So, there's nothing wrong with it. If you watch some other videos with the "abuses programming errors" tag, you'll see much more crazy examples of that.
In most versions of tetris (and any other falling block style puzzle games) you only lose if the space your next piece appears is blocked off. You're allowed to go off the top of the visible field as long as you don't block the piece entrance.
From a PM, to clarify myself as I've not been succinct with my previous posts:
It's easy to mean one thing and have it read as another. For that I apologize and "fraud" was clearly a mistake to use. I also do not wish to start off here coming off offensive and I may have done so. I'm sorry if so.
I'm not thinking of fraud in an intentional sense, but more of a corrupted rom, perhaps? The only reason I ask is that this glitch seems to go against the "movie should look like it could have been played with an authentic hardware" and "We do not accept hacked games" rules.
It may very well not break either of those, but it seems to and I'm not experienced enough to know for sure.
Nowhere in my post I said anything about "encoding issues."
Perhaps, please read my post again and this time try to understand what I wrote, instead of seeing me write "AVI" and you guessing the rest.
...yes, it sends controller commands to the emulator. I get it. I always got it. Thank you for pointing me to that information until I repeat it back to you.
Now that you know, for *sure*, that I understand what the submission was, how it worked, and that it was in fact due to either a flaw in the game or in the emulator, is comment on if that affects the submission. Lots of game glitches I see accepted, but in the case of Tetris, if you play above the line limit, and continue, it's not *really* tetris anymore...
On a personal note, not every lurker to put up a first post is ignorant of everything you guys do here, has failed to read the many informational pages you've made prior to posting, and deserves to have their question overlooked because of an assumption of ignorance. I really thought maybe I was offering something here because it seems to have been missed. I sure didn't want to get defensive over my post, or be patronized for it.
All that aside, what the speedrunners do is exceptional, and I think they deserve immense credit for the runs they make. They have a lot more patience than I do, and I enjoy watching many of my old favourites here.
> Watch the video carefully,
Easier said than done :)
> there's a part where a piece should end this game but doesn't; leaving a 3 block piece in play.
While waiting for the author of the movie to explain why what you perceived, happens, please be reconfirmed that this is actually how the game reacted to the input the player submitted.
The submission from the player is not a multimedia video file, but a recording which describes the input to feed to the game.
The AVI you probably watched, is the result of the game reacting to that input, with no possible video editing taking place.
All of this is of course explained at our Why And How page, which you undoubtedly have already read as prompted by the movies page, haven't you?
I'm certainly well aware of encoding issues and how watching the movie on incompatible software might cause ghosting. That's not the case. I'm also not even sure if your submission rules allow for such a thing, it might be a game glitch and perfectly acceptable. It still however, is a piece that goes above play and play continues (the 3 block piece is seen until removed by a tetris), not an encoding error in the movie. You can easily step through frame by frame when the score nears 240195 to see this. Since I cannot (for the LIFE of me) get the fceu movie files to playback correctly, I do watch the movies hosted here. Most of them are amazing, including this one, but the one flaw happened to catch my eye and I thought I'd sign up here and ask about it.
Watch the video carefully, there's a part where a piece should end this game but doesn't; leaving a 3 block piece in play.
Score is 240195 when this happens at the top of the screen. Does that invalidate the run?