Posts for mmbossman

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When I was watching and noticed that the movie had stopped, I figured it was a desync, but I let it run anyway, just in case. It was a huge wtf when the final boss just dies for no reason. I would like the movie either way, but to go through an entire movie killing everything in a murderous rampage, and then having the most passive ending imaginable is just funny to me. Others probably see it as inconsistent, but I thought it was great.
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ZeXr0 wrote:
That's pretty much someone right. And I don't think we can blame him. Would you want to share your paycheck with me please ? Or maybe you would want to share your work with me, but we'll just split the paycheck in two.
Last I checked, pSX was free. So if you're talking about splitting a paycheck of 0, I guess you have some sort of weird point.
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WOW, man that is what a Gradius movie should look like! Frantic movements, tons of kills, toying with death, this run entertained me so much more than the previous one it's unbelievable. The amount of kills is just astounding, the patterns you make sometimes border on beautiful (ie the starbursts), and the way you handled the pillars of easter island heads had me scratching my head at times. Many times it looked like enemies just exploded without you even touching them. Not to mention the absolute HUGE amount of lag you got rid of. Easy yes vote, and an easy 9/9 when it gets published. Great job!
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Great improvements on an already great run. I hadn't watched the previous movie for a while, so it was almost like an entirely new experience for me. Obvious yes. I am pondering, however, if this game has become broken enough to deserve another run, without using the wall zip glitch? I'm sure there's a whole bunch of loop holes and snags that would pop up in terms of having a clear set of goals, but I would gladly see a return to the pre-zip era of sprintgod's movie. Just my $.02.
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It's nice how you join just to dictate how the site should or shouldn't be run. Go troll elsewhere.
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Re-record count: 407 Not to say you didn't try "a million" routes, but from experience with games like this, it'd doubtful you found the truly optimal routes for each screen, especially since you admitted that you weren't able to manipulate the ghosts. Even with a game as simple as Donkey Kong, the optimal route wasn't found until the 3rd or 4th publication.
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Sooo... you're a glass half full type guy aren't you? Also, get less emo.
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Once again, 0 rerecords. Please read the FAQs to learn about what "tool-assisted" means, and how you can use tools to make your submissions better.
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Umm... I don't really know what to say about this game other than I didn't enjoy watching it at all. Maybe it will have some appeal to people who have played it, but as someone who hasn't, it was dull. Voting no.
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I think Mukki took the words right out of my mouth. Also, I'm generally against games that just loop without ending. What a lame way for programmers to try to create the illusion of replay value. If I'd spent 35 or 40 bucks on this game to find out it was 4 levels long, I'd have Karate Kid kicked the krap out of it. Voted meh.
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There was a noticeable lack of ghost manipluation in 2-1 and the last level. Also, I doubt that the absolute best routes were chosen for a couple levels. A run that totally avoids all ghosts while still managing to take the fastest routes might be interesting to watch, but as it sits right now, this looks more like a very good pacman player than a TAS. Voting no.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
It would be even better if we worked hard to learn how a Nintendo 64 resets!
Just push the button on the front of the console, LDO.
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Doesn't use tools on a tool-assisted speedrun site. Insta-no.
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Knife 1-5 HP Regular Arrow, full draw 10 Regular arrow, 5 frame draw 2 Regular arrow, 10 frame draw 4 Tek Arrow 50 Pistol shot 10 Regular Shell, 5 pellets/shot 5 HP/ pellet Explosive shell 50 Assault Rifle, 3 bullets/shot 10HP/ bullet Pulse Rifle 13 Minigun (500, 4/shot) 7 Alien weapon 15 instant, +12 w/ explosion Grenade Launcher varies, max ~95-99 Quad rockets varies, ~26/rocket Nuke Varies, max ~1100, most common ~1000 I didn't bother to do the particle accelerator or the chronosceptor since they weren't of any use against the Campaigner. Like you said, a few enemies have variable damage taken. I believe I tested these on a fireball-shooting Purr-lin. Also, in case you were wondering, I chose to kill the priests near the end of level 4 with the knife like you did because they have 210 HP, and trying to hit them with 2 grenades plus another shot of some kind proved to be much less efficient than using the knife.
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I have a (nearly) full list of all the weapon damage if you'd like that also, although since you have the boss RAM addresses, it's pretty easy to turn on invincibility and just shoot the boss with different weapons to see.
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Phil wrote:
And you think you're better?
Do you think you're better than me?
Phil wrote:
You think you're insulting me for good reasons?
Do you think you're insulting others for good reasons?
Phil wrote:
You think TSA deserves to be insulted such like that when he is gone for 1 year or so?
No. But I never said anything about TSA, I don't know him.
Phil wrote:
It's funny that those guys, including you, are calling Phil, Saturn, TSA, PSXauthor, Warp and many others guys, they are acting like they are "superior or some sort of god" when themselves, they are acting like that.
There is a difference between acting superior to others, and calling others on their bullshit. You do not seem to know the difference. And I haven't said anything about TSA, PSXauthor, or Warp.
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I don't care what you think of any of my movies Phil. I thought you were a dick before I created it, and still think you're a dick because of statements like "Imo, you are lame". And likely you will continue to be a dick for years to come. I have no preconceptions that you will change, but that doesn't mean you should just get away unscathed when you insult people for no reason.
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Phil wrote:
Imo, you are lame.
Lol Phil, if you think putting "IMO" before things will make people not think you're a dick, you're wrong.
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Warp wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
If you look at it from seconds 34-38, he seems to be growing and shrinking without that much extra lower extremity motion. I think there's a reason he's wearing all black;)
You may be just seeing forgery where there's none. People will see signs of forgery when they want to see it. It's like all those yoga levitation photos: People will try to see signs of image manipulation and forgery, and they will see them even if there are none. (The real explanation is usually much simpler than that.)
So the real explanation is that this is real, despite the highly unlikely positions of his center of mass over his base of support? If not, what's your idea of simplest explanation?
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This thread is on the home stretch of the 1600m relay, and even after the first three trips around, the same damn questions keep getting asked. Just face it people, you can't entertain everyone all the time. Just live with it, and move on. If you don't enjoy watching something, don't watch it. Or, if it bugs you that much, make your own run so you can direct what gets included and what doesn't.
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The only math you need to know how to do for memory watching is "greater than" and "less than", for finding the addresses, and addition and subtraction (to figure out which methods are fastest). Everyone was a newb at some point. I had two runs published before I tried my hand at memory watching, and though it was very cumbersome at first. But now, I'd never try to TAS without it. It can help you make things so much more precise, and by proxy, usually much easier. As for hex editing, don't worry about that, if you find that you might need it, I can help you out.
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I think this is a pretty decent game, as long as it doesn't go on for 40 minutes. If it's of the 15 minute variety I'd say you should continue with it. The most annoying thing about it was the sound of the shooting that was so rapid that it just sounded like the game was breaking. As for the turbo shooting at the boss, I'd say this would be a good time for you to dabble in RAM watching. If the boss has some sort of strange invulnerability, it might help you save even more. Let me know if you have questions or whatever, I'll try to help out if possible.
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I was not disappointed by the quadrun, but adding another 2 games does not seem like a good idea. Put your skills to better use man, and leave this as what it is: an interesting concept that has already been played out well.
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Baxter wrote: Is this real?
If you look at it from seconds 34-38, he seems to be growing and shrinking without that much extra lower extremity motion. I think there's a reason he's wearing all black;)
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Soooo.... look here It even spells the title right (lol @ warior land)
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