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DeHackEd wrote:
New question: how many of you have a surround-sound system (ie. with 4 speakers or more) hooked up to your computer? I have Creative Intrigue 7.1 speakers. It would be nice to finally hear something out of those rear speakers.
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I read all of page 1, and I hope you'll forgive me for skipping to page 5. I was definitely shocked that D.K's Jungle Parkway could be beaten that way, but now that I know, seeing it done in every level does seem a bit boring. So it's very surprising, but not very entertaining. Banshee Boardwalk was awesome because it was actually a race. All that high speed driving and high precision turning was a blast. Yeehaw! Plus, there was a trick that could only be performed on one lap, so the races won't just be the same thing three times in a row. What did I think of this run? It was too short. Seeing just one cup makes me want to see the whole game so much more than I did before. Taken as a whole, with a mix of shocking - but repetitive - 30 second races, and high speed, eye popping complete races, a 100% run of this game will kick more ass than a Nike warehouse... filled with magical shoes... that are kicking a bunch of people who are visiting the warehouse in the ass. Okay, that simile got away from me. Now, comicalflop has a valid concern. A year is a long time to spend on a run. We all remember how long FODA spent on his 100% Mario 64 run. The level of optimization is getting higher, but the games are getting longer, and optimization is more difficult in 3D games. We're at the point that a substantial investment in time is necessary to produce anything that will get a Yes vote. I hesitate to mention this because I like the fact that TASing is still a community of amateurs who work together to make amazing things. Nevertheless, I've been thinking that maybe these movies are so time consuming to make that we should think about compensating the authors. I'm not talking about prizes, which would generate competition and result in a breakdown in the sharing of ideas. Nobody wants commercialization. What I'm saying is, I want to see comicalflop's 100% run. I'm so convinced that others do, too, that I think we could take up a collection to make it worth his time. I know that money can't bring back the feeling that you would have gotten from showing the world an awesome movie that would be completely surprising, but you can still show us three cups that we haven't already seen, produce one of the seminal works of TASing (Yes, seminal. You'll be the first to do a 100% run, so it will still be the basis for all that will follow), and create something that will make a lot of people happy. And, if it helps, I'm sure we could give you something for the time you'll have to invest in it. That's all I have to say. This movie rocked, and I'll be waiting all year for the sequel. This gets a Yes vote.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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You have fine taste.
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That music video was priceless. I vote Yes for totally kicking the game's ass, and for the absurd ending. Nicely done. Excuse my opera illiteracy, but what song was that?
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I'm not sure that I agree about doing stars in numerical order. It was nice to be surprised by FODA's run. Often I would guess that he was going after star #2 and be shocked when he got star #6 instead. Let's not be too clinical! A bit of mystery is a good thing.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Holy crap, a re-recording version of DOSBox?! As the webmaster for a DOS games site, I'm practically drooling at the possibilities. Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D... heck, I'd love to see someone whip through Kroz, in all its ASCII glory. Unlike ROMs, the world of PC games is very murky. Games often went through many revisions, and it can be difficult to find original, unaltered archives of some older games. I've worked extremely hard (harder than any DOS games site that I'm aware of) to find authentic, perfect copies of every version of every game on my site. I consider my site the authority on DOS games, and I invite anyone who wants to submit a DOSBox TAS to this site to download your game from my website, so that we can all be sure that we're using the same copy for playback purposes. Be advised that I only have legal downloads on my site, so many games are only available as shareware versions (which usually means an entire episode of a 3 or 4 episode game). Most of Apogee's discontinued games have been released as freeware, so there are lots of full versions, too. Now that TASing is possible, I will get back to work and start adding games as fast as I can. If viewers can have a reasonable assurance of being able to play back DOS TASes, by disclosing all in-game and DOSBox settings used, I would also gladly host any movie files on my site, with the author's permission. I'm not sure if DOSBox movies are going to be a big thing on this site, but I really want to encourage people to make these movies, so I'll do my part and host any deserving movies, even if no one here is interested in them.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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I'm a long-time Transformers fan. Looooong time. To me, this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen on YouTube. The Rude Awakening of Optimus Prime
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This discussion is really silly.
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For the purposes of a TAS, one would only be interested in glitching from Ceres to the planet, but I'm sure it would take longer than it would to just play it out. The idea of glitching from the planet back into Ceres Station is just my curiousity. I just think it would be cool.
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Is Ceres Station located somewhere in the same map as the rest of the game? Is it possible to glitch outside of a room, wraparound the map, and get into Ceres Station from somewhere on the planet, or vice versa?
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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As a longtime MEKA user, I'm kind of surprised that an adequate SMS emulator wouldn't also be an adequate Game Gear emulator.
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Well, that got off topic. Okay, about the NBMB. What I'm reading is that the goal is to get items without fighting bosses or mini-bosses, which can be accomplished by glitching your way outside of the room boundaries and wrapping around the map. I'm definitely not very interested in that, especially seeing that an existing 72% run is over 2 hours. That would be a fun personal quest to do in one's spare time for a few weeks, but I don't need to see every single accessible item collected just for the sake of collecting it. I'm more interested in where it's possible to glitch to. Can you glitch into Tourian? I'd watch a run that defeated Mother Brain without fighting the bosses, even if it was longer than an any% run. It hardly seems like it could be longer, though, so I'm assuming that it can't be done.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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When Star Fox came out, the graphics blew me away. Three dimensional objects were a major advance. The first time I played Star Fox in an emulator, I was like, "Was Star Fox always this ugly?" It certainly looks like crap now, but it was the coolest thing ever at the time. I enjoyed the WIP very much, but my regular computer is suffering from random reboots every 30 to 60 seconds right now, so it may be a while before I can watch the finished product. I can't offer my Yes vote yet, but I certainly offer my congratulations.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Saturn wrote:
hopper: My Torizo fight in the RBO run may look cooler, but it's slower than heros one actually.
Visually, I like how you're in the Torizo's face, and jumping in unison. It looks like you really owned him.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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It's nice to see you and AKA still working on this. You guys have made some big improvements over the original published run.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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I took a week off, and the long-awaited new any% run got submitted and published! Nice! The new route totally surprised me. Samus entered the wrecked ship suicidally early and picked up the Gravity Suit before the Varia Suit. Bouncing over the water with bombs instead of getting the Speed Boost was novel (although my favorite part of any Super Metroid run is watching Samus launch across multiple screens). The new boss order was a big surprise, fighting Phantoon before Kraid, and Ridley before Draygon. Escaping the Baby Metroid was completely unexpected. Skipping the Hi-Jump boots and Screw Attack was a welcome surprise. Very well done. I'm glad I didn't see this stuff coming: I haven't really been following the Super Metroid thread. The Ridley and Mother Brain fights were longer than I expected, but that's forgivable. The Torizo fight in Saturn's RBO teaser looks cooler than this one, but it's definitely better than the previous run. Easy Yes vote.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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I was away for a while, so I was a bit late with my vote. The camera work in BOB is greatly improved and caused no motion sickness whatsoever. I didn't care for the camera work in Blast Away The Wall. The camera swings around, and you can't really see what Mario is doing, which is a shame for such an amazing glitch. Mario is grabbing a star through a seam in the wall! The camera swung around too wildly for me to see what Mario was doing in this run. It would have been nice if the camera had been left behind during Boil The Big Bully to avoid having to stare at the ground during the star's appearance animation. Generally the camera work doesn't seem up to the standard of FODA's 120 star run, but it's perfectly watchable on its own merit. I loved the camera angle on the final Bowser toss in Bowser 3! That was the highlight of the movie for me. It's fast, it's watchable, and it gets a Yes vote.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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There's always a new way to break a Sonic game. Voted Yes.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Nicely done.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Awesome boss fight on Fortuna.
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Working on launching up the pole in Bower 2, AKA?
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Please, let's not do this. I made that quote in the TMNT 2 run thread because I didn't like that it included an opposite direction glitch. It was later suggested that I was inconsistent in my application of that philosophy when I later voted Yes to a movie that used opposite directions, though not obviously or excessively. I still don't care for the idea of L+R/U+D, but I'm willing to overlook it if it isn't obvious or excessive, because it's going to be used in submissions whether I like it or not. That is an old debate, and I'd like to let it die. I voted Yes to this movie because I enjoyed it, even though it shows off glitches which might lead one to believe that it was played with tool assistance. I believe, generally speaking, that a really good TAS run should leave people wondering if it's a TAS run or not. I believe, in principle, that you shouldn't use L+R/U+D. To be uncompromising on those ideals would mean blindly rejecting some really entertaining movies. The ability to compromise doesn't make me inconsistent, it makes me human. I will, from time to time, find a movie entertaining and vote Yes to it, and someone who has incentive may be able to find a quote that seems to contradict my vote. I voted based on my likes and dislikes, and that is what will always be consistent. I know what I like, and I like this movie.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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Baxter wrote:
hopper wrote:
For me, a really good TAS run should have people standing around and wondering whether it's a TAS run or not. It leaves people in awe because it looks possible, if only someone was insane enough to memorize the route and practice long enough.
It's a result of my ignorance, but because I don't know how those glitches are performed, I don't know if they could be done without tool assistance. Probably not, but the point remains that all of it *could* be done if not for human limitations such as skill and reflex. I'm sorry about voting No to your TMNT 2 run but, philosophically, I don't like the idea of overcoming hardware limitations, like the ability to press Left+Right or Up+Down, and aesthetically, I thought the warping around was repetitive and annoying. I just didn't enjoy the movie. I don't want to carry that debate into this thread, so I hope you can forgive me for my stance on that, and not bring it up again.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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You know what would have made this run really good? If you could have broken the game a bit more. Holy crap!!! You totally wrecked that game! Skipping the boss in Air Battery 1 was hilarious. My first thought when I saw this was, "Oh great, chaos emeralds." They interrupt the flow of the levels, and they're boring as hell, so the first few levels weren't great. Thankfully you got the emeralds in a hurry and started showing off Super/Hyper Knuckles. That was worth the effort, and it's quite a bit different from the existing run. Voting Yes on the grounds that you showed off some wicked awesome glitches and broke the game in interesting new ways.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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WTF? How did you do that?!
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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