In the rise of accessibility awareness, can we switch away from a captcha system that requires one to distinguish between red and green to something more colorblind friendly? Thank you.
Hi, I know I'm as new as it gets here, but I've been in speedrunning for a long time and have worked in accessibility for games. I'd just like to add my support for this idea, as colorblindness is common. This could discourage new users from the start and forcing them to contact an admin when having difficulties in this situation is far from welcoming and could even push new users away from your hobby.
The above link is an imgur gallery showing a screenshot of one of the captchas the current system generated with simulations of the main 3 forms of colorblindness over them. How the differences in the colors fades away should be apparent. Yes, there is still some slight visible differences, but it is important to note that these screenshots are a simulation and actual colorblindness can vary largely from these for each person, even barring other disabilities in vision compounding the issue.
Switching to other colors would help, especially if limited to just two choices such as orange(FFD55E32) and light blue(FF56B4E9) but I would suggest choosing an alternative that doesn't rely on color if possible.