Posts for kicklolz

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Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 6
nitsuja wrote:
kicklolz wrote:
When you're playing a movie file and you pause the emulator, is the movie supposed to stop playing when you resume the emulator?
No, and it doesn't do that either, from what I can tell testing it just now. Could you describe what you're doing in more detail?
I'm using the Mac version, which is probably why its working fine for you. I'm just hitting Esc or command-r to pause the emulation. When I hit command-r to unpause the movie just stops playing. The emulation is still going on but the movie isn't. I downloaded 1.43 and it did the same thing so I thought that either its supposed to do this for some weird reason or no one caught the bug so I figured I'd ask.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 6
When you're playing a movie file and you pause the emulator, is the movie supposed to stop playing when you resume the emulator?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 6
hero of the day wrote:
he did. I just realized that the somersault could be canceled by pressing X, L, or R, which also keeps the momentum intact. There is another useful application for this too Tub, I will use it in my new any% run to cross over the crateria missle lake without having to bomb jump.
It also looks very awesome
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Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 6
Saturn wrote:
I will try to upload a AVI tomorrow. And thanks everybody for the nice comments. As moozooh said, I aim for sub 1:00 hour with our newest route. :-) EDIT: YouTube Video of "WIP 2" for now EDIT 2: Argh, probably needs to wait for a couple of hours before it gets up there...
Thanks Saturn. Are you aiming for sub 1 hour game time or real time? Real time would be amazing, but after watching Drewseph's speedrun I don't even think it'd be possible. Thanks again for uploading an avi.
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Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 6
laughing_gas wrote:
kicklolz wrote:
Could you upload an avi of this somewhere? I am eagerly awaiting this run but I can't view smv files. Thanks.
Download the emulator, then download the rom (sorry, can't give links), open the rom in the emulator, and then play the smv file.
I use a Mac.
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Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 6
Saturn wrote:
Exactly what Tub said. Redesign offers countless mindbreaking possibilities in both, route and speed-tricks, which will make a awesome TAS with very much variety like in no other hack. One good example you can already see in this update! It shows a absolutely unexpected and crazy way how to get the High Jump Boots early and abuse the Spring Ball to its fullest to increase the speed through some rooms extremely badly. Also perfect use of the Charge Beam to save Missiles, and hopefully a optimal ammo management in general. I recomment to use the latest Redesign v2.1 version to not risk desyncs. Enjoy!
Could you upload an avi of this somewhere? I am eagerly awaiting this run but I can't view smv files. Thanks.