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Perhaps I'll try this game again. What was that code used to get Expert difficulty? I don't really know that ^.^'
- mazzeneko
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Few suggestions from me... SKYBLAZER, for a speedy run and using magic (mainly Warrior Force and Comet Flash..) to get through more faster. (I tried this myself but it _always_ desynched at the Petrolith Castle... -.-) ACTRAISER, the Action Mode (EU version) done with Expert difficulty. It's way more harder and there's no lousy Sim mode to slow it down. AXELAY, for an aesthetic movie and weapons used more efficiently at bosses. ASTERIX AND OBELIX, I know this game sucks quite badly but it would make a funny time attack :) BRAIN LORD, well if Lagoon get's time attacked I think this deserves aswell :) I was always quite lost in this game and it would be nice to see done quickly. CYBERNATOR, well.. I'm doing this game at the moment...
- mazzeneko
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I got it yesterday. It killed the second boss in 3 hits O.o I'm making a new run today and let's see how it turns out to be. It'll be helluva faster at least. But punching is more fun than just killing the boss in couple of hits but.. I'm not really complaining :) I did punch a power up box accidentally first time around so I didn't get that napalm then.
- mazzeneko
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I tried Punching first, but using MG is actually faster. You have to charge the punch before you do full damage. The difference between MG and punch was about 3-4 secs if you hit all the shots with the MG to the boss itself. The boss falls to around 10 level 2 punches. Or 5 clips of machine gun. I do believe you need 20 or so level 1 punches to destroy it. The second boss is destroyed after 10 level 2 punches too :) but I haven't fiddled with missiles or napalm yet so... I'll try those later today. Perhaps if you could launch missiles with rapid fire in point blank... I do take damage but it doesn't really save any time.
- mazzeneko
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IMHO, the movie looks good and is perhaps as fast it can be.. but It's just not intresting to watch at all.. I had to frame skip almost 98% of the game (watched only bosses. and they were just abused with the sword so not so intresting there eighter ^.^' good strategy tho.) An hour of turbo frame skipping is enough for me to say.... No.
- mazzeneko
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That's the thing. I didn't even shoot once during the stage. I killed the boss with Gatling. Do you need to collect some [W] in the stage 2 or would it be in your mecha in the beginning of the stage? I don't really seem to recieve it in the stage 2. I searched everywhere.
- mazzeneko
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I finished the game with level 3 punch in 24:33 I could post it but I made a lot of mistakes in the run so I can perhaps shave off 4 mins of that run :) I tried to get napalm (went through stage 1 witout killing anything) but I didn't get it? where is it in stage 2?
- mazzeneko
Post subject: Knights of the Round
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I know this game would be better to do as an Arcade, but... My best time in this game is 21:45 but there is still some flaws and some groups of enemies could be killed faster (manipulate em in a big bunch)
- mazzeneko
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Okay. did the second stage. I haven't got a clue where that Napalm is so I just punched the **** outta the boss. I got a time of 1:40 from stage 2.
- mazzeneko
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I tried this. First stage from the starting the game to Touching the ship after 1st stage boss 1:44 I collected 5 power ups to Punch. Boss falls way faster. Any ideas? perhaps I should collect those powerups to Machine Gun instead..
- mazzeneko
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Excellent work so far. Getting any other spell is kinda useless because it's gonna be more puzzle-based stuff in the later dungeons. Slow is enough to defeat those you need to. I think Zap is good but it costs too much to abuse it enough in the spots you need to kill stuff. Just slowing/perhaps Freezing? the enemies and whacking em with a weapon is enough. And, yes, this game gets you damn confused without a map of some sort. Luckily, there's all the maps you need in gamefaqs. Good for before-planning. Some suggestions if I may. I think there's few times you could walk faster on world map but it's so minimal that it would be quite useless to turn the angle all the time. (you could do that everytime you came across a tree or something..but not really neccesary). And there's a split second you could have damaged Sung-Sung when he popped from the ground? You threw a shuriken before he appeared and hit him faster. I'm just so happy that someone is making a Time Attack from this. I still love this game whatever other people say about this :). (I'm playing this on a console at the moment and I'm so stuck at 5th dungeon X) I think I need those maps more than you do..)
- mazzeneko
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Well, couple first worlds can be run quite fast actually. First world goes under 4 minutes easily. 2nd world you just skip the weapon but... Slow is actually a useful spell to abuse, besides Zap. I think this game could be ran under an hour. The dungeons aren't that large if you clear rooms without dying. It took me a week to complete with SNES... Oh yeah, Happy New Year!
- mazzeneko
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I was impressed about this run also. I remember the days where I tried to complete this game for about a week in a row. Good work, Terimakasih! And don't be surprised if people could type in few words in japanese. It's kinda abound in the US and Europe nowadays. I'm in a finnish Anime and Manga society too ^.^' Anata no "supeedorun" (serious sp) wa tanoshikatta desu!
- mazzeneko
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Anyone have the guts to start a Equinox time attack? :) I think it would be quite long but entertaining with all the nasty puzzles done quickly. Or perhaps played with only the knife and collect all the tokens and needed keys in the stages. There's a shortcut from world 3 to world 4 but you still have to complete world 3 to get the harp so it wouldn't help much.. but perhaps if you would like that world 4 weapon to clear world 3 faster? I own this on cart but never tried it with savestates. perhaps I'll try to make a teaser from Caladonia and decide if this'll be worth making. I just got lost in the second world when I played this with SNES so I'm not so confident with this game myself. (it has been almost 6-7 years when I played this last time..)
- mazzeneko
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Too fancy. I used DEEP back in the days... -97 or something. Modified all the normal maps with extra stuff like more rooms, traps, all kinds of cool stuff and more monsters of course. I used another DOS program for sprites and sounds but I can't recall what those were.. Oh well, my last doom wad-pack was about 90 megs (included all monsters and sounds changed - it had Kummeli-DOOM sounds too X)) It took about 7-8 mins to load with my old comp. But it was surely worth it :)
- mazzeneko
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Hmm, the double playing is a nice idea, but there's a slight problem. When I press too many buttons at the same time it doen't register all of em. I tried to make a double-play Parodius run but it just doesn't work. Nasty stuff.
- mazzeneko
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Oh my god... magician lord...*gets shivers* ... I never played it through... even with endless continues it was kinda nasty.. I would definelty want to see that played perfectly! Alien Versus Predator is awesome game too. So are all the Metal Slugs. Pulstar and Blazing Star from the Shooters intrest me most.
- mazzeneko
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I cannot find that (U) [!] Rom anywhere X| my comp had a format sometime ago and I tried to find that rom again and that was the closest thing I could find. the other one I found was something like Version 1.1 (US) that looked even more weird than this what I made the movie with.
- mazzeneko
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I watched my previous run the other day and what the heck, it looked like crap so I tried another run of this. I got a time of 23:08. It looks more fun and refined. I also get bonuses from Bonus Stages. Bosses are beaten as fast as they can possibly be (this is true, I tried SEVERAL times). The only problem about this game is the randomness of enemies how they walk around the stages. It's just frustrating to get em into one place or certain places to make good enough throws/other stuff. I also found out to get the stage scrolling you just need to kill certain enemies and not all of em. For example in stage 4 (Technodrome) you only have to get all the mousers killed to get the stage scrolling forward. Which is nice. And everytime I hit an enemy once or twice only is to stop him a while. There's no "mis-hits" in those.. I do some airswings on accident tho >.< it looks awful. Oh well, I'm not sure if I should publish this because it is possible to get a better time if you are damn lucky. I tried couple more times after this and got worse times. The enemies appear at random sometimes or are left lingering about. I'm waiting for someone to do a perfect run of this game (if it's possible, cause of the damn movements of the enemies) or perhaps I just should publish this for reference to other time attackers? I don't have a place to upload this personally so I cannot show this otherwise. Other stuff I found out: Other guys except Don is slower. Donatello has the best Special of the bunch. Bosses are slower too. you need longer weapon to hit baxter and some other bosses.
- mazzeneko
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Err... I have a European version that has Story Mode and Action Mode selection right at the beginning of the game.. So "only action mode" is possible. Actraiser (E) [!].smc I have completed that until Aitos Act 2.
- mazzeneko
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You people should try European version Action mode with expert difficulty first before publishing... Every monster does 3-4 damage instead of one. Every monster takes 2-3 hits (or more) before dying. Bosses are harder (well... they are like in Death Heim in Sim mode) There's no Sim mode and absolutely no magic scrolls or powerups before stages (you can find magic scrolls and powerups in the stages itself, tho) I think this would suit more as a time attack. Much more careful planning must be done.
- mazzeneko
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That's the same route I was working on.. but I noticed that you don't jump all the time. Jumping is faster than walking so it must be abuseth! :P And the one shortcut using the spearguy.. it can be done faster. just walk forward and it should attack you more quickly. At least it did that to me. Cerberus dies faster with a boomerang. Oh well, perhaps I will make a time attack too someday and see if those things work.
- mazzeneko
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Actually it has been done already..
- mazzeneko
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Been there, done that. I used only Straight laser and Round Vulcan in some certain places and tried to kill the bosses/minibosses as fast as possible with missiles and bombs, but something is still missing.. some trick that could be used to kill them faster. I've tried all the weapons you had at that point but no-one seemed to be super-effective. The ship itself moves so slowly and the weapons are kinda weak and inaccurate to make a significantly looking aesthetic form. Well.. you could make just a perfect run outta this but I highly doubt that it looks cool enough. Straight laser is perhaps the best weapon if somebody is attempting a no-miss/somewhat pacifist (you gotta clear the way in some stages) run. Most bosses are quickly destroyed by Explosion Bombs. (or something like that) But the game itself is one of the best there is on SNES. The music is indeed magnificient (aah, love that Colony), the graphs are excellent and such. High entertainment value in the game itself.
- mazzeneko
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I have been doing a time attack of this game also. The fastest route in my opinion is upper one. The lower one has the stage filled with those Spearmen and other nasty thing slowing things down.. And only trick I know of is jump all the time and use the blackflip to get to higher areas faster. I also use this trick in some places when enemies hit me, making shortcuts. The only problem is killing bosses fast/jump all the time it's possible. (no enemies or pits/spikes nearby) But I wish you best of luck uncracking this game better than I did.
- mazzeneko