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You'd need a lua script for that, emulator actions obviously don't record to a gameplay movie.
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Looking into it... EDIT: Committed a fix, hold on.
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PSXjin dumps audio and video separately. You need to combine them afterwards, using something like VirtualDub.
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Both of these categories are speed records, meaning even if they look boring, they're still published (as long as executed well). For all the rest you also need them to be entertaining.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Ah shoot, I took it as PSXjin and ignoring PCSX-rr. Wait why didn't you do Mukki's then?
Which one? Obsoleted? Crash 2? Some other?
Spikestuff wrote:
feos wrote:
Spikestuff wrote:
Also in other terms. I'm updating that TAS.
Updating as in reencoding?
Yes... touching all Spyro and all Crash Bandicoot.
So you'll be applying my method? Note than SDs are ok in most cases.
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Spikestuff wrote:
feos wrote:
Spikestuff wrote:
The two levels which made me cringe the most were Road to Nowhere and The High Road
What's wrong exactly? Still transparency? Will pick the PCSX "box glitch" run next time.
Tisk, tisk. That's kinda cheating isn't it? NOT using PSXjin for something YOU updated. Because all you need for pcsx is a certain location to download it.
This thread isn't about PSXjin, so it wouldn't matter what game we try as long as it is PS.
Spikestuff wrote:
Also in other terms. I'm updating that TAS.
Updating as in reencoding?
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Kurabupengin wrote:
Does this new Extra HQ thing makes it look more than the actual console? If does, go ahead. If doesn't, well... the videos aren't supposed to look like the actual console? Its just something I'm just saying, I don't really know about the Playstation, so I'm not sure.
You never see direct console input, so it becomes a matter of how close the encode is to what you see on your TV. Which is not our concern either, except for aspect ratio. TVs apply hard-filters by their nature, and even the user customizes them additionally, so it's not just silly to try to look closer to it, but also impossible. 3D content on TV in addition to "NTSC look" gets smoothed, and you don't see polygons on console like on TV. Direct console output is like a plugin would show you at standard definition, and it looks bad. Now please tell me, do my example videos look good or not?
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Spikestuff wrote:
The two levels which made me cringe the most were Road to Nowhere and The High Road
What's wrong exactly? Still transparency? Will pick the PCSX "box glitch" run next time.
Spikestuff wrote:
Oh and if you want me to compare both of you. Neither one dumped it on the original resolution of the game (512x240) or upscaled. That's why natt's is like that and yours too but I'm not complaining about it being translucent I'm complaining about the resolution now which you started should be dumped at a large size.
natt dumped it at original res, but then cropped the picture (no idea why) and applied SAR, so he basically did everything good, hence I'm not touching his SDs. As for which resolution you dump anti-aliased stuff at, it doesn't really matter for 3D elements, only for sprites, which will still be resized in the end. I'm just resizing it to 640x480 manually to avoid the player from doing it, so I lose less quality, than if it's resized by me and then by player.
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Ho! I love it!
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Done! Please test (second pair of encodes and torrents): [2391] PSX Crash Bandicoot (Japan) by pirohiko in 36:19.85
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You take a polygon that PSX handles at 320p (making it look ladder-ish) and handle it "yourself" at 720p. Is it really so hard?
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Wow, good points, Dimon12321! 1. I'm currently making the first try encodes with the settings I described. And I have quite an old computer. So I think my tests of how watchable it is will be reliable. Also, it's not "ultra" HQ in the encode (it is so only in the HD stream) - it's just 640x480. I bet everyone will be able to watch it without problems. 2. Once you taste something really good, you don't want to taste a poor and diluted "version" of it anymore. 3. Yes, it's quite some work, so I'm leaving it to their will (probably I'll even be the only one to do it, but if the trend gets noticed and liked, we can expect more people requesting it and doing it). 4. Not so much. But maybe because of point 2 - they didn't see much? On the other note, --preset veryslow advised by RGamma does quite a good job saving my time, encoding speed is just the same as for our usual settings for SD.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Notices something completely different What is wrong with the boss icons.
That particular plugin has slight flaws, they are transparent. But it was the only open source OpenGL anti-aliaser available, so I had no choice. Warp: Err, what? By anti-aliasing I mean anti-aliasing, the plugin uses higher definition for polygons and they don't look ladder-ish.
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So we started doing 10bit444 encodes primarily, and they show little to no loss in colors and audio, thanks to the modern technologies. But there are still cases, where their quality is not enough to produce a highly enjoyable view. This is once again about 3D! With 2D games, one just upscales the SD encode using his player to fullscreen, point-based, and sees the same sharp and clear picture as it is before compression, or inside the emulator. And that's enough to make a feel of a quality encode. But for 3D, the anti-aliasing technique became an absolute sign of hi quality. Watching 3D games at 240p, even without color loss, feels handicapped. It is kind of accurate to the original hardware and stuff, but the notion of a HQ 3D content isn't there anymore. This issue doesn't exist in Dolphin, where the native resolution is already 480p, so all 3D stuff looks quite good. Even though anti-aliasing to HD will still look as an improvement, it's not "bad" without it anymore. It's just good vs. perfect. Aktan (cheers!) has always been the one to boost encode quality as possible. So to overcome the issue of SD encodes looking "bad" he started adding HQ encodes to his publications, which were 2x the SD res, with some additional manual quality boosts, like increasing the bitrate. The latest 10bit444/Opus standard overcame that need (see paragraph 2)... except for 3D games! So, what I'm suggesting, is doing those extra HQ encodes for all non-Dolpin 3D games. But doing it in 100% cases is going to seem too labour-consuming for publishers. So I'll be glad if this task it taken on the basis similar to camhack (or cutsceneless) encodes. Once the game is worth it, why not do an extra pair of great-looking encodes? The way to do it looks like this: you dump at the highest resolution you can, then while encoding, downscale it to some 480p (LanczosResize for example), and then just encode as usual. The picture then doesn't look too blurry, and all the textures look really good. Looks superb, huh? Yes, Crash may be an exceptional case due to all its tricks to look more colorful than all the rest 3D games of that era, but the tendency is pretty clear. The only problem now is, what settings shall we encode with? Regular SD command line can run only at 0.2 fps for me! How to speed it up? How to make it still not grow in size? And to still look lossless?
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Warp wrote:
Not to be a contrarian, but more than 2 games at the same time is too confusing to watch.
True (that's why I don't watch those), but won't really matter for a crowd that hardly imagines several games ever being beaten with one input, let alone actually simultaneously. Also, they can release the footage of that event with several audio tracks easily, which would people want to rewatch afterwards.
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andypanther wrote:
The SMB quad-run would be very impressive to the viewers, but I guess it would be a bit excessive to set up. Besides this, I don't remember any console verification of a FDS game.
THIS!!! Heck, how didn't anyone come up with it? So obvious and... cheap way to entertain masses. FDS not verified? Just drop it and show the rest 3!
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CoolKirby wrote:
I don't think we generally replace screenshots because the current one is how the game looks at that point on FCEU.
It looks so only in old versions of fceu. In 0.98.28 it will look more like on tha new screenshot. It actually can be snapped right from there, dunno how Kurabupengin got his one.
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4K not enough for you? :D
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natt wrote:
feos wrote:
So what do you guys think of my own function? I'm already encoding with it. The only not yet automated part is importing the files by name. If PSXjin had an option to not append the resolution to the name, it would be completely solved to me. I even can do it myself, I just don't have the proper access.
It forces you to handle all resizes in the same way (lanczos with no cropping and no position offset parameters). In some cases you might want more control.
What are those cases? How do you know you should crop the picture and then still apply aspect ratio correction? For example, Crash 1 outputs 12-pixel borders on top and bottom, and you cropped them in the encode and then did ARC of 512x216 to 4:3, right? Doesn't sound the same as ARCing 512x240.
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Anti-aliasing has been our highest standard for encoding 3D (polygon-based) games for quite some years. It was possible with Dolphin (internally), Mupen64 (via special plugins) and PCSX (via special plugins). BizHawk added mupen+ core, and also pugins that can do antialiasing. There's also a build of PSXjin that has an anti-aliasing plugin embedded. The point of this technique is to dump video at high resolutions, making the plugin recalculate the polygons and improve their look significantly. The video is then downscaled to SD using something like LanczosResize, and for HD it is upscaled to whatever resolution Youtube is fed (if one's monitor doesn't allow dumping at that res right away). My recent tests show that for SD encodes, it's mostly better to still dump at native resolutions! Because otherwise it will look redundantly blurred. But for HD encodes, prior anti-aliasing is still obviously better. So to come up with a guideline, use whatever looks better for SD encodes, and anti-aliasing for HD.
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I guess if you want a Japanese version, you should use Splatterhouse Part 3 (J) [c][!].gen, the one with a [!] good dump mark, as those are the site's standard.
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Reencoding webnations is wasteful to the community. By your logic at least. I appreciate your hate towards good-looking encodes, but I wanted to make it possible not only for Dolphin/Mupen/Bizhawk/PCSX. Also, what exactly do you suggest? And how would your suggestion help making existing psxjin runs look better?
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Especially since I already have all the encodes :)
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