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Here in the US there is essentially ONE giant chain of retail stores that sell video games, although their names vary slightly from their pre-merger days. However, all of these names are teh suck.
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I don't know what surprised the most about this run:
  • Every boss dies after what looks like one hit.
  • Your character ends up lost in time and marrying a small primate (probably changing the face of evolution forever).
  • The ending features music from Castlevania.
I think we should have saved this run a little longer and published it on April Fool's Day.
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Thank you for sharing with us LordKat. And thank you, Baxter, for pointing out where this kind of playthrough belongs. I don't have the power to merge topics, though.
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Highness wrote: Feel free to translate it and provide me with the rules. :D
The big caption across the top of the video reads "Large force! The surprising weakness of the super-giant octopus." The infobox and graphics explain that there is a bundle of nerves between the octopus' eyes, so if you bite or strike it in that spot, it will weaken. As for why that guy gets in the tank with it, I think it was an experiment to see if the tip worked. As you can see, it didn't exactly release him but it went pretty limp when he bites it. But they do makes jokes about it looking like kissing.
Highness wrote:
Japanese people are weird.
Eh, no weirder than any other culture with lots of television airtime to fill.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Oh, forgot to mention this. A small, stupid exploration game.
Any hint as to the usefulness of the other buttons? Or are they just a ruse?
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Post subject: Re: Mario Bros ― net game
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Bisqwit wrote:
Reminds me, here's one of my javascript game projects. I intended this to become a net game, but I have been slacking off for about two years now. Doesn't seem like it's going to be finished. There's no real reason though, why it couldn't be.
So there's no enemies in there yet? I ran around jumping for a while until I realized the pipes were already clean. By the way, this thread is begging for some Furious George.
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Thank you for the suggestion DeHackEd, but I don't suppose there is a less programming-intensive option? If you recall my troubles from last summer, I am quite unskilled in the art of command-line computer usage.
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If I could borrow this thread for a sec... I took a movie with my digital camera and I recorded it with the camera aimed vertically rather than horizontally. Now the AVI file is turned on its side. Does anyone know how I can rotate the movie file? All I have for editing is Windows Movie Maker and their option resizes the image to fit in a standard 320x240, squashing the movie.
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I have no faith in the video-game-based-movie genre. The adaptation process is unkind, as evidenced by every other attempt made thus far. Those pictures range from god-awful to mediocre-at-best, with the possible exception of the Street Fighter II anime. I can't say the process is fatally flawed, so maybe they can surprise us all someday, but they haven't gotten one right yet.
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Boco: 「ググれ」?ホンマに? Speedman, we are happy to discuss topics like programming and technology, but please consider looking at freely available resources before asking such questions.
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Or this website.
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I don't have a password problem, I have a language problem. What does SSBM have to do with mountains?
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Are you using a metaphor that I am unfamiliar with? I see no mountains.
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I would recommend Final Fight and Warriors of Fate, essentially a bigger version of Final Fight set in China (in the past). The old SEGA Spiderman 2D is fun too, but I think that might be on a specific SEGA emulator (not MAME if I recall).
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If a thread like this is going to exist, any and all posts should, nay, must include a reasonable description of what you're linking to.
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Hard to believe after all these runs that anyone could present a new route with new surprises. The Ridley fight suffers a bit because it takes longer, but so be it. I was positively STUNNED when you skipped the giant baby metroid attack. I was wondering why you weren't taking any hits to expedite the draining process and then you went and SPARK'D. Awesome.
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Maybe just "VideoAgent" would be simpler?
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Post subject: Re: Trying to get along with FireFox...
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zefiris wrote:
But there's another thing that really bugs me. I always browse with disabled graphics, and if I want to see some picture, i Right-click on it and choose "show picture". IE just displayed that picture where it should be, but FF opened that picture as a new link, and I have to press "back" to return to page. It's absolutely not acceptable, but I did not find any option to make it show piture inside the site, not as a new page. Does anybody know how to do it?
I know what you mean, that is an odd function. So far as I know there is no way to accomplish that. Why do you browse with graphics disabled? Do you have a slow connection?
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Much of the "movie" was indistinguishable from emulation errors, so I have no idea what was and wasn't supposed to be there. Did anyone else have garbled text during the exposition/poetry?
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Level -2 is the same as 2-2, isn't it?
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I would say that while the original movie is the best of the series, my "favorite" is still IV. I can't help but watch it every time it comes on TV, which it seems to do every weekend. And yes, the power ballads kick ass. I have seen the last movie and I enjoyed it very much. However, the serious drama makes it less "fun" than IV, although I think it was a classy way to put the whole thing to an end.
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Aha! Odd things are afoot at TASVideos!
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Baxter wrote:
The media players suggested at the codec problem FAQ should work.
I tried several of those. I am a regular downloader of these movies and this is the first one in recent memory to give me any trouble.
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I found the absence of sound effects kinda creepy.
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So I'm the only person having trouble watching this video? That makes me feel lonely...
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