Posts for dn

Post subject: RNG in Mega Man X
Joined: 9/26/2011
Posts: 1
I'm not sure if this post belongs here or in the snes9x/Megaman X thread, but given the simpllicity of my questions, I figured it was better here. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with RNG in Mega Man X's opening level. I know Vile's RNG is manipulable by sliding off the cars leading up to him, but is there any way to manipulate the bee bombers? Also curious if anybody's released an enemy drop script to go with the current (rather robust) LUA script. I'm a console speedrunner of the game, and have become interested in TASing it, but the opening stage seems impossible with the RNG, short of restarting the whole stage over and over. I'm also curious about when the bosses and minibosses call the RNG for their next attack, especially Bosspider, who seems to make his first call sometime before you even go in his door.