Posts for ktwo

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Sorry about the wrong emu-version. I use 2.0.2. Is it 2.1.4 I should use ? After a good night's sleep, I discovered a few flaws in the route that I would like to correct in the next version. I'll get onto it once I know I'm using the same emu-version as everyone else. I'm not following the description for the treasury trick you're looking into. Maybe you were just thinking out loud, but otherwise it would help with a movie...
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Posts: 113 I made a "console" WIP (save states, but played in real-time). The objective was to try out a couple of ideas and come up with a planning for an improvement of the console speedrun. I think the overall route should be pretty similar to the tas-route, so I thought I should post here. A couple of comments: - This took me an hour to make, so please don't laugh... Again, this is not a tas, it's just to share ideas for the route planning. - I realised after I was finished that the extra life picked up was unnecessary. - Ventuz' zipping trick could save a second after picking up thing (instead of going down the stairs in the main hall). I didn't use simply because the risk-reward ratio is not good enough for a console speedrun (for me at least). - I used continues, because there are no restrictions for that at sda. If that's not allowed on this site, then it will of course somewhat reduce the possibilities of comparing routes. - I used the pal-rom, because that's the console version I have. As far as I can tell, there are no differences with the ntsc-version except for the speed. Ventuz, your turn... ;-)
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Ventuz, I replied to your message on sda forum, so I'm not gonna repeat much here. Just that your zipping trick works on console and that I didn't see where this could save 10 seconds (I can see that it saves some time though depending on the route). As for your new tas, I hope you pursue it. I think your wip desynched for me as you died just before picking up the umbrella (didn't make much sense to me). However, I think I can see how the rest of the route would be like. Pretty much the same route would work on console, maybe with the exception of having to pick up thing before going to the freezer (I'm actually a bit surprised it isn't faster in a tas as well, because I don't see a lot of other places where thing can save time). I have two question marks about this game, please let me know if you find out - Is there something hidden in Fester's room ? (the manual hints in an intriguing way) - Does the middle music manuscript do something ? (iirc, the manual says that all music manuscripts can help Gomez or something similar)
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Speed Man, it's cool that you only replied to the one question (out of four) that I was the least interested in... So, I'm starting to get curious here. You ask how get your more viewers to your youtube channel and still you're surprisingly reluctant to reveal how to find it. So you wanna show us what you got or not ? :-)
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Speed Man wrote:
"You did that shot too fast. You must be a TASer, I can't do it like that on a console, so NO ONE could" I get this every time I showed a speedrun of mine to them, but from different people. Usually Tiki[insert random numbers for cool factor] says stuff like that but I have seen others do so. If you are quicker than their more respected members and you're new, you're a faker.
Strange, that's not how I see that most newcomers are received. Do you have the link to any of the threads where you were badly treated (or what's your handle on sda, then I can just find them myself) ? What games have you speedran ? And what's your youtube channel ?
Speed Man wrote:
I also do not approve of how they butcher video quality. It should be plainly visible and not so artifacted and blurry.
You mean "butcher" as in encoding the videos ? How would you otherwise do it ? You can hardly put the raw files up...
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In the green room, it looked like you had to wait some on the upper moving bone. You know that you can manipulate it to appear more to the left by making a jump when waiting on the skull platform below, right ? Also, are you sure that it's faster to start with the green room than the blue room ? It's a bit unfair to compare your time with the published run since you don't have to stop so much in a death abuse run. I still hope you pursue this, I'd definitely like to see a death abuse tas of this game.
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Kitsune wrote:
It might be a little hard to top the current runs for this game. I know there are already 100% and any% Tases for this already, I believe. I know the 100% TAS exists for sure since I have it downloaded.
I'm not sure I see your point. The current tas is indeed very well done, as is basically every other video on this site. However, my examples above show that there are faster ways to clear some of the levels. If you don't use the fastest route to begin with, it doesn't matter how much you're working on the optimization, it can still be done faster.
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Hi, This looks like the most recent thread for Solomon's Key, so I'll post here. I'm planning a console speedrun for Solomon's Key. Hopefully it will end up on sda. The first goal is to get a run with the bad ending using warps. Anyways, I'm gathering information about different solutions for the rooms in order to get through as quickly as possible. I've studied the tas and picked up some good stuff. I have also question marks regarding some of the choices in the current tas that might be interesting to take into account in case anyone decides to improve it. - In level 1, it looks faster breaking the block, jumping to take the key and going down the newly created hole. - In level 45, I'm quite sure it's a waste of time going to the left at first. You can make the block under the blue flame (the one revealing the golden goose) be broken by blocking one of the demon heads. - In level 46, it's actually possible to pick up the seal after the key is picked up. In fact, it's not even more difficult than something I would go for if I were to do a best ending console run one day. I don't think you guys have much to learn from my route choices, but in case you're interested, they're at If you are indeed looking into this game and are planning to study my strategies, feel free to comment as well (should probably be done outside this forum though, since it's about console techniques). I picked up the basics for many of my strategies from a Japanese player There might be more stuff in his run for a future tas improvement, but I haven't looked into it since I don't play all levels right now. By the way, if any of the ideas above should prove useful for you, I don't take any credit for them. I did not find them on my own, I just collected them...
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I wish it were as easy to do as to say (I have no experience with the technical aspects of tasing, so I would have to start from scratch)... I didn't really expect someone to step up and try to improve the current tas immediately. I just wanted to write down my thoughts before forgetting everything. If sometime in the future it will be of use to someone, then I'm happy.
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Hi, I have made a console speedrun (actually two, one no-death and one with death abuse) that got posted at speeddemosarchive earlier this week. In the planning process, I got many, many useful ideas from Ventuz' tas. During my attemps, I got quite familiar with the game and came up with a couple of ideas that could improve the tas. I have no ambition whatsoever to improve the tas myself, so just see my post as a "returning a favor". Most ideas are just ideas and I don't claim that all of them would be faster than what the tas already does. - In the bone rooms, before you jump on the two bones above you, you can manipulate the upper one to be more to the left by first making a small jump on the ledge below. I have a feeling that the manipulation would be faster than not. - In the crypt, I believe it's faster to go to the left first. The reason is the time it takes to pick up the front key. In the tas, when you bounce on the skeleton's head for the third time, you need to land to pick up the key and then jump up on the ledge above. If you come from the left, you don't have to make that last jump back up, but instead enter the red bone room. - In Pugsley's room, don't pick up the money to the right from walking on the bed. Instead fall to the ground from the door and pick up the money from below. Your last fall will be a bit shorter then. - Inside the tree, just below the spikes halfway up, it's possible to bounce off a bat and jump on the ledge below directly. You have to take a slightly different route, so I'm not sure it's faster overall, but could be worth a try. (one problem is that I run on the pal-version, so it's difficult to compare which route that is actually the fastest) - In the pond, the wall next to the spanner is a fake one. It helps you to avoid some damage and also allows you to move left while ascending. You need to first go down to the bottom though. The asceding is done pretty quickly in tas, so not sure how this actually turns out timewise. - In the pond, you can enter the walls by squeezing in above the seaweed (can be done without taking damage). This wasn't useful for a console run, but could have some potential in a tas by allowing a straighter route. I leave it to someone more knowledgeable than me in tasing if this can be exploited or not. It's pretty neat anyways. - In the attic, I can't help but think that the use of thing was a bit of a waste. Alternative places to use it would have been in the freezer (thus changing the overall route a bit) or for the first part of the roof (allowing you not to stop for the first three bricks). - In the attic, I'm sure it would have been possible to manipulate the 2nd to last bat to trigger and thus avoiding having to jump down to the ground. That's what I can think of having come across while speedrunning. I do have two more points I'd like to comment on though. - "Capcomistle" ( has found (at least the first one I'm aware of to publish) some out of bounds tricks for Addams Family. In case his clip is taken down, I'll explain the idea here. There is one out of bound entrance close to each corner in the two secret rooms with dollar bags. There are also two out of bound entrances on the bottom of the chimney. All warp you to one of the rooms in the crypt (bone room or pit). The graphic gets glitched up, but at least some of the warps allow you to get back in the game again. However, I think you need to be prepared to death abuse then. There might very well be other out of bound entrances as well (I haven't tried the last two secret rooms for example). - Regarding the alternative route suggested by Ventuz above, I see a few problems. The five first instructions are feasible, but if you pick up thing and money, Lurch will stop playing before you have the chance to enter the wood. The same thing prevents you from walking out of the house and doing the tree after having summoned Lurch the second time. The secret passage will simply close before you come back to the library again. By omitting these instructions, I think the suggested route becomes longer. The current tas route actually looks pretty optimized to me. The only change I would like to see would be to take the freezer and the conservatory at the same time. This should be done after entering the mansion the second time (after the tree). I hope the above will be of use to whomever decides to go for an improvement of the current tas (which is already very good if I may say so). Maybe even a tas with death abuse ?
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I fooled around with an emulator and managed to record a video of Jaws beaten in one go with the strategy mentionned above. I uploaded the video here : . Considering how random Jaws can be in real play, this looks pretty neat I think. :-)
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In a TAS I don't think it should be a problem with the 6th upgrade. I only play in real-time and then I don't see a need for the 6th upgrade as your fire rate is lower than with the spread. I simply admit I never tried it. In a TAS on the other hand, the fire rate shouldn't be a big problem ? The special thing with the lower right corner (other than it is the 1st place where the shark can surface) is that the shark becomes sort of trapped when he surfaces there. This allows you to stay very close to him without risking to become shark food or getting out of fire range.
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I've been playing this game a bit lately and compared my times with this run. Very good effort indeed. However, just one question to Adelikat (if you're still reading this post). Did you know it's possible to kill the shark (level 24) the first time he surfaces ? I've done that in "real-time", so I figure it shouldn't be too hard in a TAS. The best way is to race straight to the right when the fight begins and then go down and left a bit. If the shark appears in the lower right corner, just hammer away. I've had the timer stop at 1,22 (which means he ran out of energy at around 1,24). That could take it below 17 minutes quite comfortably. Oh, a final word. I've only done this using the spread gun (5th fire upgrade) as I prefer it in real-time gaming. /ktwo