Posts for j0hnn13b123

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I made a quick vid of possible ways to beat levels , I just put it there so I could see if any other ways of beating the levels are more fun to watch or look more skillfull . each level is done a bit diffrent , any and all suggestions are welcome
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4 years ... I am sorry for taking this thread out of the catacombs, but I wanted to re read all the information that was givin to me the 1st time and well take the advice as well . I had gave up on TAS for a while becouse I was getting frustrated , but I recently decided to give it another shot . TAS editor has been my friend and I have been having alot more fun with it , when before I was just playing the game at 50 % with a controller and well it was sub-par to say the least I took the advice that the way I was playing the 1st time with 2 player did not look good during the pipe balloon levels , and well that was the main reason I wanted to try this again I have made another 2 player balloon fight movie , I know it has alot of work needed and is not optimal at the moment , but it is alot better then my 1st try at this 1st pipe balloon level : there is a constant fight over the balloons , with no regard for the other player and there balloons , alot of pops and just plain ignorant tactics . 2nd pipe balloon level : is more fair , you get one I get one kind of play , no fighting and just getting balloons in turn , 3rd pipe balloon level : trying to get the balloon as soon as you can , they dont even come out of the pipe , final pipe balloon level : get what you can do worry about the other , its full on take what you can get , with a bit of nasty tactics the run ends with both players having the same score but i tried to not make it not look forced , any and all suggestions are welcome , I was thinking of keeping the run going after the last level and letting the enemies actually take off fully then starting to play the level so there would be a bit more "entertainment" level not just killing them where they stand each level I posted the vid on youtube
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that was my first real try I know it is far from perfect I just thought I would post the vid to show it did not look all that bad. but I like the idea of dual analog sticks , one for each of the carecters , I just happen to buy one a few days ago :) one question tho how do I , once I get to the 13th level reset the game and start the balloon trip , I did a reset the went bac to watch the movie and found that the movie itself did not record the reset ..
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I guess I should of been a bit more clear , I did not mean that 3 games get beat to completion, I ment 3 games played to a set goal in the game , the nintendo championship game did not have you beat those 3 games , you had to reach goals 50 coins , beat the level as fast as you could and get the high score , mario rad racer and tetris , well tht is what I am suggesting . 3 games , 3 seperate goals . for example excerion get a high score without using the rapid fire pin ball get all the cards inthe lower part of the level the fastest battle city beat a certian level without getting any powerups lunar ball get a highscore or beat a certain level merry 2 get the highest score you can in the first 4 levels 1-1 to 1-4 there can be many more as well but as you said many of the games just repeat themselvs after a certain level and that can be boring to watch , but itis only a sugestion thats all ....
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I recently seen a vid of nintendo world champioship and thought it to be quite a game . why not make a challenge or 3 or more games on 31 in 1 , if the game is "not allowed " well I guess this could be asking if it can be . 3 or more games a goal to meet in each game . just an idea is all...
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wellI dont think I will do that just yet , I am a noob to this site so I will just suck it up for now , putting my WIP on youtube is not all that hard
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yes I am , how do I upload my files to it
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here is my first try at controlling both guys, there are still a few things I know I could fix , but this is my first attempt , I stopped recording after the 12th level ,
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umm when you beat the game dont you get to keep all your items ,or am I wrong thinking that , or am I thinking of the snes version of the game , but if so you could be able to start level 1 with a frog suit , I thinkthat wouldbe cool watching a run that only had a frog suit , just my oppinion
Post subject: how do I upload my .fm2 files to the server
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when I go to upload the .fm2 files to the server that you have I get the error that it is the proper format , can you these movie files to the older version , so you can use things like that TAS movie editer ?
Post subject: is youtube being slow to upload for any one else ?
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as the subject askes , is youtube being slow to upload for anyone else , it just dont seem to want to work for me today at all ....
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XkyRauh wrote:
Speaking from an entertainment perspective, the 200k run spends too much time hovering in place. Half of what makes Balloon Trip so difficult is the clumsiness of the movement. A TAS would have to show off some crazy maneuverability--a lot more sideways movement--in order to be impressive. The current run looks like it's being played rather conservatively, which is the last thing anyone wants to see in a TAS. I think you should go for it, personally--but make it look risky and ballsy. Dive into clusters of stars that any normal, conservative player would gasp at. :)
first of all I am sorry for double posting . I took your advice and tried to go all out , I was able to pull off quite a few moves that I would never try for real , I dont think it is the best but it is an approvement for sure , I looked up in this site and well balloon trios for nes and game boy are not looked at as entertainment at all , I never watched the vids... I got one positive remark so I guess I will not dwell on the negative and try to press forward . I have tried the 2 player one controler and well it was just as hard as I thought it would be , and I like the sugestion of beating the 14 levels then going for a balloon trip . if this does not pan out into something that people enjoy , well I will not lose any sleep , I am learning alot by doing this so if all else fails I guess I gained some exp on the subject. umm .. how exactly do I post my WIP , I go to upload my movie file from myemulator , I got the fceux 2.0.2 and well the save file is different from files allowed in that file uploader , or am I doing somehting wrong ... my newest vid
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i personally have never played 2 carecters with one controller befor , it sounds like quite the challenge , but the 2 guys start out on opposite sides of the screen , so I guess I am thinking it might be harder then I think it will be , I guess I should give it try tonight . I have been doing the balloon trip and there is alot of dead time , I know you need to fill dead time wiht some sort of action , but when there are no stars on the screen and only the water to play in that is really my onlyoption , Ijust dont want it to get dull becouse the fish is the only thing to torment when there is no stars on screen , and getting the bubbles that pause the screen can drag time on , but you also get pionts for them so by missing them you lose out on score , but add more time to the clock . but more challenging actions can be taken when the stars are frozen for that time .
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I actually been looking for a way to find the hitbox of the starsand the balloon guy as well to see how close I could actually get to them , but I dont know if that is a emulator function or a game genie code . please forgive my ignorance on that subject .
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there is 12 levels , and once you beat the 12 you start back at the 4th level and do them all over again , so the levels just repeat over and over
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well I guess I wont bother with that now will I . I will try to think of another game to play , this is my first reall attempt ,so I am not all that put out , but thank you.
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I looked around and I could not find a run of this game, and I did not see any topics about it as well . is this game interesting enought to do a high score run of ? . The time to get to 400k, or higher ? I have been playing with this game for a few weeks and I got a 200k run made using the fceux emulator that is used on this site .