Posts for kolechovski

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Well, rather than host any of the heavy vids here, all that should be on Youtube, right? Everything else here should be the small emulator movie files, right? So, I really don't see what the bandwidth issue is, except for the sheer number of people using it. You also have to realize that what happens here is happening all over most areas in general. The older players who enjoyed many of these classic games simply CAN'T be around anymore, due to demands of life. If this site will still thrive on classic games, the younger generation must be shown how epic and playworthy they really are. They do have the time to put into keeping a site like this up and running. And I'm not surprised there isn't much doen for the newer systems-how many memorable games do you have from those systems? Anything like the classics? I didn't think so, either, so it's no surprise there isn't much done there.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Bump...anybody??? I'd like to get those final values completed soon, so I can finish my guide. Thanks?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Don't emulators simply create the NES thingy from the start, as if they'd just come from the factory each and every time? Besides, if you have 2 NESes with different timing thingies, and they are in different states when the game is loaded, you essentially have 2 different consoles. You might as well compare the NES to the SNES, and try to make the game and TAS work on both of them, and then wonder why you can't do it. I'm sure, with some time and more testing, memory hacking, etc., you will find the common variable/way to set it to a certain, universal start. With that, the game will then be TASable (along with others that suffer this effect). If TASes manage to work as they already do for most games, then it is proof that it does work. Has anyone even checked on how each emulator handles the DMC thingy?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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As I can't watch these vids right now, I don't know what you did, but know a couple things. I don't know if you finally succeeded in getting the whistle within the spiked wall, but another guy who did some testing with a Game Genie code that allows removal of wall tiles grabbed them both (reaching the second one before being returned to the map), but he still ended up with only one.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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I'm all for whatever improvements. Sure, if several smaller improvements equals one big one, I may still be for the smaller ones, as you can make those more enetertaining. But this is supposed to be about saving time, and if a big one saves even one frame more, go for the big one. Obsolete movies exist for our entertainment. Use the links to them.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Anybody here ever consider doing a 3 Heart Run for the SNES version? A live run of it was posted on a few years back after being discovered (the vids are on YouTube under SuperBacon's account). Would anyone be interested in these?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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I know the glitch you mean about being knocked onto the ladder. That should be doable, where the hero can then just jump up on top. As for the door thingy, this only applies when entering 1-room locations, like houses/shops (where you exit fom the screen edge rather than a door). I have done this quite often, so it should be solidly effective. Remember that some places outside of town also feature these buildings.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Well, that depends on what you'd consider a cheat code. I'd always assume that meant stuff like Game Genie, not resources developers put in the game to help with testing, etc. It all comes down to exactly what cheating is, but with glitches being allowed to be abused, I don't see why features put in game would be any different. It's not the same thing as inputing some password to start out at the very end. For example, in this game, consider that warping ability part of the hero's magical stash. It's a part of the game, so it should eb allowed to be used, right?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Lord Tom: I wanted to ask you about your speedrun, specifically about entering the doors in towns (and a few out-of-town areas). It seems some frames are wasted by entering a door as soon as you can, due to a glitch where you respawn further to the left. If you enter a 1-room area from anywhere on the left side of the door, when you come back out, you will appear 1 block left of the door. If you were aligned with, or to the right of such door, you will appear directly in front of it when you return. In your TAS, by entering such doors from the left, when you reappear outside, you seem to need to retrace those few steps caused by the glitch, so in many areas, it might be best for you to wait to align with the door before entering, if you were moving to the right. Likewise, if there were any areas where you were moving to the left, you might want to go 1 step left of the center of the door to get a 1-block head start when you return outside. Since you were using a combination of glitches, you might have already known about and intended to go the way you did, but if not, this could save up to a couple seconds. It also looks like you waste a moment in the first room of the Evil Fortress from not reaching that first ledge quite right, though I can’t compare stuff right now, and this is not taking into account time saved by running most of the way, following with the 2 fast jumps, so this might be nothing.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Now why would there be any problems with using controller 2? TASes are made to (ab)use game mechanics in every way possible, and even the original TAS of this game abuses fast-warping. Why wouldn't you make use of controller 2? Maybe another property gets added in the video description thingy. Whoop de doo. Go for it!
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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The current published movie is nice. Don't forget to watch the obsolete. I also find it interesting, and I love watching how the improvement was done. It's sad that the current WIP is going to be an FM2 video though. While I understand that FCEUX has advantages, the file sizes of the videos still are horrendous. Would there be any way that these latest videos being produced could still be FCMs, or does the FCEUX's advantages simply mandate the upgrade?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Now are we talking all planets beat (except 13), or, do we mean grabbing every single treasure there is, beating every bonus stage there is, etc? If the secodn option, this game would take a very long time, but it would still be fun to watch by us fans. Back when I played it, I always grabbed everything there was (even grabbing extra fuel, just because it was there). And it would also give a chance to show off the little lives/jetpod appearance glitch. I would also love to see a more "active" run through the final stage, with the ship wildly dodging a meteor mess. One thing I always wondered story-wise...why does the guy want that golden warpship? Sure, it looks nice, but a simple jetpod is far more durable (Dying because I TOUCHED a rock!? I mean, come on...).
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Wasn't the wall to Boom Boom somewhat short, though? Then again, even for that amount of time, I can see how that would take longer. And I believe the Whistle is after the spikes, right? That would certainly take much longer doing it that way (but that is still possible, right?). I remember back some time some guy mentioning the 4th Warp Whistle appearing within that wall...somewhere before the one you're supposed to get.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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The special 1-Up sound ain't overused...I don't knoe how anybody can come up with such a crazy thing. I forget how many broken 1-Up sounds there are as well, but I'd like those to stay the same, too. A question about World 1's fortress...Wouldn't a corner jump be faster at finishing it? In a full run, it could be done in the spike room to go through the wall perhaps, but I forget how long that takes. In a non-warp run, wouldn't corner jumping teh first corridor take you to Boom Boom? Couldn't Fire Mario fry him faster than getting the Whistle?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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It sounds like there's another variation of the stair climbing glitch (or that was the general means to do it). In the instance I proposed, changing characters isn't necessary, though it seems Grant must be active to get up the stairs fast enough to avoid the automatic play from taking over (anyone else gets caught just a moment too soon). From there, Grant simply keeps climbing up into the glitch world. I have not succeeded in getting that glitch world to spawn any kind of background other than the one first presented, though I do get around in it a bit to encounter moving platforms and such. As for the Dracula thing, here is what I am hoping... DREAM ROUTE- You spawn Dracula to the right of the first screen in the glitch world (that's where I confirmed it), preferably with only 2 life bars if possible. Go through each of the phases of his battle. Although the glitch world lacks a floor, remember that in the 3rd phase, blocks start lifting up and moving around. From what I've watched closely in the real fight, the lack of floor here shouldn't make any difference. Blocks should start appearing and moving about, and when they land, they should create solid floor where they do. This would allow 2 things to happen-the orb can land on a middle floor block, and you can get off the invisible stairs at a left side block. I'm pretty sure you'll need another block in the middle as a stepping stone (so some techniques might negate the need for this). Finally, I'm hoping that grabbing Dracula's orb counts as beating the game (that the game end is specially tied to him instead of the stage). I have another question about glitch worlds. Watch the first Grant TAS for FCE. In the pendulum section of Dracula's tower, Grant spawns a glitch block with stairs (something that for some reason isn't repeated in the later TASes, though I see no reason why). I don't know anything about how he did it there, but could there be a way to do it, so that the stairs align with the block? If so, this should give access to another glitch world.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Would it be time-saving to do the bonus stage on Planet 1? Also, does anybody have copies of the game's maps, either the real ones or the mapping device ones? I'd live to review them for the areas you can fly through the rocks, though I don't know if such a glitch would be feasible to set up, especially since going to the ship parts isn't possible until the mothership is full of fuel.
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Note that somewhere on my hard drive exist the save states involved with this glitch, but that might take some time to find. It's probably faster for you guys to produce this yourselves. Now a better explanation of the above post, and what I'm after. Clearly, quite a bit of testing needs to be done on certain parts. After many attempts, I finally succeeded at spawning Dracula on the first screen of the glitch world (bosses typically spawn off to the right). I died before I could make a save there or beat him. What I am wondering is how the mechanics are tied with Dracula and the ending. As you know, when you collect the orb after beating Dracula's final form, a special victory song begins, and then the ending runs. I am hoping to reproduce this in the glitch world, preventing any need to even enter Dracula's castle. if, however, beating Dracula in this stage simply ends the stage and advances you to the next (Draculas dying as a normal boss), then this is all likely a time-waster, no matter what parts you salvage. Here is a list of what needs to be discovered... 1. Will the ending begin if Dracula is killed in another stage? 2. Will Dracula go through all 3 forms in another stage, or will he die after his first form is beat? 3. Is accessing this glitch world doable in both the US and Jap versions? 4. Is Grant necessary to do it? So far, it will only seem to work with him, even though there's no obvious reason why he should be needed. 5. When approaching the Bone Dragon King for a second fight, the enemy lifebar resets to its health just before you reach it. Is this done by a check on your specific position, or is an invisible sprite loading when you get close. If it's an invisible sprite that resets the lifebar, then can it be spawned in the glitch world for a fast kill of the boss? After all, most other sprites seem to be spawnable at random there... 6. As you may already know, the glitch world lacks a floor, and the orb from beating a boss can only be picked up when it lands on a floor. The third phase of Dracula's battle should take care of this issue (if he goes through all 3 phases here). This means, that if this whole thing is doable, luck manipulations would also be needed to get platforms to appear in the correct positions to take advantage of this. Looking at the way it currently works, a solid platform is made after the moving platform ends. I see no reason this effect wouldn't work in the glitch world. All of these things must work as currently intended for this to be improvable. If anyone can prove that Grant isn't needed, then this is a Trevor-only run. And if this doesn't work out this way, it's pretty much just a useless novelty. So, who wanst to spend hours/days testing all this stuff? Anyone?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Copy-pasted from an old post...and posted in this thread since SO FAR, Grant seems necessary to access this glitch world... --------------------- Yesterday, while playing the game, normally for the most part, in the sunken temple, after climbing the stairs up off the top of the screen in the sinking section, I appeared on the map to the right of where I should have, climbing an invisible set of stairs. If I climbed down off the screen, I’d end up climbing down from the top of the area I should have arrived from. If I climbed up, Grant (who I was using at the time) would end up against the right edge of the screen, but could keep climbing up. If I climbed off the top, I would end up in a glitch world. It was possible to climb up or down in the glitch world and arrive on more glitchy screens. Random enemies would appear, usually glitchy. Candles, lanterns, and braziers would also appear in random places, dropping random powerups. The glitch world lacks any kind of floor or stairs of its own. Also, when first arriving, a Cyclops will be to the left, but will be initially unreachable. Taking different exits either left me in more glitchy places, or the game would crash, often with a black screen, but sometimes with a glitchy mess. One of the methods even sets me climbing down to where the Cyclops is. Even though there’s no floor, it can walk back and forth, screen wrapping if it goes off the edge. If it begins to charge, it never stops. If defeated, a ghost rises out of it, but with no coffins to go into, the red orb simply drops down, as the ghost continues rising. Both screen wrap indefinitely. Without a floor, it is impossible to collect the orb to complete the stage, because it must land before it can be collected. One of the screens has moving platforms. Unfortunately, the nearest platform stops just a very slight bit short of where I could possibly land on it, but I don’t know if you could land on moving platforms from stairs or not. There is also an enemy always in the way of the stairs, and I can’t beat it. Trevor has Boomerangs and can’t reach it. Grant has the axe, but when standing far back enough for them to whack the enemy on the way down, the axes simply disappear up off the top. I’m also down to my last hit, so I can’t ram through the enemy either, so I don’t know what would happen if I climbed off the bottom of that screen. Dying in the glitch world always caused me to respawn on the screen where the Cyclops is. Since there is no floor, I’d always begin falling and dying immediately, and there’s no breaking this cycle. It’s an automatic GAME OVER. Different candles and lanterns will still spawn in random places when respawning there. Has anyone ever found the glitch world? Any others? I don’t know if this was fixed in the USA version or not. I’ve also got another question. When fighting the Bone Dragon King, I quickly kicked its ass with Trevor throwing 3 Boomerangs. Its life bar stopped at 2 units, and it wouldn’t take any more damage. When I reached the end and started the battle, it still had only those 2 units left, so it was naturally an easy win. Is that second battle really supposed to be that easy? It was pretty ridiculous. Thanks for all help.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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I have some questions about the detailed workings of this game that somebody witch hacking experience may be able to answer, if they can spare the time. What are the first 2 missing bits of game events used for? I also need a couple questions answered about some missing values in my guide, regarding equipment. A Black Onyx reduces damage received by 1/8, right? Does it also give this reduction to magic damage? Does it have any other special powers? I also need verification on the following values... Weapon Damage Dealt Damage With Pendant Hand Dagger 5 4 Long Sword 10 8 Giant Blade 15 12 Dragon Slayer 20 16 And I assume a Glove increases damage dealt by 1/5, right? Magic Casting Cost (MP) Damage Dealt Damage/MP Damage With Magic Rod Deluge 2 6 3 9 Thunder 4 9 2.25 13 Fire 6 24 4 36 Death 10 34 3.4 51 Tilte 16 38 2.375 57 I am unsure about Death's value. I thought I remember firing it 7 times before it ran out. Out of an 80-point meter, this would be incorrect if my memory is right. I also would like to know what enemies are resistant to what types of magic. For example, the Death Mage that appears in the mist at the top of the screen seems unaffected by Death and Thunder, IIRC (and I can’t even reach it with Deluge). Does anyone have a list of enemies and their resistances to certain magics? Armor Physical Damage Reduction Shield Magic Damage Reduction Leather/None 0 Small Shield Studded Mail 1/8 Large Shield Full Plate 1/4 Magic Shield Battle Suit Battle Helmet I am unsure about a couple things. In one test with a sword-swinging dwarf, I took as many hits to die with a full life meter wearing the Studded Mail versus the Leather Armor. Is there a glitch where the Studded mail gives no reduction, where some enemies don't give it a reduction, a glitch with certain enemy attacks, or some anomaly that occurred with my testing? I used a password to start at Victim with all armors, then went left of there and let the sword-swinging dwarf kill me wearing each armor. The Full Plate and Battle Suit gave proper reductions, but I can't remember what they were. It also seems that the Battle Helmet is completely useless. I can't seem to get any magic blocked by it at all. Is there a glitch with it, as I suspect? The most obvious example is the fight against the Evil One. His fireballs qualify as magic, IIRC, but won't hit the helmet (and therefore won't harm you with Ointment). I'd appreciate any help I can get in filling in these missing values and will add credit in my guide for the help (please note if you want to be referred to as something other than your username). Thanks!
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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A bunch more from the chat room, cleaned up, about a few possible glitches to go from the start of Dracula's castle to his room faster...if anybody can get any of them to work...will need major testing. METHOD 1-saves a frame or 2? As is shown in the cv2blockglitch video, simply do 2 normal jumps through the block instead of taking the stairs. This is a minor improvement in case the major improvement doesn’t work, which appears it won’t. METHOD 2-try to get over that tall wall... I had planned possibly doing the fall-through-floor glitch from the first platform, jumping off to the right, and somehow clearing the wall. Knowing he wasn’t going to make it quite on his own, I was hoping the Simon would fall off the screen before the wall scrolled off the top, so that he would screen-wrap above it and land on it. From basic tests, I can’t seem to get him to go off the bottom before the wall’s top scrolls out of sight, and double-jumping before actually seems to make it worse (due to the camera’s descent during his second jump). You guys can have these save states and play with it in detail, trying it from different camera heights with FADV if you care, but it doesn’t look like it will work. METHOD 3-make glitch world link to Drac's sacrificial room somehow... I also hoped, that with some warping in the glitch world, that maybe some route through there might be faster than going through the castle, but I have yet to warp into Dracula’s room, or get the castle itself to glitch in any way, so it appears only the minor improvement is going to work. I have videos of going through the glitch world a bit. Have fun playing with it yourselves. You'll find the glitch world can spit you out in many areas near the end-game, but for this to save any time, a connection would likely have to be found on the 1st glitch screen. cv2glitch cv2glitch2 cv2glitch3
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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I was going to post the level 1 warp here, but it looks like you're already on it. In real time, I simply reach the area as fast as possible, and the warp is there. I don't know why it's not always there for you. Anyhow, anybody plan on finishing the improvement, so it can be posted? BTW, is there any way to ram the boulder that leads to the warp, and will anything special happen if you do, or will it just shatter and reveal the warp as usual?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
Post subject: Snake's Revenge
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I thought a topic would've been made with all the glitches in this game...anyhow, perhaps a few wee minor improvements can be made to the current TAS. Details below, basically pasted from chat, cleaned up... I have 5 movies I can send to anyone who wants them. These videos are just screw-arounds, but they show off some of the techniques I’m suggesting. Note that my computer is in a bad state, and its ability to detect input is really something else. I have had to resort to rerecords and countless reboots to make these movies. Some of the screwy detection may be evident in them. Here are what the videos highlight. Snake’s Getaway 1-3 are all basically the same video, but different runs at it to show off different stuff. snake's getaway1 snake's getaway2 snake's getaway3 The recording started at the cable car right after Big Boss. I did 3 runs at it to get one with 0 rerecords to show how easy it was with a little practice, to make it back to the train before time ran out. I was going to delete the others, but decided they show some other good stuff. Snake Warping 1 and 2 start at the end of the final cable car ride, just as the cable car starts to return. snake warping1 snake warping2 Snake Warping 1 is mostly just another screw-around video. Also note that for fun, if the splash Snake makes is still on the screen when time runs out, he’ll emerge from the water to die again. Snake Warping 2 is one I’m really proud of. While another screw-around, I ended up capturing many of the glitches by accident that I was simply going to explain here. The powers of warping are quite evident in that one, and that is merely a sample of Snake’s warping abilities. I’d recommend someone with the time and patience try out all the warping moves from all locations to see what other shortcuts might be possible with it. Standing a pixel or 2 in a different spot when a warp is done near a screen edge tends to put Snake in massively different places, so there is a whole lot to be tested here. Furthermore, as you can see, when he ends up near screen edges after a warp, he can make further unusual transitions, or even perform further warps (though I don’t think I got video of any multi-warps). In addition, if there’s a way to damage Snake, so he can run over the pit and meet the cable car as it arrives, there’ll be a 1-screen jump, so the TAS can be improved if he can quickly accumulate weapons to do this, and still have a net saving in the end after all necessary pre-moves are done, but I don’t know if this will really be doable or not. Finally, note that when getting warped back to the ship, Snake is unfortunately stuck in the hull. There is no way to get out, and I can’t seem to warp to any other parts of the ship. The boarding walk would have allowed Snake to keep going, either onto the ship (and perhaps to a waiting helicopter again, allowing him to redo much of the game), or head as far back to the jungle as he could. There is no way to keep the boarding walk present to sail the ship, either, as even with the glitch to move about the deck with it attached, you must revisit the screen in order to access the elevator. Unless you guys find another way, this unfortunate event makes it impossible to continue from that point.
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It seems I came back just a bit too late with this vid, as it looks like you guys had these discussions. Here's a real-time vid of Mike's scroll glitch for reconsideration, if anyone cares. FCE video version 0.98.15: Which is the goal, anyhow-shorter ending time, or shorter file input time?
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Yeah, that worked. I know some do, but I think all video descriptions should have the version used displayed if it's not the current one.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.