Posts for jeff_town

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how can you be done? aren't there about 253 more friction values to TAS? what if one of them turns out to somehow yield a faster overall game compared to all the others? I mean, we've got 3 data points: no friction (31:58), default friction (22:53), and this (30:47). Both 0 and 255 are slower than the default, so maybe the time distribution is parabola-shaped, but no matter the exact distribution it seems unlikely the default friction is also the minimum time friction.
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I'd just like to ask that the official recording have some A-list celebrity to read the submission text in VO as the game progresses.
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well worth it for the ending particle animation & tune.
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I found a word list at "BEACH" is the word with the lowest "maximum letter", i.e., you only have to scroll down to "H" in the letter list in order to enter all the letters you need. "HOME" is also in the word list and while it's further to go to "M", maybe the time save from having to guess only 4 letters would be faster? "HANGMAN" wouldn't be too much slower, as it's just 5 distinct letters. and it'd be funny.
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I went reading the BASIC source and either I'm overlooking something (likely) or the code to actually increase difficulty on level up is .. not there. The main level cycling code is at line 175:
  175 poke f,32:poke k,32:poke q,32
  180 f=1944:k=f:g=1:l=g:for x=1084 to 2004 step 40:poke x,32
  185 next:gosub 950:yy=yy+1:if yy=10 then yy=1:e=e-(e*.5):j=j-(j*.5)
Related variables:
  • w: printed as the LEVEL. Not otherwise used
  • yy: number of nevets per level, cycles from 1 to 9
  • e, j: numbers (initially 8 and 16) that are HALVED every time yy cycles back to 1. Not otherwise used.
There are also 2 copies of the joystick reading code (line 100 and line 1000), both used. one handles diagonals and the fire button, the other does not. huh. If that's right, then arguably the "game loop" ends when the number of nevets resets back to 1. The exact pattern won't repeat because RNG, but there's no increase in difficulty.
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So happy to see this tas'd! sadly, you grab the spars so quickly we don't see much gameplay. You'll do "maximum score" and get 99999999 next, right?
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A silly question: you mention getting every possible level skip which means you play all the odd numbered levels. Did you consider investigating whether missing a level skip & doing even numbered levels could save time? It seems unlikely, because you'd not only have to wait for a skip timer to expire but you'd also end up doing 31 levels instead of 30, so if you didn't give it much (any) consideration I don't blame you.
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any insight into what allows the power-up to spawn?
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the vertical scrolling is especially painful!
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having watched both I preferred the un-glitched run, for whatever that's worth. it got a bit long, especially with the monotonous scenery and lack of music, but at least I had a sense of how the game was supposed to be played.
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"the acid is too high" you don't say
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I had no idea such a solid Omega Race clone was published in that magazine!
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I remember this one! I assume the mismatch between the video length (~20) and the play time is due to some loading time not present in the preview video? vs input at the end that needs to be trimmed.
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enjoyed watching all the near-misses.
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I love bot optimization but understand if it doesn't fit other site rules. Does eating a pill 'out of the way' (one instance around frame 1550) or the occasional 1-pixel forays into a side tunnel (e.g., one around frame 486) not lose frames? The frame 1550 pill-eating seems especially surprising as that part of the maze is traversed again a little bit later, so the pill would be eaten anyhow.
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can you explain why you died once in the minefield level?
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full video is marked private
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ah yes but which car constitutes the "best ending"?
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I think you had someone else secretly sending you the moves to make.
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so the computer (if you can call a 2600 a "computer") blanks the screen and thinks for up to 2 minutes between moves?? wow that's terrible.
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I noticed that pieces would spawn even if some of the four positions they occupy are already filled. This seems different than the 'best' technical description ( I found in a few minutes searching, which (sadly, without calling out the code that implements it) describes the algorithm as follows:
In fact, normally, we think of game over as when the pile reaches the top. But, this is not entirely correct. The game actually ends when it is no longer possible to spawn the next piece. That is, all four cells of the playfield corresponding to the spawned Tetrimino's square positions must be empty before the piece can be introduced.
Rather, it looks like the piece is successfully spawning when a single square is empty. Is that right?
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I was entertained by just how broken the game is, but I can see how not everyone would be. There's not a lot of actual gameplay as originally intended.
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just wondering if, for entertainment factor, the player's canon can be left "wide" for longer periods of time, or if that affects gameplay when not actively shooting. For instance, if the canon is "wide" from just after the previous shot until just before the next shot, it would be more apparent to viewers.
Experienced Forum User
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What's going on with the encode at about 5m30? some debugging?
Experienced Forum User
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I wish this speedrun was 6:66 long