Posts for janus

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Just found out that black jellies drop banshee powder (death warp without losing money). A possible game changer
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On my way to Malaga. I saved frames by avoiding unecessary dialogues (talking to the king after the first girl demon). I also got quite a few zombies (blue skeletons), worth 700 kims EACH.
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At Deepdale. I was able to get a silver jelly to drop a gnome stone, so I won,t have to pick that chest on my way to Sanguios Cave
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I've restarted the run on BizHawk. After Parma, I've saved about 5 seconds (real time), but I've fought so much less in comparison to the latest test run:
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Sorry for repeating myself, but the attached movie is the WRONG one. Follow the link at the very bottom for the encoding
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I DID need Bleu, and Ryu is still capable to be on his own. I would have finished Habaruku in 3 rounds, but casting atk-up make the fight 600 frames longer... But Rand did get quite a bit of experience, and his moondrop weapon IS the stronger thing he can get. Ready for infinity...
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Fighting fat is too hard... However I've made great improvements in Daisy's garden, and even against Nina's ancestor. But I'm taking a gamble that I won't need Bleu until the Grand CHurch
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I've just uploaded a video where you walk 5 steps to enter into a battle (with a small gonghead). address 7e12dc goes to 5, then reverts to 0 when the battle start. But how do I know when the battle actually occurs?
Post subject: Finding the encounter byte
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I TAS mostly RPGs, so finding the encounter byte is critical. Other than scraping the Internet hoping that someone found it, how can we tell which hex address(es) control the encounter rate? It would especially be useful in BOF 2, where at some point you NEED to fight in order to advance
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Back from fighting fat, and it's still significantly slower. 7e12DC is definitely the RAM for fights; it starts at 0 after a fight and INCREASES until an unknown limit then goes back to 0. Does anyone know how it works?
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Plus, especially in thw Wreckage, I would have needed to espace in order to keep Chaz' level low enough
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I meant more like "cultural references", like Lubetz' bust or the wreckage north of Zema. I didn't include "referential" fights in the previous run as I didn't think it would bring more (expect for Propallus, which I needed anyway to boost Rune's level)
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I did put links to what "sidequests" and "reference to the past" are
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Moving to the final run of the moondrop glitch. Everything is running smoothly, despite total uncooperation from Baba
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Go for it. Why ask my permission :P
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Going back to St.Eva's church. Using Rand in the world of dream was about 45 frames longer, although I have to re-test to make sure he turns correctly in the overworld. In Daisy's garden, I might be able to avoid using magic against the small rock (Rand's crit should be enough), and I don't need the magical objects with Rand and Nina (a net save, since going to that shop is a slight detour).
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Fighting fat is harder than I remember... Does anyone know which byte is the one for encounters? This website,, seems to say it's 7E12DC, but I don't see it change at all
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Now in Highfort, faster than ever (I will polish afterward, of course). Not using those dragon powers is a boon. I might even change Spar for Katt if the Gate is too strong
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I've finished Simafort. Thanks to the money glitch, I should be able to purchase all the items I need in Captain in the future (minus, maybe, the freeze items in Guntz). And the run just keeps getting better!
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This herb glitch run is DEFINITELY worth doing. You won't believe how quickly I beat the creon and terapin. And I was able to give Rand a moondrop weapon; I'm still pondering if I need to give it to Bow, And I'm still testing out whether I need so many wfruits. Next update after Nimufu. Oh, and I was able to avoid a fight between Windia and Captain. How could I forget about that one...
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I'm just starting to use BizHawk; I would need to be shown
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Is SNES9x 1.51 still accepted? I want a better comparison to my new BOF 2 run, as Bizhawk has awful lag
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I made HUGE improvements by the Joker. Nina can do 200 damage with her moondrop weapon (I need to equip her something to trigger the effect), finished the battle in THREE rounds and will NOT need the silver dagger. During the official run, I will try having Ryu defend since his contribution is insignificant, but auto-fight is definitely shorter than the original run.
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Uploaded my first test run on the "herb weapon glitch". In the armory, I was able to activate it for Nina and Sten, in addition to getting enough money to last me a lifetime (at least, until Coursair). I will improve it, if only to get a lead-off attack at Mt Fubi
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Floogal wrote:
"Arbitrary Code Execution" is not a loose category, it is clearly defined here: Reading your description & link, it seems that what you're actually doing is entering a secret developer's cheat code. This is generally not allowed. While there is precedent (read this post), I don't believe your case qualifies. Did you ask any TASVideos staff about allowing this code before starting your tas? Personally, I don't find this gameplay adds anything over the currently published movie. You're just using a cheat to skip to the last part of the game. It would have been slightly more interesting if you went for the bad ending, although my gut tells me it would still be fastest to get the ultimate dragon form & just not use it in the final battle.
The bad ending would be accepted? As for the present run, I object to your assessment. It skips 3/4 of the games - the story goes left and right with an approximative translation. It makes the game more interesting