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Great work! Now, re-calculate without my pushing-30 ass because I certainly throw all the numbers out of wack.
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Someone really should try and figure out the average age on the forum. There's a decent sample size here by now.
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This seems like a great time to mention the so-called Birthday Paradox. Of course, with more than 1500 users I don't think it's such a surprising idea.
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Nov 18...and this year is a big one...
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Yup, all clear now. Thanks.
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4matsy wrote:
feitclub wrote:
I bet there are Nintendo-themed Love Hotels in Japan.
/me thinks. You've probably been to one, haven't you? :p
Have I been to a Love Hotel? You bet! ^_^
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Post subject: Front Page Errors?
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On the front page of the site I get a lot of these messages
	errstr=Undefined offset:  685
For the record, using XP/Firefox.
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I say LttP Link, because of the amazing power of the medallions, not to mention two magic wands and an invincibility staff! Who can compete with that?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
There ought to be a Nintendo-themed hotel.
I bet there are Nintendo-themed Love Hotels in Japan.
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I only mentioned MySpace because a lot of people use it, therefore I figured a lot of forum users were on it already. I am well aware of the sites' shortcomings, I'm just trying to speculate on ways we can increase the connection between the forum users. We already have threads dedicated to user photos and user ages, so why not a thread dedicated to users' social networking profiles? And if putting TASVideos on YouTube isn't inviting the masses to come check out the site, I don't see how MySpace is any more invasive.
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Mukki wrote:
If were going to talk about classics, why not Space Invaders? They don't get much more classic than that. I've never really played it well enough to see any sort of ending, but if there is one it'd be worth going for i think.
Shooters, as a rule, do not make very good TAS candidates. Usually they are fixed scrollers so no matter the technique of the player the game must take a certain length of time to complete. Space Invaders has the added disadvantage of NO scrolling, so there would be virtually nothing to watch at all. True, never missing a shot would be impressive at first, but how long would that really hold anyone's interest? Not to mention the fact that I don't think there is an ending, therefore there is no goal...
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Post subject: MySpace/Facebook Ideas
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I was just wondering if any other users have profiles on MySpace or Facebook, two of the more popular "social networking" sites around. If so, I think we should make use of these sites to increase our community profile, if you will. Both sites allow "friend" connections as well as "groups." We could create a TASVideos-themed group, or we could make a profile to represent our board. For example, BisqBot could have its own profile and we could all befriend it. What do you think about this? Even if we don't go ahead with the above plan, we could at least share our info to increase our friend networks... You can see me at
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adelikat wrote:
jimsfriend wrote:
Thanks for that report. Did it have anything to do with breakfast?
Yeah, I think we are getting a little off topic. We should be talking about eggs. I hate it when people come in and hijack a perfectly good topic.
I am unable to detect any one topic in this discussion. How about hummus?
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Good luck. Promise never to call during dinnertime.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Dark Fulgore wrote:
The only Robocop that I like is that: Tiger Robocop !!!! XDDDD
maybe some people here can't understand that joke... but it was good! hahah (it's funny how Sagat's voice sounds so weird for Brazilian gamers!)
Do tell...what's so funny about Tiger Robocop (which is kinda funny in English)?
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Grambo wrote:
I think that the discrimination agains FBA also has to do with the fact that some arcade game images can be over 100 megs.
I don't see how that could be a factor since we do not distribute ROM images, so who cares how large they are?
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I doubt I could rank them individually, but some of my favorites are:
    Fight Club Clerks. Matrix (original ONLY) Perfect Blue Army of Darkness Ghostbusters 2001: A Space Odyssey Millenium Actress Goodfellas The Big Lebowski Shaolin Soccer Robocop Tampopo
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
A stingray? A stingray? Man, what irony. Poor guy. RIP "Croc Hunter" :(
Is it really ironic? I've been wondering about this all day. Personally, I think his death at the hand of an animal is totally unironic, even if the animal in question rarely kills people. Given that his fame revolved around his close association with dangerous animals, a truly ironic death would have involved a mugger or something. Don't mistake this for Irwin-hating, I enjoyed his work and I'll miss him. But if he had been shot and killed, (especially by a crazed PETA operative) that would be irony!
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Whatever happened to the Google Video plan? Google Video allows for longer clips.
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I see your basic argument but 75 years is way too short a timeline for all those belief systems to evaporate. 750 years, maybe, but not a single lifetime. I could see a dramatic change in the church/state relationship by that time, given that politics is much more fickle. Compare the attitudes/positions of our governments 75 years ago compared to today - big changes have occured.
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Speed Demos Archive has a 1:21 run posted - check it out
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Indeed, Dan_ MOVED. And I second the idea of playing the original version.
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*grumble* Thanks for sharing that link, although I was incredibly irritated by the tone of the piece. They'd have you believe Nintendo was just sitting around doing nothing until Miyamoto showed up and that he somehow single-handedly ressurected the US game industry. And discussing Game Boy without mentioning its predecessors or its goddamn INVENTOR is criminal. In its defense, I had never heard of those British guys before. But did their contributions really make that great a difference in the ENTIRE industry? Given the amount of time they got in the special, you'd think they actually invented something radically new or innovative. Why talk about those guys for 15 minutes when you don't even offer one bit of info on Pac-Man, a game with far greater impact? I have to wonder what the title of this program actually was. The focus was so meandering I can't believe they actually called it "History of Video Games."
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12Motion wrote:
I am stuck on MM2. I am on the third Wily stage where the boss is a series of hemicircle guns seperated by barriers that only crashman rockets can get through. But nothing seems to work on the guns themselves. The guns slowly charge and all fire on you super fast bullets making it almost impossible to dodge! How do I beat this?
You could just watch the movie on this site...even without glitching into the room it shows you the places you need to use the Crash Bombs to destroy all the walls and the enemies.
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My personal favorites are Mega Man 1, 2 and X. Not coincidentally, those are the only three I ever owned and played obsessively. The rest were either rentals or, in recent years, emulated nostalgia-recapturing experiments.
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