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:D jimsfriend, you're awesome. And I agree. A committee would work for about two months before complacency sets in, and the list would sit unattended after that. Just make someone in charge of stars, and give them about 25 or 30 to use, and be done with it all (I agree that Bisqwit wouldn't be a good choice, due to his desire to be less involved with the site, and his generalized preference to NES games).
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A decent article, but I expected something a little longer. In any case, congratulations on the acknowledgment!
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Bisqwit wrote:
Intellectual pursuits the kind of that is programming are a filler in the life, entertainment among other kinds of entertainment, and sometimes hard work. However, ultimately it is a complete waste of time.
I suppose this view depends on your view of the afterlife; if you believe strongly in one, I suppose much of this life does seem to be pointless. However, if you're more unsure (as I am), then the added flavor of life (entertainment, love, a fulfilling career, thirst for knowledge, fun, etc), is what makes life full and worth living.
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While it's not good to jump to conclusions, if you caught her doing some funky things in front of a webcam, and she's very anxious about you seeing any sort of logs, she's flirting (at best), or screwing the guy (at worst). I would guess it's probably somewhere closer to flirting, and you're being a bit too paranoid, but something doesn't quite seem right. Proceed with caution. P.S. I've been there
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Xkeeper wrote:
Besides, any potential argument I could make in terms of keeping a run without more major glitches would be pretty much decimated by precedent (see SM64, 0-star vs. 16-star etc.)
Not necessarily. The 16 star version was replaced because, up to the point of the 1 star run, it was the fastest possible way to complete SM64. I wouldn't be opposed to a happy medium run for that series (70 stars, probably), because it fills a void. This run doesn't fill a void, it just takes up space.
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Xkeeper wrote:
There's some weird problem most people (i.e. judges) have with having more than x movies for a game on the site. There are currently 4 or 5 Super Metroid TASes published in seperate categories. Publishing this one would probably make their heads explode.
Head asplopi. The problem I have with multiple runs of the same game is not the number of runs, but the goals used in those runs. If some random game had 6 characters with 6 significantly different routes to complete the game, I would have no problem accepting 6 different runs. But when categories come into play, moderation goes out the window. Suddenly each character has to have an any% version, a 100% version, an in-game time version, and a glitched version. Obviously I'm exaggerating somewhat, but I think the message is clear. If not, here's a list of possible runs for Super Metroid that will could be submitted in the future:
100% in-game time
'legit' low% in-game time (via RAM watching for an accurate measurement)
'glitched' in-game time
100% glitched (just for the hell of it)
any%/glitched/100% 'save the animals'
... and any other combinations that I may have missed. I personally think that the in-game time is a horrible category that only die-hard fans of SM care about, but because it produced an entertaining run (twice), it was accepted. However, with the advent of the 6% run, I think the 14% category is indeed obsolete, as it inflicts one too many arbitrary restrictions on itself. But then again, that's just my opinion.
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Ah, I thought your qualm was that you were tired of the same dozen or so runs were being submitted/published over and over and over again, not that you just wanted to see more games being run. As for that debate, I stand firm in my belief that some games just make extremely boring movies to watch. Obviously what is boring to me will differ from what is boring to someone else, but you and I have already had that argument, so I won't bother to rehash it here. As for new material, I brought that up a while ago. There is a ton of material available for GBA that has yet to be TASed. SMS has some decent games yet to be run, as does N64. Unfortunately, as the newer gen consoles become TASable, we'll either have to get used to watching longer runs, or get over the fact there is a limited amount of games from which to draw from (also remembering that x% of those games make shitty TASes).
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Xkeeper wrote:
But I digress. I've been pushing for more movies of other games for a while (though less so recently, burned out). The drop of non-obsoleting publications isn't good.
Of the past 75 publications (1223-1148), 36 have been movies that have not obsoleted a previously published run. True, it may not be close to the levels of new material from 2004, but your perceived drop in non-obsoleting publications is somewhat exaggerated. EDIT: Also, an additional 14 movies from the same span have only 2 entries in the obsoletion chain (i.e. the recently published movie, and the original entry). EDIT2: It has been suggested to me that this post would be much better with moar graf, so behold the power of Microsoft Excel:
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I think he's busy being a white guy in rural Japan. Plus, I think he's probably around 35 now, so he may have grown out of the whole 'emulated video game movie phase'.
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Saturn wrote:
Reason, as you can guess, is because the 14% run just requires some advanced techs which probably nobody dared to perform
Oh Jesus tap dancing Christ, your ego never ceases. Maybe the reason that the 14% run was left alone for 4 years was that it was substantially more boring than the other SM iterations. Ever think of that?
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mz wrote:
Warp wrote:
You keep using that expression over and over. Just drop it. It doesn't exist anymore anywhere. You seem to have some kind of compulsive obsession about it.
I know; I don't use it myself since some time ago. You should now start telling the other 2242 users to stop using that system, starting from our judges.
Since you seem to keep singling us out, I'll just keep responding. I do tend to think of a tech rating of 10 as being a rating that conveys frame perfect-ness. I do believe that there is one theoretical fastest time for each game, and that a perfectly done run would reach that time. However, when I give a tech score, that score is just based on my judgment, in exactly the same way entertainment is. Am I positive my scores will be exactly perfect if you compare them to the gold standard of a theoretically perfect run? Of course not. I don't have all the information. Neither does anyone else in this universe, and no one will ever have all the information until each combination of button presses is tried (the famous brute-force problem). So when you mention that someone may think that 3:00 is the theoretically fastest time to complete SMB, and you happen to think it's 4:00, neither of you are right because the true answer is likely to never be known. Those figures are based on your judgment, into which many factors (such as experience, perception of technique, perception of author, etc.) go. So you're right. I do think of my tech ratings in terms of how close a movie is to perfection. But since neither you nor I will ever know that perfect value, you have no right to assume that my judgments are any better or worse than yours. And I believe that is very close to the meaning of subjective.
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mz wrote:
And, of course, judges always write them, as seen here, for is their job to do this (but I'm only complaining against using a totally wrong number to indicate if a movie is good or not).
mmbossman wrote:
I'll give it a 4 (tech) /7 (entertainment), but because I only have theories about improvements
I guess since I got somewhat called out, I'll respond. Yes, tech rating is subjective. So is entertainment. And they're both there because they're a somewhat interesting and fun addition to the website to make it more interesting and engaging. I understand that you don't like it. But, you also can't convince everyone that it isn't wanted as a feature, because I personally enjoy rating movies, and seeing how others rate mine. And I also realize that people view things differently, and will probably not rate exactly as I do. Zurreco, for example, feels that everyone's ratings should always average out to the median (5), and while I don't agree with him, I can see his point. But I also realize that I won't change his idea of what a technical (or entertainment) rating should be. In the comment in question, I took into account several things, most of which I laid out point by point. Yes, I can't prove that my theories are valid without actively TASing that particular game. But I've been around for over two years, have watched over a thousand movies and WIPs, and have produced over 15 finished TASes of my own. My experience is one of the reasons I was made a judge. It is also one of the reasons that I can assume that many of the strategies that I have used to save time in TASes can also be applied to other runs. I also take into account author when I think about technical quality. If the above mentioned run had been produced by a member of the site with several published movies who had consistently produced high quality work, I would assume that the same level of care and precision had been used to create that run. In this case, however, I knew that max had produced and submitted several runs that were of very poor quality, which I took into account when I gave it a rank. However, I also know that he is improving as a TASer, which is why I accepted that run, and am not above changing my rating if the improvements I suggested are shown to be incorrect. Some people will probably read this and piss and moan about bias and whatnot. But I'll restate what I said in the beginning: TASes, and the ratings associated with them on this site, are for fun. So there's no reason to take them so seriously.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
If you don't see the purpose of the thread, WHY DID YOU BOTHER POSTING HERE? Do you think we need your opinion this badly?
I guess everyone has seen how many other threads you've polluted with your inane comments, and they've just decided to return the favor.
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I believe Warp meant the flux capacitor, but it will only save your clipboard when powered by 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity.
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I won't bother to post my thoughts, since pirate sephiroth will just automatically write them off (due to me being a judge, and him being a douche). All I can say is that the new rating system hasn't changed the way I judge, although it has given me more information to use to base my decisions on, which I appreciate.
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Cpadolf wrote:
I prefer to stay skeptic to your claims.
With very good reason. For those keeping track, the above linked "perfect" movie has since been improved by a whopping 30%.
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Umm... Bisqwit doesn't make all the TASes found on the site. I don't even think he has a published run this year (although there were a couple grue-d ones). In any case, the idea for a 70 star run has been thrown around in the previously mentioned Mario 64 thread, but I don't believe anyone is actively working on a version at the moment.
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AKA wrote:
Saturn wrote:
And yeah, props to the vote abuser who aren't able to judge the run objectively. Keep it up.
As one little bird told once told me on IRC. 'If it's not perfect, then it's not optimized'
And the corollary to that: It's perfect except for all the tricks that weren't included.
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This pretty much sums things up for me: [19:14] <mmbossman> I'm not so much annoyed at the topic, but at the timing of it [19:14] <mmbossman> instead of bringing up concerns when things are being implemented [19:14] <mmbossman> he just bitches about them later [19:14] <mmbossman> way to be proactive, angerfist [19:15] <adelikat> yeah [19:15] <adelikat> and then you should make a poll of how many people prefer the new way [19:15] <adelikat> after the new way was implemented due to a vast majority of votes
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It's actually been down for a few months, so I don't think it's a big deal.
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alden wrote:
One this that is cool in theory but doesn't work well for me are the mac mouses with essentially a tiny trackball in lieu of a scroll wheel. I can never get them to roll right though.
They actually work quite well... for about two weeks. I love the idea, but the implementation and engineering needs some work, because the 'roll down' action consistently gets goofed up. As for me, I use the mac mouse that came with my iMac, and a Logitech (I think) wireless mouse for my laptop. Someone posted about not liking wireless mice because of the possibility of having the battery die at an inopportune time, but I can only disagree. A single AA battery lasted me over 8 months of casual use (read: 4 or 5 hours/day, 4 or 5 days/week). I put in a lithium battery over a year ago, and it hasn't shown any signs of slowing down yet.
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*sigh* I'm simply not a fan of dungeon crawlers and I don't believe they make good TASes. It makes me think of simply flipping through the pages of a book really really fast. I understand that this is likely very well done technically, but it suffers greatly in entertainment value. Basically what Cpadolf said. Rating it 1.5/9.5. EDIT: To avoid another unnecessary argument, if you like this movie, please post why.
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I continue to have very little idea what goes on in these HoD runs, but it was fast, colorful, and lasted about the right amount of time. Good job klmz.
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A decent platformer, but I found parts of it somewhat tedious, especially the bomb sections. However the bosses were pretty impressive and entertaining.
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