Posts for ginseng

Post subject: N64 graphical faults
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
Hi folks, I'm struggling to get the settings right to remove white lines on the edge of the screen that stay after appearing during a cutscene where the screen fades to white. Sometimes they flash white to black constantly. The game I'm playing is Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth. I've tried a couple different video plugins and one or two libretro cores but it's still happening. Any advice would go a long way, thanks guys
Post subject: Black screen error
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
Hi again folks.. This time around, Bizhawk is freezing on black loading screens. It happens whenever the screen goes black between areas on Parasite Eve for PS1, and only when recording a movie. Couldn't find anything on the matter. Any help greatly appreciated
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
I see; I was looking for Lagarith in FFmpeg writer only. I've found it in AVI writer and selected it, changing the configurations as recommended in the FAQs. This still gives me the error of losing my last second or so of each clip, with a new addition of buggy video skipping throughout. However I still can't find CamStudio in the same area as Lagarith? For the FFmpeg writer, the Command box for AVI Lossless FFV1 is this: -c:a pcm_s16le -c:v ffv1 -pix_fmt bgr0 -level 1 -g 1 -coder 1 -context 1 -f avi
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 10
I may be in over my head here sorry - is Codec the video format? I haven't tried Lagarith or CamStudio. I just downloaded Lagarith and can't work out where it's installed to. Sorry I'm a bit slow on this front
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 10
The game is Gradius III Codec is AVI Lossless FFV1 And yes I've been using the Encoding Guide
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Thanks for the reply, dumping SNES
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Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
Alternatively, the reason I'm not using AVI writer is that at each split I'm losing audio at the very end of each split. If there's a way around this, that would be an adequate fix too. Thank you so much for anyone who can assist, I'm going crazy over here! :p
Post subject: Recording woes, please help!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
Hi again folks.. really struggling to get a few things sorted out. I'm needing to record using FFmpeg as the AVI writer splits every 2gb which isn't ideal for what I'm doing. However when I use the FFmpeg writer, the video quality is absolutely horrible. To fix it, I can resize x4 when selecting the FFmpeg writer, which produces a better video. However doing so makes the video dump go really slow, 400% speed is now more like 100%. Is there any way to just get a good quality video in one file, without having to rewatch every second of what I've already done? arghhh
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
Ahhh that was much simpler than I had anticipated. Thanks a bunch!
Post subject: Newb question about recording without save/load states
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/15/2020
Posts: 10
Hi all, I'm new to the forums here and I'm having trouble finding information on this. I've been making videos and editing out the space between save and load state retries, then tying the successful loads back to where I saved. It's super time consuming, so I was wondering if there was a way to have it cut out the space between save/load states automatically while reloading? I know it's a longshot, but.. worth a try! Appreciate any help or even alternative solutions. Thanks so much