Oh man I want a nifty Genesis TAS thinger! If I knew how these kinds of things worked, I'd offer ~250 games and every flavor of the console to try them on. :(
Samsara, your player is failing. Since you're using Windows, get the latest CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack). I normally wouldn't advocate a codec pack, but the CCCP is actually really up-to-date and good. Use the MPC-HC (Media Player Classic - Home Cinema) that comes with it. It's configured to work properly with the latest h264 technology (such as YUV 4:4:4, which my encode uses), among other things.
The newest VLC (1.1.11) is another valid option.
As someone who's never played the game I can't say the tas looks too impressive. Sometimes things look like they want to kill you, but there's obviously something I'm not getting here.
Unless they had access to earlier WIPs, the three people who already voted on this after only 2 hours didn't have the chance to watch it.
Funny you should ask since he posted video of the first two discs almost a week before the submitting the whole thing. After that there's less than 3 hours of the run left so it's entirely possible that those three people watched the entire run.
For example, Genesis will never work (without modifying the console) because the polling is done internally. Each wire is linked to a button, (identical to the Atari and the SMS).
None of my carts worked because they came from SDA and refused to be TASed. Sorry guys...
In all seriousness, I'm kinda sad none of them worked. Out of all the games I posted on the previous page, which ones would be most likely to work or is it some kind of crap-shoot? Add Battletoads and Ninja Gaiden to that list.
How many times would a movie be tested before it is "invalid"?
As far as I'm concerned, you can't. You can only fail to prove that it works. The limiting factor of course is time and how much you want to bash your head into the wall that is a particular run. The reasons some of them don't work are already known and others may become apparent when the videos are uploaded. The suspense is killing me! Can't wait for the DK run...
I don't want to claim that I'm someone important over there and I wouldn't say there's a lot of anti-sda sentiment. That was a poor choice of words , but
Maybe it's just a desire to see the fallout/things they'll demand, maybe it's to shut up their general headstronginess
this isn't the first time I've seen this come up since the nesbot debuted. I'm not trying to start a sda vs tas fight especially since there's so much overlap and collaboration between the two, but it's business as usual over on our front. If anything people are excited to see if glitch X really works on console or if it's emulator only. Except maybe for andrewg who has/had runs on 4 out of the 5 games proven to work.
That "verified no cheating" blurb in the SDA logo has always struck me as slightly indefensible for the consoles with accurate TAS-capable emulators.
as far as this goes, it's possible that we might miss some stuff on more obscure games, but it's highly unlikely that the most contested runs would be able to dupe verifiers if some random guy shows up with perfect luck and execution. Maybe if you submit a crappy TAS with bad luck or some screwups, but why would you do that? That will show us? The verified no cheating thing is the same to me as "This movie is a tool-assisted run played on an emulator." It's just a shorter way of saying "This speedrun underwent peer review and to the best of our ability has been determined that it was played in realtime on the original unmodifed hardware (or official emulator such as Wii Virtual Console) with a standard controller.
As far as carts that I own and will be eventually loaning to micro500, I've got:
Blaster Master
Castlevania 2
Castlevania 3 (tas uses J rom so will this sync?)
Cobra Triangle
Contra (tas uses J rom)
Donkey Kong
Donkey King Jr
Dragon Warrior
Goonies 2
Kid Icarus
LoZ 1 (not needed)
LoZ 2 (not needed)
Lunar Pool (tas use J rom)
Megaman 1-6 (mm1-3 use J rom)
Rush'n Attack
SMB (not needed)
Super C
Wizards & Warriors 2 Ironsword
I've been looking to expand my nes collection, so any suggestions? :D
Hi how's it going? SDA member here. We're so scared!!! So scared I offered to help out with this console verification thing. Granted, I would be more afraid if I were andrewg, but I don't have any nes runs so yay!
If you think there's never been a case where someone tried to submit a TAS to us as a console run, you would be sadly mistaken my friend. I'm not sure why some of you are so anti-SDA. :(
I especially like your Stratford boardwalk stroll video on youtube. If you actually live near here and are looking for other games to test, I might have some you could borrow or whatever.