Posts for mithical

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Yeah I was giving Gerhalt the running ring, but then Kazin needed some love in the MOV department too, so I gave Kazin the running and Gerhalt the power (because like you said, underleveled + no-weapon character = bad). He'll get the second pimento (gave the first to Sarah). All stat boosting items add 2-4. It is very easily manipulated: use it, see result, load if undesirable and take 1 step, repeat. There might be a more desirable way of manipulating it, that's really more your department. I haven't checked out your glitch demonstrations yet (except for the wall hop in your WIP), I figured that huge sequence break was a TAS thing. Getting the Evil Shot would be an interesting thing to test. The problem I foresee is that it basically means May will be killing everything and then hitting an XP wall. I guess if I used her sparingly to completely decimate monsters (leaders!) every now and then it would mean even levels with some increased speed. If Taros can be killed with the evil shot that would be just dandy. Bowie needed 4 attacks, 2-3 heals, and 2-3 healing items to survive him, plus I wasted a couple turns getting everyone in the right position. Skipping the sword however, means skipping 2 battles. I didn't skip battle 4 (checked the WIP too late) or those 2 battles (obviously), so I could foresee trouble in the XP department. Dropping Gerhalt and maybe someone else remains a possibility, to keep levels up, but I can see this making the game even more unfun to speedrun/TAS than it already has been for us. Ah, but having fun is secondary to producing quality work, so we toil on. Yeah when I snuck '(except the corners)' at the end I meant doing just what you described for battle 16. I'm actually not sure about the MOV reset on promotion, I just read it in a couple FAQs (it was more than 1 guide that mentioned it). I noticed the enemy AI 2 steps thing. It seems enemies are either what I call 'active' or 'inactive'. Active means they'll use their turn to do the '1 square up, 1 square right' sort of movement and edge their way closer until you're in their range. Then they charge in and attack. Inactive means they usually end their turn doing nothing at all. Inactive monsters seem to turn active as you kill the ones in front of them. They will still attack if you get in their range though... I think. Maybe this is why the golem didn't attack me in battle 16. As for your hatred, just because this game is similar to SF1 doesn't mean the strategies used have to be as outrageous as the TAS for it. The changed RNG system means such things just aren't possible. I think you'll be less stressed if you accept that and just produce the best work you can with what you've got. Or maybe I'm way off. =)
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Hahaha that's awesome. I remember that level being extremely boring. I also remember getting owned by Boba Fett (is it Boba Fett? was so long ago) for a long time until I finally tried just running under his ship. Playing through the whole level just to get shot down at the boss was demoralizing. T his was my first N64 game (I think it cost about $100 CDN or something crazy) and I've always hated it because it wasn't Mario 64. I will admit that I still found the game entertaining, but not like that echo base demo. I would love to see a full run.
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So I'm attempting a speed run of this game. I've been playtesting some strategies for about a week and figured maybe you can use some of the info I've gathered for myself. This is a long post, filled to the brim with stuff you probably already know, so get ready to be bored. Maybe there's a diamond in the rough though. First off, so you know where I'm coming from, I'm using 8 characters thus far. I had planned on using less but found that concentrating XP on less characters was hitting the point where XP penalties for being too high were becoming a problem. I'm using Bowie (duh), Sarah (MMNK), Jaha (tank), Kazin (blaze, possible muddle2/desoul abuse), May (ranged), Peter (awesome), Gerhalt (raw atk), and Eric (PGNT). I've tried to end battles early whenever possible, which lowers my levels. But I've only got 8 characters for that XP, which raises my levels. So far I've been hovering around the 'average' level for different points in the game, but I started to lag behind in North Parmecia. Anyway, here's some possibly useful stuff that I've worked out. Yeah, you can walk right past May in Ribble. And then past her twice more when you return for the Achilles Sword. Poor May. How can you avoid getting one of the Creed's Mansion characters. The door to the desktop kingdom room is locked and all 5 spaces width-wise are blocked by NPCs. Can you egress from Creed's mansion? Luke, in a regular playthrough, usually becomes a hinderance in the second half of the game. His only stat that isn't mediocre is agility. Screech is even worse. Luke did come in handy for killing the Arrow Launcher in battle 16, but I ditched him soon after. Oh right! When I moved Luke and Peter to take out that arrow launcher, the golem that is right there got a turn and decided to just stay there. Hopefully that wasn't a fluke. Crappy stats aside.. flyers are especially useful in a TAS for those assassinate-the-leader battles. I'm using Peter and a PGNT Eric for that in my run. It worked well for things like killing the wizard in the bridge battle. It does not work well for Zalbard or any greater devil boss because they just have too much health and defense. Perhaps with Luke and/or Screech and, of course, luck manipulation, these kinds of things will be possible. Oh, and the power ring is very useful for this. Hopefully you can manipulate the amount of bonus attack it gives (it varies quite a bit, 40-50% I think). Why worry about fliers when you can walk onto any square (assuming you figure out how to do it in all directions)? Unless you can glitch someone onto a square, and then glitch someone over that person and onto the next tile (leap frog!), things like this will be annoying. Note the 2 tiles of unoccupyable space (except for the corners). An attack boost of 4 from the power water in the shrine after battle 2 may be worth it. I imagine you'll have trouble dealing damage if you keep skipping XP at the rate you are, even with double crit possibilities. You can also grab a mithril from the tip of the mountain for 0 extra steps if you need money. I've found no need to find/sell mithril in my playthrough because I only need to buy weapons for about 4-5 people. I managed to get all the 5k+ goodies in Pacalon without any trouble and I've still got weapons on characters I'm not using to sell. I used to complain about AI-Peter killstealing and gaining too many levels, but when I started playing with speed in mind he actually fell so far behind he wouldn't even attack in a couple battles. Peter is a super awesome character but he will require a little help when you finally get control of him. Luckily he's so awesome that he catches up quite quickly. You might be able to keep him in the action if you can get the turn orders so that a monster charges into Peter's attack range, because he usually will move all the way over to attack. The Kraken battle is actually very easy, assuming you have enough attack to actually damage him by that point =). On easy, only one of his legs will move to attack you as you make your way to the head, which doesn't move at all. Once near the edge of the raft, you can have Peter or Luke land a blow on the head and he'll get super pissed and charge after your other characters (usually uses 'Aqua' for nasty damage). I hope you can manipulate Taros to not use Bolt2 and to miss with his attacks, otherwise he's going to be quite a challenge. Taros' sword casts Bolt2 and he drops it sometimes, but I'm pretty sure no one can use it since no one can equip it. The fairy forest battle can be used to power level a character. The pic on GameFAQs pretty much sums it up. I haven't tested the viability of a 1-man army technique, so I can't tell you how quick it will be or how high you can get your stats/levels. You can skip battle 19, the one right after you get the caravan. There's a 3x4 square (the 12 spots for your characters I think) that triggers the battle you can walk right around. It's pretty easy to 'find', just left of the elven village and north of the river. Everyone gets their MOV completely reset upon promotion, so it could be a waste to give someone a running pimento pre-promotion. I can see this being annoying as by the time you get your first one (that port town right after the Kraken) you're usually about ready to start promoting. We all know TAS's do not showcase the usual, so you'll probably be stuck holding on to a precious pimento for awhile. Or use it and never promote, who knows what will be possible. My egress point got set to the port town just after the Kraken at some point in the game. I don't recall using the priest to save there (or anywhere), but I know I definitely promoted characters there. If you wanted to change your egress point, promoting might have the same effect as saving. I recently got to Zalbard and luckily (or unluckily) didn't have trouble pulling him away from his friends. He was still in the north section of the map (he usually drops down to the platform and waits to throw Bolt2 at you) and he got 2 turns in a row. His AI seemed to know what this could mean and he used both turns to come all the way down to my units on the right staircase. This was bad because he fried a big chunk of my units before I was ready, but it was good because I was able to pound on him without worrying about other enemies. I know you've got a handle on turn manipulation, so having him charge down just to miss one of your characters could be a possibility. I wonder how manipulatable the AI is in the battles where monsters can hurt themselves (prism flowers, burst rocks)... there could be some hilarious potential there. When I get to the late stages of the game I'll have more info for you in terms of low level viability. I wouldn't be surprised if you got stuck dealing 1 damage to damn near everything. I have just reached Moun and I'm already having trouble both dealing and taking damage. Manipulating the cursed weapons to not mess with you might solve that problem, assuming you can get to the rest of them. Ugh, there. Everything else I've learned either doesn't apply to a TAS or are trivial AI triggers that you'll notice yourself right away. I hope something in there was useful. I'm dying to see more segments, so keep up the great work!
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I remember the AI being quite cruel on "Ouch".. after beating the game on easy I went back and lost the first battle multiple times on ouch before I finally beat it. Memories of yelling "Dodge, Sarah! Dodge!" followed by that nasty crunch sound... ='( Judging from what I've read, manipulating enemies is already enough of a chore, so I think easy is acceptable. Thats a personal preference though, as is me wanting to see the boss battle and/or the fairy battle! Dooooo it! =)
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Ouch, I was really hoping the randomness could be heavily exploited. I don't know how many levels there are to the dungeon.. I think I got to the cave of wisdom? I remember it had the same tileset as the previous cave (wooden beams and rock) which had already got old. I want to see the end of this game but I still think the result is going to be quite boring. I'd love to be proven wrong. =)
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Is that the one where one or two characters have the ability to pick up their opponent by the legs, spin him around a couple times and toss him out of the ring? And if they're weak you get those zoomed windows showing the guy spin? I remember laughing myself sick playing that game back in the day, I would love to see a movie for it.
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It's an RPG except the entire game is played going through a single dungeon. You explore the dungeon from a first-person perspective, kind of like those nifty dungeons in Phantasy Star on the SMS. You eventually get 2 other characters and I can't tell you much else because I never beat it. I had maps drawn on graph paper and everything too... In my opinion, if the luck isn't manipulated greatly, it would be a very boring video.
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I would love to see some crazy moves in Space Harrier, as I recall the hit detection was a little dodgy and I could see this being abused for hilarious results.