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I am heavily against moving the current "any %" run to the concept demo section, however I would not be opposed to opening up the Concept/demo section to serve as a catch-all area for well-done runs which people find entertaining, but do not fit into the general scheme of things well. And yes, that could possibly include Saturns other low% run. We already accept play-arounds, and as long as the option of accepting additional movies does not compromise the overall quality of content on the site, I can't see how it could be a bad thing. EDIT:Although, if we are going to be further discussing and making changes to the site, perhaps these responses should be shunted into a new thread, so that this submission is not further derailed.
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nico wrote:
[ You're right. For example, my SSB run was "officially" denied because it was found I could fall through a platform instead of run off and save like 3 frames. Afterwards I tried to edit that fix in, but couldn't figure it out. Then, I realized I was just wasting my time trying to create something cool for people who were acting just brutal towards my work, so I gave up on making TASes. Nobody wins. This is the point I was trying to make why maybe this practice isn't such a hot idea.
I won't get into the hellhole that is SSB, but by looking at some of the responses, it appears some people found it to be repetitive, and thus not entertaining. That's the nature of self-expression and the risk you take by putting something into the public eye: Some people won't like it. I haven't watched it, so I can't comment, but I can apologize for Phil's attitude. There's a reason he doesn't judge any longer.
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Just did, and a big :-P to you
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Beat you to it, actually.
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nico wrote:
What we're getting at now is partially why I don't even bother making TASes for this site anymore.
I was wondering why you were coming out of the woodwork to complain, and then discovered that the two movies you had published were Tetris movies..... And published 3 years ago. If the site has been heading downhill for that long, why do you still bother visiting? It's obvious you lost interest in actually making TASes a long time ago, so why insinuate that you just decided to stop recently because of current events? Oh, and likewise, your insinuation of "perfection or nothing" is completely unfounded. If there are better goals for this game, that does not exclude this from publication. Likewise, if the author aimed for fastest time possible, and verifiably failed that goal, why should this submissionbe given special treatment? "Runs must be faster than all existing records" has been a guideline since the inception of the site. Don't try to pretend otherwise.
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Not from directly inside the emulator, no. Maximus' editor Is your best and easiest path, although some programs like notepad++ (IIRC) is also feasible.
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adelikat wrote:
moozooh wrote:
...and appreciate the run for what it is — a good job by a very talented TASer.
This is worth emphasizing. Congrats on your first submission NameSpoofer.
^Yes, this. Thanks for that post moozooh, it helped me see things from a somewhat different angle.
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moozooh wrote:
IIRC, the major reason 14% was not reinstated wasn't because it was an unsuitable category, but because Saturn's run didn't qualify due to a number of criteria that had little to do with 14% as a category.
You didn't quite recall correctly, the category being unsuitable was the first reason I gave in my rejection text. It just wasn't discussed as much as all the other shit.
First paragraph of rejection text wrote:
Primary reason - Quoting the Judge Guidelines: ‘’Keep the number of different branches per a game minimal.’’ This run is an attempt to resurrect a movie branch that is now obsolete, as there is already a true low% Super Metroid run published, and I see no need to resurrect a dead category. Considering that the previous 14% run was left unimproved for 4 years, while multiple other Super Metroid runs were improved (and added) several times, it shows that there is a lack of interest in the Super Metroid TAS community in this category, which can likely be correlated to a lower interest in this category from the TASvideos community in general.
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Figured I'd copypasta this instead of retyping everything. Game in question is "The Flash (E)", and problems below occur on 1.14 and 1.15. Don't know about 1.16 yet, but I'll check soon. [21:29] <adelikat> I thought dega was good in the emulation department at least [21:29] <mmbossman> RAM loading isn't stable, so objects that you have collected will not show up again if you load a state before you got them [21:30] <adelikat> woah [21:30] <adelikat> that's a glaring bug [21:30] <mmbossman> if you load a state that's 'in level" for your first state after opening the emulator [21:30] <mmbossman> the game won't load the floor, the background, or much else [21:30] <adelikat> so there should be a lot more desync problems with dega then [21:31] <mmbossman> so the character falls to his death, then respawns and everything works normal from there on [21:31] <adelikat> that needs to be reported [21:31] <adelikat> ..somewhere [21:31] <mmbossman> yeah, it's a pain to try to optimize things like flipping a switch... if you hit it once, the graphic will either stay "on" even when it's not flipped, or stay "off" even if you touch it again
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The speed variability is something that, with a competant emulator, I would want to watch, but at least the boss fights won't *need* it (although it would probably make hits easier to keep track of). Thanks for the help and info alden.
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1.15 continues to have problems with RAM stability, especially with loading objects properly. It is hilarious to open the emulator, play the movie, and load a state, only to find that the game hasn't loaded the floor. Flash falls into the abyss, dies, but loading a savestate after the level restarts fixes it every time. I have not tried 1.16 with the game yet, and won't have a chance to for a day or so, but I'm not expecting things to change. RE: PAL timing - D'oh! I didn't have that checked either, thanks for the reminder. RE: Python - I have not used it before, and if it requires installation, and not just placement of some files in the dega folder, I won't be able to utilize it because I don't have admin rights to the PC on which I'm doing most of the work for this run. If it does just involve a drag/drop and some config, please point me in the right direction.
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I've picked this as one of my next projects, and it is easily the fastest SMS game Ive ever seen. I've done a sloppy walkthrough of the first three levels, but decided that the bosses just weren't worth working through, so I've started over to make an actual run. After playing around with the mechanics, my first level is almost a full second faster than alden's WIP. I expect this to run somewhere between 10-12 minutes, and should make for a pretty good watch. However, due to dega being one-half step above famtasia, I won't be doing any sort of mem. watch on this (yes, I know about MHS, but or has issues with my secondary computer), but I will do plentyof testing, as always. I probably won't be posting WIPs, but anyone interested can feel free to PM me.
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Any particular reason you didn't post in the already existing thread? Having more than one thread per game leads to clutter and disorganized information.
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I found this greatly entertaining, a bag full of awesome if you will, and I have never played Blaster Master. I think I saw the currently published movie once, but damn, this left me with a constant 'WTF just happened' feeling throughout the entire thing. As for possible improvements brought up by andymac... if there's a few frames to be saved here and there, so be it. No run is perfect, and this run is short enough and glitchy enough that I guarantee we'll see several revisions soon enough. Unless there's a major mistake present, I don't think small flaws should prevent publication. As for obsoletion vs. not, I vote to not obsolete the currently published version. 4:34 compared to 33:17 is a huge difference, and although the current movie apparently has 'some' glitches, it plays through the game nearly as intended, for all intents and purposes. I believe that the most simple solution is to label this movie "European version", and to relabel the current movie as "USA version", and then explain the differences in each description. It takes away the very fuzzy line of major vs. minor glitches, is easy enough to understand, and given that the major glitch in this movie is only possible on the European release, it provides uniqueness. Plus it adds new content to the site without removing anything.
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For the most part, I liked this very much. The speed, the colorful animation and variety of gameplay made it breeze by quickly without becoming tiresome. My one complaint is that shared by Truncated and RT-55J: Random yelling for no reason gets old quickly. Having it going on during the level or when opening up a can o' whoop-ass is great, because it's perfect for the action, however some of the waiting scenes, particularly earlier in the movie, would have been served better by doing something more interesting and less spastic. However, this annoyance didn't take away much of my enjoyment overall, so here's one more yes vote (and an acceptance as well).
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The issue would also arise with the snes emulators, but you're probably right in thinking it's a minimal problem. I say that it probably can't hurt anything to do a bit of cleaning up.
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Yes, although I fear that either the organization of the subforum will be compromised due mixing of emulator topics (famtasia vs. Fceu vs. Fceux), or that there will have to be sub-sub forums, leading to extra clicks.
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Anyone else find it funny that this two page argument about not judging movies too soon is occuring in a thread originally started to promote judging of movies that had stayed in queue for a year?
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With the workbench quickly approaching healthy levels again, this discussion is somewhat moot until the next publication binge occurs. Back to business as usual.
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Ummm... Wrong job role there captain. Judges accept/reject movies, editors maintain the movie description, movie genre, etc. I think this change is for the better. Getting more people involved while keeping the continuity of the site in mind is a good thing.
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The formatting you have right now looks just fine, thanks for taking care of that.
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Umm... doesn't this run collect all the emeralds? So why not 'All emeralds'?
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I'll watch this soon, since it looks nice and short. But in the meantime, could you remove the leading spaces from your submission text? I've noticed your past submissions did this too, and all of them have awkward formatting which looks horrid on smaller screens. Thanks in advance, I'm looking forward to this run.
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The fabled .gm2 movie format will take care of that, but there is no anticipated release date (read: when Upthorn feels like working on it more). I was merely stating that a run starting from SRAM sometime in the future would be preferable to the route taken in this submission.
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Ditto. I have not watched this, but were a run submitted that utilized SRAM, I would probably find it much more entertaining and publication worthy.
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