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Can you try compiling in Visual Studio?
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What screenshot should I pick?
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I forgot the answer I got from IRC. Should I smooth out my Knuckles and Gimmick?
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I still don't understand why are perlers okay, and how they are different from drawings.
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About says "Snes9X v1.53 for Windows." Not sure what you're asking.
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Warp wrote:
micro500 wrote:
Nintendo related stuff
So it's completely ok to show their games, but not their artwork (even though the games themselves show a thousand times more of the game artwork than some still images that are shown for a couple of seconds)? The rationale behind this baffles the mind. I don't even.
Add perlers here too.
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This is gonna be a hilarious run! This is what I call unexpected: people get used to mind blowing tech demos and get a sand box game playaround. Summed with a good script we already have, it might get standing ovations too!
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Надо просто html отключать в посте.
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Only if there is a stable way to reproduce. Or maybe you could run a compiled fceux in debug mode and post the callstack when this happens?
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Второе и третье дело наживное, и существенно будет зависеть только от внезапного обнаружение нескольких способов заглючить.
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Warp wrote:
Nintendo does have the legal right to shut down let's play videos of their games, for the simple reason that those videos use too much material from their IP.
I understand that 1) it's your opinion, and 2) you're probably right that if they wanted, they would win any case they try, but: where exactly did you take the notion that percentage/amount of the used copyrighted work is the main and the only factor such decisions should depend on?
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Cooljay wrote: I get this error when I select one of the modes other than Options for the US version of Dead or Alive on the Playstation. It shows the character select for a brief second and crashes with this error report. It is also a .ccd rip.
Forbidden That’s all we know.
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Nach wrote:
Not sure what happened
Do you mean it's not known what's the cause of site not sending YT update request, or you didn't know that it doesn't send it anymore? If the latter, it's been so after those major changes in the site code.
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Good try, you might also try frame perfect reproduction of the source video, maybe it just happens that way. PS: please don't put empty lines in trace logs.
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I had this idea long ago, but such a sharp turn needs higher approval which I doubt it will get.
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AdituV wrote:
The following happened in git commit 9e36096... When trying to remove the last branch from TAStudio, an exception occurs, giving the following error: System.Collections.KeyNotFoundException The time before this that I tested, I instead got an error about a collection being changed after creation of an iterator; I unfortunately forgot to save the text. The knock-on effect of this is the following error upon trying to create a new branch afterwards: System.ArgumentException And then the whole tasproject (at least in my case) didn't save properly.
I think I fixed all of these in the latest commit, please give it a good test.
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Archanfel wrote:
Я тут подумал, Бобо Царь Горы давно продвигает концепцию применения брутфорса в тасе для решения четко сформулированных задач. Чисто гипотетически нельзя ли будет решить задачу с крысой в лоб его скриптом, или это займет пару эонов машинного времени?
Ты бы для начала в точности по милисекундам повторил все действия игрока, авось сработает. А брутфорс да, займет века, если много кадров и задействованных кнопок.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
He isn't a rookie. :P
Because of me.
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I don't think it's even possible to take ratings seriously, since indeed they make little sense, when only the people who actually TAS a game know exactly how technical its runs are, and people who see a game for the first time might be not entertained at all and give 3s for a well done movie (I use to do that a lot lately). These 2 don't seem to be improvable, so no matter how you change the system, it'd still make that little sense.
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Archanfel wrote:
Что поделать, далеко не все игры позволяют продемонстрировать столь впечатляющий суперплей как величайший платформенный селезень. Кстати, все еще надеюсь однажды увидеть его здесь.
Дути вряд ли вернется, зато если ты подключишься... Только имей в виду, Апельсин - задрот. Так что главной задачей будет искать глюки, как Дути (успешно) делал. Если вы это осилите, будете для меня Сега ТАСерами года.
Archanfel wrote:
Тогда не надо, спасибо. По большому счету карты это излишество, хоть иногда и полезное, но все таки не столь необходимое.
Речь о поиске в игре всяких невидимых игроку фич, которые можно легко узнать из кода, как например наличие выхода в последнем уровне утки.
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Может быть 4610?
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Archanfel wrote:
@feos А можно Флинтстоунам скриншот поменять? Если цензура пропустит - то на 37296, если нет то и 60685 сойдет. Кстати, как там Голиаф в 1-3 поживает, высоко ли забрался?
Первый цензура чот не хочет пропускать, а второй это файнал босс, такое тоже не принято постить. Может и можно сделать исключение, но это будет больше спойлер, чем тизер. Ремонтирую бранчи в тастудии, пишу статью про эмули, каждую неделю думаю о том, как бы выкроить на Голиафа, но в полурабочей тастудии тож не хочется. Возможно на этой неделе приостановлюсь и продолжу пробег.
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Yes, the final flight, its absurd repetitiveness, is too long to actually watch and rewatch the whole run. And if one needs to skip, it doesn't sound like a good Star.
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
AngerFist wrote:
I get really annoyed when people use the argument: "this series has x number of stars already and therefore another run of said series cannot obtain a star even though it clearly deserves it". If a run deserves a star, then let it, regardless of "Well Ocarina of Time has one so we must take its and get it to Majora's Mask". I don't care if it's a Mario, Mega Man, Zelda or Metroid game. If a game clearly deserves a star, then give it to it.
It will end up flooding the star tier with variants of the same game starred for all possible reasons, which would serve what goal exactly? If you want runs that are AMAZING, use this The goal of the Star tier is to represent variety, not popularity. So we star game of the same franchise on the same platform if they do showcase that variety. Megaman 1 is starred for being hugely broken code-wise, manipulating execution in ways that were unheard of back then. Megaman 2 is starred for all the screen zipping, that looks like a total mess, but makes it more visible what kind of glitch is used, and therefore can be easier comprehended by the viewer (which is why it was picked for a newcomer flag). Rockman -infinity is (and MM5 was) starred for showcasing insane use of weapons. But neither of them is the same game starred several times, because what's the point exactly?
arandomgameTASer wrote:
also, [2592] SNES Chrono Trigger by keylie in 2:17:08.86 could use one. Actually surprised it doesn't have one already.
Very impressing ratings, so even if I can't evaluate how entertaining it is due to now knowing the game at all, I'm in favor of starring it, if only there are more people in favor of that too.
thatguy wrote:
arandomgameTASer wrote:
[2653] GB Pokémon: Red Version "Gotta Catch 'Em All!" by MrWint in 1:54:56.62 is an excellent example of how glitchy gen 1 Pokemon games are.
It's a fantastic run, but not (for me) star-worthy because it's somewhat repetitive, using the same glitches over and over again to farm otherwise unobtainable Pokemon. The pi run is short and sweet, and also demonstrates Pokemon's brokenness pretty well.
arandomgameTASer wrote:
[2823] SNES Umihara Kawase "sightseeing" by Alyosha, ars4326 & Samsara in 11:44.77 is an excellent example of being a unique game that's fast, and also entertaining. Its rating is also quite fair, so why not a Star?
arandomgameTASer wrote:
How about [2835] NES Super Mario Bros. 3 "all levels" by Lord_Tom & Tompa in 1:04:36.90 ? I know the any% already has a Star, but this is neato.
We'll need to choose. any% is traditionally starred since forever, it's the offspring of the run that started TASing and blown people's minds, so it's also a newcomer icon. Now ratings between the two are equal (except for their amount), I'll need to watch both to tell my opinion, but again I hardly know the game, so can't make my opinion be the main factor.
arandomgameTASer wrote:
Kurabupengin wrote:
Can we put a Star to [1973] GBA The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie by jlun2 in 28:18.78? This movie always entertains me, and I've seen it a couple of times in the Featured Movie section in the site's home page, so... why not?
Interesting run, lots of tricks and glitches.
Looks boring to me, gameplay is mostly the same throughout the whole run, even if it has interesting moments, it doesn't consist of them.
arandomgameTASer wrote:
Before I list some new ideas, I'll be reposting some ones from earlier in the topic that weren't really discussed.
Kurabupengin wrote:
Is [2082] DS Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin "all bosses" by mtbRc in 25:19.52 star worthy?
Very neat run, akin to [2661] PSX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "all relics & bosses" by ForgoneMoose in 36:58.32. Anyway, my latest suggestions include: [2589] Genesis Michael Jackson's Moonwalker by Odongdong in 18:53.64 Yes seriously, Moonwalker. He's got the moves. [2506] PSX Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions "100%" by theenglishman in 2:10:12.43 I hate MGS and I like this run. [2391] PSX Crash Bandicoot (Japan) by pirohiko in 36:19.85 ....seriously?
Will watch those and tell.
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You missed the opening bracket.
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