Posts for marzojr

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WST wrote:
It seems that even Hyper Sonic is not fast enough to reach the good Y position after the horizontal underflow in Hydrocity 1.
Yes he is: here is a movie and a save state. And just to make your head explode: this is NOT the fastest way to finish this level!
Marzo Junior
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LTRP wrote:
Hey guys, this video is probably useless, but I'll just share it anyways. Glitch found by S3KGlitches, zip found by me.
You can zip at 0:40 to reach the starting slopes quicker then use the flame shield to enter the wall to the left and zip, as you do at 0:56; should save about 14 seconds. Sadly, this is still not enough to make it useful...
Marzo Junior
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marzojr wrote:
On the other hand, [DMTM] did once claimed to have known beforehand a trick I discivered in S3&K which I never saw anywhere else before, so...
And as it happened before, so is it happening again. He seems to be working hard to lose all credibility on glitch finding...
Marzo Junior
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Of course. I intend to release a version of my HUD script with support for SCH, I just want to make sure I won't be changing the RAM layout anymore first.
Marzo Junior
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@WST: Amy + Cream + Tikal is a team in the works, but I am having little time for hacking. More closer to fruition, but still a ways off for the same reason, is a team Chaotix. @feeuzz22: In some cases, to try and eliminate lag: I ported a few things from S3&K, some from Chaotix, all so I could try to reduce lag in a few places. The end result is that the OST addresses have shifted around. As for the other values, they were shifted so I could consolidate large amounts of RAM for other purposes.
Marzo Junior
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Five hours later, this is an easy yes vote for me. The boring parts (level grinding) were over quickly, and the movie was more than enough fun to warrant publication.
Marzo Junior
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Nope; that video is for plain S3 — different layout from S3&K.
Marzo Junior
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Yeah, Amy's moveset makes it really easy to break the game; I wouldn't be surprised if she could use many of the zips Hyper Sonic can. FYI, there is actually a much faster way to get into that boss room, but I will save it for when some runs are submitted.
Marzo Junior
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I would guess that everyone that ever tried the debug mode in Sonic 1, back when it was released, has independently discovered horizontal underflow glitch back before the Internet. I know I did -- I stumbled upon the debug mode code after my brother discovered level select, and soon after, horizontal underflow occurred while trying out the mode. So the horizontal underflow itself is unremarkable, and impossible to say for sure who discovered it first. Finding ways to trigger it without debug mode -- this is what is interesting.
Marzo Junior
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No, I do not believe the claim about GHZ2. The one for Tails in DEZ2 is more believable — several months back, he came to me with a zip for Sonic in DEZ2 which he found but couldn't use to get into the boss' chamber; I figured out how and showed it to him. Since he already knew about the Sonic version, it is not a stretch to think that he would have tried to replicate it with Tails. But this isn't proof. On the other hand, he did once claimed to have known beforehand a trick I discivered in S3&K which I never saw anywhere else before, so...
Marzo Junior
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On one hand, DMTM really is quick to claim credit for glitches. On the other hand, he did find some amazing zips (for example, Launch Base 2) with gives credence to his claim. There are also these facts: 1) mike89 posted a video some 3 months ago and credits gamble5688; 2) wersterlobe posted a video some 6 months ago crediting mike89 for telling him. These two imply that the trick was known for at least 6 months. In wersterlobe's video, there is a comment by gamble5688 in which he says that DMTM told him it could not be done in real time; this implies that both DMTM and gamble5688 knew about the trick and were talking about it at least six months ago. What this means I don't know.
Marzo Junior
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AndyD wrote:
any chance of this being optimized further? assuming above is true, the following levels fit in the 24-30 timeframe: Aquatic Ruin 2 - 0:27::16 Hill Top 1 - 0:24::25 Oil Ocean 2 - 0:29::20 so sonic could either wait at the start/end of each level
I, for one, would vote against publishing* any movies that waited until 0:30 to hit the signpost -- the movie would clearly not be beating the speed records. The game has a frame-accurate in-game timer, you know; why ignore it and go for total movie length? If you think real time should be more important, you should watch this movie, as it illustrates what is wrong with this position. * Waiting until 0:30 to hit the signpost is worse in terms of entertainment than waiting for the score tally to finish, so it is disqualified from Star and Moon; since it does not beat the records, then it is not eligible for Vault either.
Marzo Junior
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It usually is; but anything before the MGZ2 boss and CNZ is painful to resynch due to changing luck, and this particular case led to a desynch in the very next level due to different camera motion, so it is giving more trouble than usual.
Marzo Junior
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It is hard to say; we have just been "forced" to redo a significant portion of the runs due to a new time saving glitch in HCZ1. At this point, the best I can offer is "when it is done".
Marzo Junior
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gamble5688 wrote:
I highly anticipate marzos next update. How's it going marzo? Can't wait for this and the possible Tails run, I've been checking every other day, seems like ages since the last wip
Both Aglar and me want to keep the WIPs private until the runs are finished and submitted. And yes, I did say "Aglar and me" and "runs". Edit: added quote due to page break.
Marzo Junior
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The rules say pretty much that -- you need a movie that starts from power on that creates the conditions necessary for the run, and the movie does not need to be optimized.
Marzo Junior
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Hm. How about this: split weights for entertainment and technical ratings depending on tier. Regular tier has weight 1 for both; star has higher weights for both; moon has higher weight for entertainment and lower weight for technical; vault has higher weight for technical and lower weight for entertainment. This would mean that each tier values its primary trait(s) more.
Marzo Junior
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nfq wrote:
Not according to what I've experienced and heard from others.
Yeah, because the plural of "anecdote" is "evidence" right? And people that used vaccines and experienced mild or no side-effects really go around telling everyone about that right? Not. Unless you have made a concerted effort to seek out people that (a) have been vaccinated and experienced no side effects, (b) have been vaccinated and experienced mild side-effects, (c) have been vaccinated and experienced severe side effects, then you cross-checked this collected data against personal biases against vaccines to try to account for psychological effects, all you have is a few anecdotes and confirmation bias leading you to reach a conclusion without real data. People that have done all of the above have come to the conclusion that severe side effects are very rare.
Marzo Junior
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Over at Atari age, Thomas Jentzsch posted a modified emulator that plays "perfect" Pitfall and ends with the timer at 1:42 (see this thread). So your time can definitely be improved.
Marzo Junior
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Boundary conditions are restrictions placed on the solutions of partial differential equations; they are similar to initial values for ordinary differential equations: they limit the set of all possible solutions of a given equation (or set of equations) to those that match the specified problem/physical system. Example of initial values: in Newton's equation of motion (which are ordinary differential equations), you have to supply the starting position and velocity of all particles in order to determine their motion. Example of boundary conditions: in GR, one possible set of boundary conditions (that is often used in numerical integrators) is this: first, you pick a space-like slice of space-time (a good approximation for the concept is to think "constant time"). On this slice, you then need to specify (a) the distribution of stress-energy-momentum, (b) the intrinsic geometry of this slice and (c) the rate of change of these two, evaluated on the slice (there is a problem in what I said -- (a) and (b) are tightly coupled, and cannot be specified truly independently; but it is irrelevant here). The equations can then be integrated forwards or backwards in "time". The need to specify how energy/geometry is at one slice, plus how they are changing, is what prevents you from getting a single answer from your original question -- it depends on too many things.
Marzo Junior
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If you know anything about differential equations, you know that solutions to such equations depend on the boundary conditions imposed upon them. GR has a set of coupled nonlinear differential equations at its core; different boundary conditions change the solutions to these equations. Since GR gives solutions not only to the dynamics of all energy, but also for the dynamics of space-time itself, space-time itself is dependent on the boundary conditions you impose on the equations. So it is unrealistic to expect be able to "plug the numbers in the GR equations" and expect a single result -- each set of numbers gives a different (but related) space-time, with different dynamics.
Marzo Junior
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I was entertained by this; given how hard the game is to finish unassisted (I have some painful memories of it), and given how other Atari games compare, I can vote nothing but yes on this.
Marzo Junior
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Lets not forget H.E.R.O.
Marzo Junior
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That form of multitrack described in the thread you linked to is horribly outdated; there is a new form build in to Gens (including the versions I provide): it is all in Tools->Movie->Tracks. Basically: by default, all tracks will be toggled on. If you want to disable (or re-enable) a track, press Crtl+Shift+1 (for player 1) or Ctrl+Shift+2 (for player 2). To re-enable both tracks, press Ctrl+Shift+A. When a track is toggled off, it will keep the input it had when you load a state. If you load a state with differing (or longer) input, then load an earlier state, the input will be changed to match this state. When a track is toggled on, it will behave as always: when loading a state, input past that state is discarded.
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No. Master Edition -- the original game -- was made by NovaWizard and released only on the forums of Sonic Retro: this thread. As the original creator of the game, there is high likelihood that he would ask a moderator to unlock the thread and post updates there. Without NovaWizard's consent, VegaLTE/mok45 made edits to Master Edition and tried to pass it off as if he did everything. GT Koopa was the first to notice (see his posts here, and the thread here). He is not welcome to SSRG, and yet, he is using their logo as if he has their approval. If he is saying he made Master Edition 1, he is lying. Unless he is calling his first unauthorized edit "Master Edition 1", in which case he is technically speaking the truth about this, but glossing over the fact that he stole someone else's work, edited it, then tried to pass it off as his own.
Marzo Junior