Posts for feitclub

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How about a (American) celebrity sex-feud? Sarah Silverman cheats on Jimmy Kimmel in music video form. Jimmy responds with a star-studded video of his own.
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Bisqwit wrote:
feitclub wrote:
Let's avoid using "gay" as a synonym for "lame," OK?
Wherein, I suppose, "lame" doesn't mean crippled, i.e. handicapped, i.e. disabled? [1]
Touché, sir. I should have said "retarded."
theenglishman wrote:
Just started playing SotN (I know, BLASPHEMY it took me so long to play the damn game) and I disagree with everything in this review. It's a great game so far, and I'm sure I'll love it even more when I play it further.
You will, because the stronger Alucard gets the more enjoyable it is to fight the monsters in the castle. The only downside is that after a while, you'll find you're so strong that the game becomes less of a challenge. That's another the review is completely off-base, suggesting they couldn't have played the game for more than an hour or so. Oh, but this is video topic. Here, enjoy Fat Man with Little Gun
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Let's avoid using "gay" as a synonym for "lame," OK? There's nothing particularly "gay" about Lawrence Welk. Here's something which was probably intended to be gay (or at least bi): Sex Over the Phone by The Village People. End result: pretty funny.
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Post subject: Down Time?
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OK, I have been unable to access (or for that matter) for weeks, and suddenly I could visit the site today. I assumed the site had been down, but the forum activity proves otherwise. Anyone have a theory why? Keep in mind I am accessing the site from Japan, but not from a work computer (i.e. through a filter of any kind).
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I believe "Enix" is the name of the company that created the Dragon Quest/Warrior series, which is now owned by SquareEnix.
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As mentioned elsewhere on this board, I played Ultima IV for years without ever reaching the end. I don't know if that means it's great or simply impossibly long, but there it is. Other RPGs I enjoyed were the first three Dragon Quest (aka Dragon Warrior) games, which I played as part of their re-release on Game Boy. The only FF games I ever played are the first, VII, and Mystic Quest. Of those three, VII was definitely the best, although the simplicity of MQ offers a surprisingly high replay value.
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I find both the original and the inspired new game to be ridiculously difficult. The new game looks great, but I can't deal with a game that kills my character that many times AND adds gory insult to that injury. At least the 2-ch version just "pops" like Rockman. It looks cool, and I like the music (what little I heard).
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Does it have to be obscure/unknown/overlooked titles? All the books I've read in recent years have been very mainstream (i.e. World War Z, J-Pod, Chuck Palahniuk's Survivor) and I would whole-heartedly recommend them.
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Boco wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Creepy Children's cartoon:
I have very vague memories of watching that as a child. It's something about Mark Twain wanting to become immortal, or he accidentally became immortal and wanted to die, or something, I don't know, and he wants to merge with a comet. It never made any sense but then again I saw it when I was like 4 or 5.
This item was discussed a few months ago in The Onion A/V Club. Here's a link (long page, but it's the first item):
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stickyman05 wrote:
no disney for me... my favorite that i created is captain jean luc picard (star trek: the next generation... nerdy, yes, but patrick stewart is a god ^_^) too. He's awesome and he's super-easy to create (bald head with grey temples is 75% of the work). I'd love to make a Shatner/Kirk Mii but I can't get one to look right.
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stickyman05 wrote:
I have registered everyone, but still (as of yet) have no one in the parade. the only reason i can think of is if you guys havent let the miis you created mingle... yet, if feitclub has not had any of my miis in his parade (all the ones i create have mingle on) then i dont know what the fuck is wrong @_@ unless someone sees another thing that needs enabling (connect 24, mingle, travel, and mii friend codes are all i know) then there is probably a hidden feature no one knows of XD
At this point I have started seeing some new Miis in the Parade, so no worries about your minglers. Unfortunately, the parade doesn't tell you where the Miis come from, so I can only guess who created which Miis I see now (anybody out there make a "W. Disney" Mii?) As best as I can tell, the Mii Parade takes time to populate so once you have a couple registered friends, if you wait a while (days?) you'll see some faces pop up in the Parade.
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superjupi wrote:
The Mii Parade is for your friends' Miis who have traveling enabled. If you yourself have traveling enabled, then your Mii(s) will show up on your friends' Mii Parade, along with any other friends they may have with travelling Miis. So, if nobody shows up on your Mii Parade, that just means your friends don't have traveling enabled yet.
As a follow up, I'm pretty sure WiiContect24 must me turned on and I'm sure that only Miis from mutual friends (that is, people you have registered as friends who have also registered you as a friend) will show up in the Mii Parade. So even though I've been registering the friend codes in this topic, they have yet to register me so my Mii Parade is pretty barren.
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Thanks, this was a game that my friends and I could play all night and never get tired. So what's next, Perfect Dark? PS: I second/third/fourteenth the motion that you complete the extra two levels. Should be a lot of fun fighting Baron Samedi.
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Growing up with the Neo Geo, I was enthralled by its kick-ass music. The original Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury 2 and at least half of the King of Fighters games have great soundtracks, with Geese Howard's theme being a personal favorite.
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Ha, it only took one response to point out that my original premise was flawed. This topic is now for any & all "friend codes" that our board members want to share with others. I will make the appropriate edits.
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One game I would love to see TAS-ed is Ikari Warriors, possibly with a pacifist strategy, but given how slow the players move I think that would not make for a very good movie. So I suspect this will never happen. As far as my signature goes, well, the first rule is I'm not supposed to talk about it. And the second rule is I'm not supposed to talk about it!
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Post subject: Online Gaming User Info SUPERTOPIC
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latest update: April 5 2009 This topic is dedicated to collecting online gaming info from all forum members looking to interact with one another. Post your info below in this topic and I will see to it that it is collected in this primary post. Feel free to add other games or online networks, and I'll add them to the list as well. Please note that with most Nintendo products, such as the Wii console, both parties must register each other independently in order to be recognized as "friends." There is no "request" system, only an acknowledgment that you have mutually registered one another after the fact. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin friend codes 219208 470570 samurai goroh Mario Kart Wii friend codes 1203 9925 5096 Blublu 3609 1636 3021 Dan_ 5455 9824 7666 Schnretzl Playstation Network usernames. Forum nickname in parentheses if different feitclub (Raiscan)* Pokemon Battle Revolution friend codes 1375 4264 2395 Gigafrost Pokemon Diamond / Pearl friend codes 4854 3071 5852 Gigafrost Steam usernames. Forum nickname in parentheses if different feitclub PayOnDeath (Schnretzl) (Raiscan)* Spore Chamale LordStrachan (Rridgway) PayOnDeath (Schnretzl) Super Smash Brothers Brawl friend codes 2019 9712 6138 Blublu 5284 1847 0266 feitclub 2835 9923 4533 FODA 1461 8376 4876 Raiscan 3909 7169 7392 Schnretzl 1504 5801 2299 theenglishman Wii console friend codes 1830 2446 2644 8347 Blublu 1998 4403 7756 9153 feitclub 8136 2968 3789 3867 Gigafrost 1128 7375 5161 7705 Raiscan 5711 0444 6792 8586 samurai goroh 7147 4935 9576 6295 Schnretzl 8422 2154 9510 2175 stickyman05 XBox Live gamertags. Forum nickname in parentheses if different AK Motion (VirtualAlex) feitclub (GuyBrush)* (Raiscan)* Rick Cressen (Rick) superjupi *The user has requested you "work it out."
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nfq wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Officially speaking, christians are not that rare in the country where nfq comes from.
according to this, sweden has most atheists:
Just glancing at that list tells me that it has little real value. Questions regarding God and Atheism are very complicated and rarely work on a "yes/no" or percentage basis. Adding cultural and language barriers to the survey makes things even worse. Just look at Japan: those results imply that there are more than 80 million people here who are "nonbelievers." But Japanese culture is so intertwined with Buddhist, Shinto and Confucian customs it's impossible to separate them. I'm sure there were a large number of people who, when asked, claimed they didn't believe in God (or Gods). Yet I'll bet most of those people still clap their hands and bow their heads whenever they go to a shrine or temple. And children are raised to clasp their hands (in a gesture that certainly resembles prayer) and give respect to some unseen element before and after every meal.
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stickyman05 wrote:
feitclub wrote:
What's good that's out there now? I have a decent PC laptop which lacks high powered 3D graphics, a Nintendo DS and a Wii.
Resident Evil 4. I have only played the GCN version, but hear pretty good reviews about the Wii installment. IIRC, it is only 30 bucks, so not too much money down the drain if you don't like it.
Funny you should mention that, I've seen vids of the Wii version on YouTube and they look super cool. I played a little bit of the GCN version too when my friends had it. I suppose it's not, strictly speaking, an FPS, but that might not be an issue.
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Bag of Magic Phil Walker Boco
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I enjoyed the early FPS games (Wolfenstein 3D blew my mind when I was in high school and then Doom positively stunned me) but something about them gradually turned me off. I think it may have been the escalating gore levels in games like Unreal Tournament. It's one thing to shoot a rocket at a zombie in Doom and see a 2D "splat" but the 3D characters being maimed in UT freaked me out after a while. The N64 had two great FPS games in Goldeneye and Perfect Dark but I can't remember any others that left such a vivid impression on me. What's good that's out there now? I have a decent PC laptop which lacks high powered 3D graphics, a Nintendo DS and a Wii.
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After reading an extended Monty Python sketch in the cheese thread and reading the latest comments in this thread, I'm suddenly reminded of the old Argument Clinic sketch.
Monty Python's Flying Circus wrote:
M: An argument isn't just contradiction. A: It can be. M: No it can't. An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. A: No it isn't.
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Cheddar can be used in more ways but taste-wise, I think Brie might be my favorite cheese.
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erokky wrote:
Here's what I think. "Do you believe in god?" is a loaded question, because it asserts the existence of a god regardless of the answer.
I agree, erokky, although notice that the question raised in this topic is not nearly as loaded. Personally, I've never been much interested in the answer to this question. When I was a kid, I rejected this "omnipotent being" concept pretty early on. However, I freely admit that all of my observations are based purely on the world I am able to see, so it is entirely possible that there a God (or Gods) exist somewhere beyond my limited vision. However, I take no comfort in that, nor would I be disappointed if there were no such thing. One thing I don't believe for a second is that any God/Gods that might be out there are concerned with the day-to-day activities of us folks here on Earth. It seems wildly improbable at best and woefully foolish at worst. So I cringe when I hear people use God to defend/condemn anything, especially in matters of morality, public health, and family.
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Wow, and it wasn't even that long ago. Shame on me.
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