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I cannot access Genisto's site with either IE or Firefox. Anyone else having any problems?
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Ouzo wrote:
Yeah, I don't condone incivility and insults, but editing every post that isn't pleasant is a little extreme.
I'm not a humorless robot seeking out and erasing people's words. I just have a thing against people who lace their arguments with snide insults, one of the reasons I hate the GameFAQs boards. In fairness, I'm not sure Cazlab was trying to be insulting, but I decided to err on the side of tolerance.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Yeah Only the games that everybody knows matter
I think Boco's point is that the games everyone knows about and "every game in the series" are two very different things. Basically, julianch was using hyperbole even if he/she didn't know it. On a side note, everyone needs to drop the insults. Now. I can't imagine why anyone is angry about this discussion but apparently a nerve has been touched. I've had to edit two posts already and I can lock this topic if I have to.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Nah, Boco's going to spoil our fun by listing every pointless Japanese game that didn't get exported.
In fairness, that's Boco's point. Using emulation, I'm sure it's possible to have played every Mega Man/Rockman game out there, but Boco is wagering that julianch hasn't. I suppose that fact isn't terribly relavant to julianch's opinion of X8, but everyone's entitled to their own thing, right?
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The egg sandwich was hard to beat before time expired but I can't even hit that bagel. What gives?
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I played this game back in the day. Pretty fun. I even experiemented with time attacking it. Sadly, it proved to be very dull.
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OK, I had this crazy thought: Has anyone tried throwing fireballs at Bowser? VIPer7 has shown that Mario can easily fly over Bowser's head, and he has a fire flower on standby. Theoretically, Mario could fly up, switch to the fire flower, and then hit Bowser up a few times before falling to the ground. Or has someone already explored this?
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alexpenev wrote:
Use Snes9x v6, with default checkboxes.
Can you explain this better? Which one is v6? Which boxes are checked? I tried three different versions but it desyched during the Dhalsim fight everytime. While you're at it, exactly which ROM are you using?
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Unchecking everything worked. Unfortunately I cannot endorse this movie. DeHackEd summed it up best.
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Desyncs for me. I don't think I have v1.43 non-WIP. Why did you use an old version?
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samurai goroh wrote:
My best PR on Nanaco Crash is a little over 20,000 m. I got 2 of those "Stoping girl" Specials in a row, followed by 3 Aerial Crashs... (I also got above 450 m of Height with that & didn't hitted the guy that changes the angle...) As for the Picross game, I could only solve the 1st 5 & the last one, but couldn't finish the other ones... I'm not to good, but I'll try to beat each puzzle
OK, I'm really getting into these, but how did you finish the first one? I keep encountering a contradiction, which means there's something I'm not seeing.
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Someone made a 100% kill movie of Metal Slug using Final Burn Alpha. Try searching for it.
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Why did he go into subspace in 1-2? I didn't understand that. Otherwise, paint me amazed.
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samurai goroh wrote:
I found a forum that has some topics that explains more or less each power you can get, the link is:
Yeah, I was able to combo two SPECIALS and scored a 3000+ flight.
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Dan_ wrote:
I think that there are already plenty of shmup videos published; I see no need for any more.
Maybe I can't see so good, but I didn't see any videos on that page. Anyway, a problem with trying to time attack a 194X game is that it is autoscrolling. That means you'll have to try to manufacture entertainment as the plane slowly putters through the sky. That won't be easy. As I recall, 1943 has no speed power-ups, just weapons.
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The 1-2-3 Kid became X-Pac. He got some heat during the Degeneration X period, but eventually no one liked him. They tried milking that and pushing him as a heel (occasionally teaming with Justin Credible of ECW fame) but eventually they just let him go. The funny part of the story? X-Pac eventually hooked up with Chyna/Joanie Lauer. And I mean hooked up, not "wrestled with." They made a sex video which is currently circulating the Internet. Fair Warning: I will murder anyone who posts links to their sexcapades. I saw one still image and it was horrible.
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The Crash (Clash?) Bomb thing does a lot of damage but I've never seen it kill. Given the speed of the current video, I can't see how it could be an improvement. Similarly, the Atomic Flame charges very slowly and you can't be hit or you'll release the blast. The only handy use I ever had for that weapon was destroying Wily's shield, but using the Metal Blade is faster anyway.
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
Where's AxeMan? I thought that little HHH fanboy would be here by now...=P
HHH is one of big reasons I gave up on WWE. Ever since he started dating Stephanie (in real life, not the angle on TV), his subsequent omnipresence on TV drove me nuts. And don't get me started on the Katie Vick idea *throws up in mouth*
Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
feitclub: Ah yes, AKI's whole series of N64 wrestling games was awesome indeed. No Mercy may still be my favorite wrestling game of all time... And I missed out on ECW at the time, though now I've watched some of their stuff. Really goes to show how much of the so-called "WWF Attitude" was blatantly stolen from these guys...
It's so frustrating to know that AKI made this fantastic engine/control system for wrestling games but the only way it manifests itself now is in those cheesy Def Jam games. As far as WWF stealing from ECW, they took everything but the intimacy between the performers and the crowd. ECW was all about small venues. I saw a show and I had front row seats. The best I ever got in WWF was on the floor of MSG twenty rows back.
Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
Are there any good places to download stuff besides [expurgated]? I'm rather new to all this, so any help would be appreciated.
*puts on Moderator hat* By "stuff," you mean material that it otherwise unavailable to you commerically, right? Because you would never download copyrighted material owned by Vince McMahon, of course. EDIT: Edited my post to remove the word I quoted from Josh the FunkDOC.
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samurai goroh wrote:
Here's a very nice flash game that my brother found: nanaca-crash BTW, my current record is 8449.67m
Yeah, I've been playing that one for a few days now. Do you understand the SPECIAL box? I don't get it at all.
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I am old enough to remember the 80's explosion, and my friends and I loved every minute of it. Of course, being kids, we couldn't order any pay-per-view matches, but everything we saw we ate up. At some point (late 80's/early 90's I suppose) I simply got tired of it all. Flash forward to 1997. My friends and wanted a new 4 player game for our N64, as we were starting to tire of GoldenEye. We found WCW vs NWO: World Tour and were hooked. Our interest in the game led to us watching WCW on TV. This happened to be smack dab in the middle of the "Monday Night Wars" where WCW and WWF (now WWE) were viciously competing for every viewer and ratings were higher than ever. After we all grew interested in WCW, we slowly migrated over to WWF which had fascinating personalities like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. Eventually we stopped watching WCW all together, as did everyone else apparently. We also got really into ECW, a low-budget promotion that operated primarily in the Northeast US. Sadly, they folded but most of the their stars ended up in WWF. Am I still into wrestling? Not really. Around 2002/2003 I just got tired of it again.
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I hate to be "that guy," but is this still in the pipe? And do any of your tricks still work in Rockman 2?
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It seems the program that calculates the scores is broken. Observe.
OKCupid! wrote:
You scored 0% Beginner, 0% Intermediate, 0% Advanced, and 72% Expert!
However, when I checked my answers on the first twenty questions I got every one of them right. Yet I somehow scored "higher than 99%" compared to other users? This test is apparently worthless. EDIT: Fixed my coding
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*sigh* I wish poor Rock didn't have to take so many hits this time around. The level order confuses me...why do Bubble before Flash? Couldn't the Time Stopper or Item-3 have been useful in Bubbleman's lair? He doesn't use the Bubble Lead to defeat Flash Man or anything. I noticed he fired the Air Shooter off screen during the Clashman rematch. Was that to lure Clashman over in his direction? Whatever, it's not like I'm going to say NO.
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An amusing exercise, sure, but for a slower movie without the 99 1-UPs I must vote NO.
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Where is this info coming from? Are you deciphering comments on their BBS or is he in contact with you via e-mail? Or is it something else? And do you mean last level, as in the cave, or just somwhere in Wily's Castle?
Do Not Talk About Feitclub