
Either way, it's a great compromise, and I look forward to seeing 60fps encodes (other than Yoshi's Island) on tvc :D (Once Firefox updates... grumble grumble)
With a combination of 'media.mediasource.enabled' set to true, and optionally setting 'media.mediasource.ignore_codecs' to true and using a nightly build, you can have 60 fps with firefox too :)
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All these mobile platforms have officially supported emulators, usually used by developers so they don't have to always test using a device. Windows Phone in particular can even emulate accelerometer and multitouch with something similar to a TAS Input :) Obviously none of then have tas tools or are open source (maybe the android one is), but it's not really impossible to run these using hourglass? Additionally, a plausible way to run android games on a PC is to use virtual box (or similar) with the x86 android os.
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Firefox 28 on Android 4.4: All Success
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Yes for cheating death and saving the animals.
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