Posts for marcelo

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Is there a Rewind function in fceux, like BizHawk? I'm asking this question because I use BizHawk a lot, which has this function, "Rewind", but I couldn't find it in fceux!
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adelikat wrote:
BizHawk is a multi-platform emulator with rerecording tools written in C# * Github Project * Downloads, Release notes, and old versions
I have a problem with BizHawk-2.10-rc1! I'm playing Resident Evil 2 but when it asks for the second game Resident Evil II (Disc 2).cue the game doesn't accept it, it doesn't continue?
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
You must provide the disc image (typically .cue file) alongside the ROM using the multidisk bundler. The multidisk bundler can be accessed in the Tools menu. Good evening CasualPokerPlayer. I tried to do it here, but it didn't work, I don't know what's wrong!
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
marcelo wrote:
Hello, I would like to know if the latest version of bizhawk works with MEGA DRIVE MSU or MD+ games?
Use 2.10-rc or the latest dev builds.
I downloaded the latest version (2.10-rc) but the game is silent. Is there a tutorial?
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adelikat wrote:
BizHawk is a multi-platform emulator with rerecording tools written in C# * Github Project * Downloads, Release notes, and old versions
Hello, I would like to know if the latest version of bizhawk works with MEGA DRIVE MSU or MD+ games?
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Typically this isn't something you can just change some setting to fix, your PC is just not powerful enough to run the game at full speed under BizHawk. Changing the display size to 1x could potentially help, also changing the "Display Method" (Config -> Display -> Display Method) from Direct3D9 to OpenGL might help (it might not).
I don't think the problem is my computer, I did a test with the desmume-0.9.13 emulator and all the phases ran perfectly. But I'm going to do what you told me, I'm going to change the Display Method!
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YoshiRulz wrote:
marcelo wrote:
I would like to know why the NDS game audio in BizHawk-2.9.1 keeps stuttering? Is there a way to fix this in the settings?
This is probably just due to not running at full speed—enable View > Display FPS and see if the stuttering coincides with the framerate falling below 60 for a moment.
Indeed, at some stages the fps drops, yes. Is there any way I can reverse this in the BizHawk-2.9.1 settings?
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feos wrote:
BizHawk 2.9.1 has been released! Fixed crashes and other problems with MAME and other cores, and with EmuHawk. See the full release notes here: Binaries:
I would like to know why the NDS game audio in BizHawk-2.9.1 keeps stuttering? Is there a way to fix this in the settings?
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Quibus wrote:
Hi, No problem! How to run an OMR file is very simple... several options: 1. drop the file on the openMSX window 2. start openMSX from the commandline with the file behind it, or equivalently, drop the file on the openmsx executable in Windows 3. open the built-in console (F10 on Linux/Windows) and type the command:
reverse loadreplay path/to/my/recording.omr
How to record a TAS... see for instance my reply to the same question here: There is also a mini-tutorial here: If you have any particular questions, please ask them.
Thank you very much
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Sonia wrote:
Quibus wrote:
marcelo wrote:
Quibus wrote:
Feel free to use openMSX instead... let me know if you require help using it.
My doubt is about recording the game in Open MSX, or opening a file (omr) !
Why the doubts? How can I help?
English isn't marcelo's first language, and he's from Brazil. I think he really meant "question" instead of "doubt". In Portuguese there's a thing of saying "minha dúvida é (...)" which would literally translate as "my doubt is (...)", but it doesn't work quite well in English. Anyway, it's tricky to explain and doesn't really matter. But he's basically asking how to record a game in Open MSX and how to open .omr files there.
Thank you very much, it helped me a lot. kkkkkkk
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marcelo wrote:
YoshiRulz wrote:
marcelo wrote:
Is there any possibility that BizHawk runs Super Nintendo games (MSU-1)?
From 2.9, yes. Grab RC3 and let us know if anything's not working properly.
So, I did a test, the game even runs but the background music doesn't work. The game is muted.
Correction, now it works perfectly. In the tab, go to Config - Snes and then just change (Snes9x to SubBSNESv115+)
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YoshiRulz wrote:
marcelo wrote:
Is there any possibility that BizHawk runs Super Nintendo games (MSU-1)?
From 2.9, yes. Grab RC3 and let us know if anything's not working properly.
So, I did a test, the game even runs but the background music doesn't work. The game is muted.
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Quibus wrote:
Feel free to use openMSX instead... let me know if you require help using it.
My doubt is about recording the game in Open MSX, or opening a file (omr) !
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adelikat wrote:
BizHawk is a multi-platform emulator with rerecording tools written in C# * Github Project * Downloads, Release notes, and old versions
Is there any possibility that BizHawk runs Super Nintendo games (MSU-1)?
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
marcelo wrote:
Would like to know why the BizHawk 2.8 MSX emulator does not run metal gear and metal gear 2 ?
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Would like to know why the BizHawk 2.8 MSX emulator does not run metal gear and metal gear 2 ?
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Would like to know why the BizHawk 2.8 MSX emulator does not run metal gear and metal gear 2 ?