Posts for default_player

Joined: 8/6/2018
Posts: 1
Greetings, I hope a Judge can clarify this for me I plan to start working on a "All Campaigns" TAS for Rollcage Stage II for the PSX I reviewed all the submission & movie rules, and everything seems to be in order for me to begin the project. but I'm unsure about one problem In the game menu in the single player option there is a selection of various game modes: - TYPE I Campaign - TYPE II Campaign (Initially hidden until TYPE I is beaten) - MASTERS Campaign (Initially hidden until TYPE II is beaten) - Arcade - Time Attack - Training - Scramble - All Tracks The Campaigns are just a series of races (which also unlock content as you finish each Campaign, similar to career mode is most other games) In the TAS I plan to only complete the 3 Campaigns (ignoring the other game modes, since they're not important) The problem emerges with one of the movie rules. The movie rules say that TAS's must end with a End Game/Credits Screen However in Rollcage the Credit screen appears each time after beating a Campaign. (after a few frames the credits can be skipped with a button input) So in a "All Campaigns" TAS the same credit screen would appear 3 times during the movie for each beaten Campaign. As mentioned before the first 2 credit screens could be skipped with a button input while allowing the 3rd and final Credit Screen at the end of the Movie to run unskipped. Would this be acceptable?