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The key config shouldn't matter. Famtasia records the inputs (Up, Left, A) not the keystrokes (D,F,G). Are you sure you have the right ROM file? Japanese, American, and European versions can be different, and even different versions of those three can exist.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Not to burst anyone's bubble, but I was an NES fanatic and I never heard of Renegade until the video appeared in the Workbench forum. So I don't know how "popular" it could have been.
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morg wrote:
Or how 'bout GunSmoke?
Big problem with Gun.Smoke (don't forget the period); it's auto scrolling. Takes a lot of "oomph" out of a time attack. Not that a no-hit, excellent marksman video wouldn't be cool.
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Bisqwit wrote:
The copies of MM2 bosses in MM3 are not very exact copies. They don't act exactly the same, and their dynamics are a little different. Airman is not the only boss that is more difficult in MM3 than was in MM2.
I understand. "Flashman" was kicking my ass because he's so tall. My point is that I felt his fight against "Airman" wasn't fun to watch because he ran right into a tornado. It's just as easy to jump a little bit and shoot over them, especially since the new "Airman" is taller.
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I like the new board idea. This way multiple users can post feedback and players can take that advice to heart.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I'm inclined to agree. Looks fun to play, but even at double-speed I got bored watching.
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I agree that the jump cheat should not be used. I suppose you could argue that the rapid-pause cheat in MM1 is no better, but at least that trick only led to quicker boss battles. Some other things I didn't like: -Falling into a pit on Shadowman's level but using the jump cheat to survive. Kinda funny but seems lazy. Certainly not any faster than doing the jumps right. -Getting hit by Shadowman. Isn't it possible to use the Top Spin weapon without getting hit? Likewise in the "Heatman" battle. -Using Rush Marine on Geminiman's stage. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think running, sliding, and jumping would be faster. It certainly would look much cooler. -Takes a few needless hits on the second trip through Sparkman's stage -The fight against "Airman" was not cool. Morimoto did it without getting hit and used the regular gun. Likewise, takes a lazy hit from "Crashman" and on the final boss. As a whole, everything needs to be tighter. Morimoto's MM2 run had over 17,000 re-records. This run only has about 4000 for a much longer game. Some of the fights were really cool though, the Mega-clones and "Woodman" in particular. Thanks for posting this. I like this WIP board idea.
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Thank you! Now I can finally see the fabled Chris Houlihan room...
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Does anyone know how to play the movies in ZSNES? Do I have to rename the movies to match the names of the ROMs? Because there is no option to "look" for movie files, just play, record, and stop.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Many people have been requesting for a Rockman / Megaman movie that doesn't use the pause trick to kill the robot masters quickly. I am uncertain if this trick is acceptable or not. Nevertheless, I like the movie in question.
I agree. The Rockman/Megaman movies are incredible as is. Without that glitch, fighting Wily's Rock-Monster would take forever. However, if someone makes an fmv, you could post it as an alternative. Just don't take down those movie clips, they're awesome.
Bisqwit wrote:
I did eventually publish it. Anyone can now observe and judge if the game can be played as fast with less shooting or not.
I just watched it. I can see where you're coming from. There are lots of times where he's just running and shooting at nothing. But I wouldn't disqualify anyone for an itchy trigger finger.
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Thanks for the word about Mailinator, I'll try that sometime. Of course, I can't help but wonder how long it will take before sites no longer accept Mailinator addresses. Personally, I maintain a few Yahoo addresses that only serve to screen out SPAM.
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River City Ransom in 8 minutes!?! Wow. I can't wait for that one. Kid Icarus sounds fun too. I tried playing a little bit of that recently and I couldn't even pass the first stage. I kept falling.
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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I just wanted to say that I submitted a run on the Japanese version, but it was a little longer than my US run and Bisqwit felt it was too similar. Anyway, I've taken his words to heart and I'm trying to improve my time. Hopefully this new run will replace my US version, as I think everyone will really like this because the Japanese version is more difficult and I'm taking more risks. If anyone wants to see my first Japanese run, I can send you the fmv.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
Post subject: Other re-recording emulators?
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Does anyone know of any other re-recording emulators besides Famtasia? Especially ones for other systems? I'd like to try my hand at other classic games and give 'em what fer!
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Post subject: Re: Bionic Commando
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feitclub wrote:
I may need to refine it, but I hope to move onto playing the Japanese version which is harder.
Well, I made a run-through of the Japanese version. Definitely harder. Takes a little longer, although I'm sure I can do better. On the plus side, I didn't take any damage in this run, not even on that last guy during the escape, who always seemed to grab me in the US version!
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Lezard wrote:
I sometimes download the avi's, but i meant downloading them to watch them in a week, you know, some people don't have much time.
That's why I prefer to watch fmvs. I can speed them up to save time.
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Post subject: Re: Bionic Commando
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Smirre wrote:
feitclub wrote:
the Japanese version which is harder.
Never knew that,, how is it harder?
I haven't played through it yet, but I know there are many more enemy soldiers to fight.
I'm waiting for your Bionic Commando timeattack :)
Suddenly I feel nervous! I hope people like it!
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
Post subject: Bionic Commando
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Hi! First time poster here, just wanted to let everyone know I submitted a Bionic Commando run. Famtasia timed it at 00:17:49 / 64125 Frames. This was always one of my favorite games as a kid. I really enjoyed replaying it, although recording and re-recording can be a bit trying. I may need to refine it, but I hope to move onto playing the Japanese version which is harder.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub