Posts for kotetsu213

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How practical would this be? Asking because the game already has a real messed up engine that lets you do insane things... examples
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Check here edit another TGM clone is there if you couldn't get Heboris to work as far as I can tell, it plays exactly like TGM1/2+
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Download from here and install. Then go here and download a Full Package, such as C7V4EX YGS2K+ Full Package, and extract the contents into the folder where Heboris is installed. Then, hopefully, you can start the game, though you have to wait a while for the thing to compile. Then almost everything is in English and you have a language option to change everything else into English. The default controls are s - up z - left x - down c - right b - A n - B m - C (I forgot what Hold was) Depending on which version you're playing, 'q' will stop a game (in Lite, F1 to pause, then either A+B or A+C, I forgot) and 'esc' will exit the program. For more info go here The game is a mess though, which is why I prefer Lite since it's easier to navigate...
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Since this topic is called "Tetris" and not "Gavin Ward's Tetris" (...where'd my death 518 video go? I have to reupload it)
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If anyone cares, I started on a video using Skate. Obviously this won't obsolete the current run, I just wanted to have a little fun, that's all. (don't expect anything huge, it's less than 2 minutes)
Post subject: Lockjaw and Heboris
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These are two Tetris clones, both for the PC, and in my opinion, they are by far the best out there, for having TONS of customizability. Besides that, both games can be TAS'ed. With Heboris it's a pain in the butt, but Lockjaw has been ported to GBA. I think that says enough.
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It looks fine to me.
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um, here's my pathetic attempt It's great for a 0.2 version, but these are my suggestions 1. Fix the RNG. PLEASE. 2. The controls are sort of sloppy. If I hold left to make the piece move all the way to the left, then right after that if I press right to move it one space to the right of that then it should move one space to the right, not zoom all the way to the right as soon as I press it. 3. Fix the rotation rules, the way they are right now makes Death mode far too limiting. Don't overkill it though, Tetris DS level 18 is way too easy. 4. Also I would move the 'S' piece one space to the left. besides that, it's fantastic, I think.
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The main reason I didn't choose Max was because we have a Max video already, and I wanted to see what the other characters were capable of. Then again I really haven't done anything yet so I can still go back and change that.
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As far as I know the only differences between BK2 and SoR2 are 1. The title screen (obviously) 2. Blaze's panties (Some people will like watching this but in my opinion it doesn't warrant usage of the Japanese rom) 3. You can check your KOs when the game is paused (and I won't be pausing the game during this run) What I'm really concerned about is what Axel and Blaze can do together that a single character can't. Namely, high-damage moves (Kikoshouzan + Grand Upper) and infinites (Axel can do this by himself but Blaze will make it much more effective) And of course I want to figure out how to manage 2 players simultaneously while keeping the camera moving.
Post subject: Streets of Rage 2 (2 players)
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I want to make a 2 player video. Obviously, it won't be easy. Any suggestions? (I will be using Axel and Blaze)
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3928 with Skate. (I need somewhere else to host this) I would've beaten Truncated's video but some little kids came into my room asking me if they could play and messed up my concentration. Also mine goes all the way to the initials and Truncated's video stops after he kills Mr. X so that adds a few seconds on mine.
Post subject: Streets of Rage 2
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1 player, use whoever you want, no changing the options I did it in 42 minutes and 7.1 seconds. I think this was pretty sloppy but I want to see how everyone else does.
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I don't like vgmusic. The songs I've looked at don't sound much like the real thing. There are however a handfull of really good songs, I like the Mega Man 2 Genesis music sequenced by Tom Kim.
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Really, if it's only 1-2 frames and it looks cool, then go for it.
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It's the GBA version where you have to complete all of the levels.
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550 MB at 2 kb/sec? I do NOT think so. Look, here are some more tips. If an enemy attacks you with a physical attack, it is completely possible to reduce the damage to 0. If you can get a Rock Candy, be sure to use it as much as possible without letting it disappear, since it does 200 HP to all of the enemies. Mallow's Thunder attack OWNS the ghosts on the sunken ship. If you do go for the 100 jumps, be sure to get the Super Suit and Jump Scarf ASAP. It helps a LOT. The board on GameFAQs has all kinds of stuff on it so I'll be sure to look at that.
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Bleh, I don't like that one.
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My email
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I'm talking about his "other" features. You know, a certain way he acts in this game.
Post subject: Dragon Ball Z 3 - Hot Battle! The Androids
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Okay... should I even bother with this game? It might not be very exciting to watch at some points, but pretty much everything goes by quickly, battles, dialogue, you name it, randomness is VERY abusable, and you don't even need to level up (except for more HP/KI, besides that I don't think it makes your guys stronger.) This is the only Dragon Ball that IMO would make a decent time attack. Gaiden might also work, although I know next to nothing about it, and Z 1, Z 2, and LotSS = VERY BAD choices.
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I also have a bunch of fighting games on my computer. Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (which was on my old computer, until a bunch of ROMs disappeared for no reason and this went along with them) X-Men Children of the Atom Marvel Super Heroes X-Men VS Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter Marvel VS Capcom (also have this on DC) Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (also have this on DC and GBA) Vampire Savior (I suck, Felicia's the ONLY person I'm good at all with) Super Gem Fighter (She rules in this game though) Darkstalkers (which I've never played because I couldn't get the ROM to work and didn't feel like downloading another one) I also have Marvel VS Capcom 2 on my DC, but my disc is broken... I also got Soul Calibur 2 about a week ago for GCN. Throw in SSBM, and that's pretty much it... (Am I the only one who can't stand what they did to Luigi in this game?)
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Lemme elaborate on my rules some more. 1. A fighting game must involve at least 2 characters made of offensive and defense boxes, which either the player or the AI can control directly by pressing a button or a sequence of buttons. When an offense box hits a defensive box, the effects are but not limited to damage being dealt. By boxes I mean any kind of box, 2d or 3d, polygons, whatever. 2. A fighting game must revolve around the concept above. Battletoads... a lot of the game had you just going from point A to point B, even though rule 1 is still there. Although I think putting the buttons and 2 characters part did kind of throw this out of the window. 3. A fighting game must tell the player how much they've damaged their opponent. Yes there is a ring-out only mode in Soul Calibur, but normally, you can win by taking all of there life away. And a LOT of people consider Wrestling games to have their own category, even though they might as well have lifebars anyway, since you need to rack up enough damage on your opponent to pin him. 4. A fighting game must have a way for the player to reduce or nullify damage when their character's defense boxes are hit by an enemy offense box. I guess I should've put Dodging Techniques in here as well, that's just one thing that slipped my mind. 5. If two or more people can play a fighting game at the same time, there must be at least 2 different characters to choose from. Not as much of a rule but I still think it should be here. Besides, if there's just one person, then it's not much of a fighting game, as there are no different character strategies etc. 6. Each character in a fighting game must have several different attacks or techniques (aka Moves) to choose from. Again, if everyone just has one move, then it's not much of a fighting game. Even though I can't think of many games at all that give you one move. I guess I should admit now that these are all based off of modern games, starting from SF2. Besides, I haven't seen a list like this yet, and so many people were arguing over it that I had to do something.
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...Okay, you guys are really getting me into some trouble now. I've played Karate Champ so I know about that, now I'm gonna see what Yie Ar Kung Fu is like...