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Generic looks good compliment
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This game is surprisingly gory for the first few levels, with exploding heads and all. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and was thinking similar things to your IRC quote when I saw some of those levels. 5 enemies onscreen with 100 bullets at a time is just retarded. Yes vote from me.
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Bisqwit wrote:
named in a similar way as mudlord's archive.
Bisqwit wrote:
the other is just a fancy indexing recommended by mr. mudlord.
*Sigh* I love it when hard work gets credited to someone else. This archive was originally created because I was tired of trying to organize my movie files with names like (as Xkeeper put it): "name-bob-meggerman5-v3bilion.fcm" or "v4-ohno-test-rockmega7.smv". I tried to make a more understandable way of finding any movie.
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Why was this submitted again? Cuz adelikat said to? Somehow I highly doubt that, unless he happened to be experimenting with shrooms or something at the time. In any case, it's an unoptimized run that directly violates the rules. No.
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Wow, it had been a long time since I had seen that first 16 star run. Its amazing what new things have been added (actually, subtracted) since then. Fun trip down memory lane.
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Thanks to both of you, I'll get in contact with one or the other of you the next time I update this. Goodbye sendspace and exploding links!
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And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say, that Xkeeper's small heart grew three sizes that day!
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Just like all animals are people because they have blood running through them.
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You are correct, Warp, and I remember watching that RCR by Chamale and wondering what the hell was going on at the end. So I agree that there are certainly exceptions. For the majority of games, however, it is a rule that works well, and provides a very definite way of comparing movies. I understand the points made in the rules section, and agree with them to some point, but for general continuity I think it's the easiest way to compare movies. But as long as there are rules, there will be situations where those rules don't apply.
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I have a premonition of the conversation that will ensue here: JXQ: Phil, you blatantly took a trick just discovered to use for your own benefit. Phil: I thought no one owned a game. JXQ: Did you even ask klmz if he had plans on improving this? Phil: No, because we don't aim for pride movies and he doesn't own a glitch. So assuming I should have to ask him for permission goes against the rules. JXQ: It would be common courtesy to the finder of the glitch. Phil: No. Ad nauseam.....
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Post subject: Re: #1797: Phil's NES Super Mario Bros. in 02:48.12
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NesVideoAgent wrote:
klmz's NES Super Mario Bros. in 04:58.53
NesVideoAgent wrote:
#1797: Phil's NES Super Mario Bros. in 02:48.12 43 frames faster
I'm missing something here............ EDIT: Nevermind, I don't bother to look at the linked movies before I post. Just ignore me please.
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I was going to make some crude joke about Big Mario and his pole, but I decided to abstain. You're welcome.
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You have had your first desync. Check and make sure you have the right ROM checksum in the box when you load the movie. If it's not that, it's possible this movie was created on an older version of the emulator, and doesn't sync with newer versions (although I'd bet you have a bad ROM).
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Phil wrote:
For better comparison, it's better when movie ends when Mario hit the axe.
Any particular reason why (other than keeping continuity from the prior movies)?
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Great find! I was entertained. Very yes vote. BTW, is this an 84 frame improvement, (17996-17912) as stated in the NES forum topic, or a 62 (17974-17912) frame improvement, due to Pom ending input at the frame of the axe hit? Just from my preference I like the "earliest time input can be ended and still complete the game" option, but I know some people like to keep prior timing from previous runs for continuity.
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I gots me one o' dem sweet arse Christmas doohickeys now too.
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Dacicus wrote:
Wouldn't English actually be the worst language by that reasoning since it has ties to all churches/religions of the languages it incorporates?
You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to. It's either the perfect language or the most imperfect language, depending on how you look at it.
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Maybe because you had a directors account before they instituted the limit? It does say that those with uploading privileges with more than 10 min. before the limiting would retain those rights. If you just signed up though, I have no idea.
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upthorn wrote:
It also looks significantly less nauseated.
Funny, with all the extra yellow in a couple of your mood avatars, I was going to say more nauseated :-/. Or maybe just jaundiced. I tried making a red and green star, but it looked horrible... but I might fool around with it some more.
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Question: How much acid and/or peyote have you done in your lifetime, nfq?
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Interesting, I never thought about syllables like that before. I'm sure there are more, since English is such a mutt of a language, but an entire word without a vowel (that is not an acronym or something like that). On another note, in the novel The Davinci Code (spare me the lectures on authenticity, please), one of the characters states that English is the perfect language because it is such a conglomeration of other languages, due to it's lack of ties to any church or religion. Interesting.
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Wikipedia wrote:
In the Latin alphabet, the vowel letters are A, E, I, O, U, W (usually only in diphthongs), and Y
Basically, there are no English words that do not use vowels, let alone enough to make up a sentence. And since its doubtful that anyone here speaks Arabic, lets just drop it and say that there is no paragraph that can be formed using words without vowels.
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As I explained in my submission text, I utilized the "tilt" feature already. This is where half of my original savings came from. However I think it's probably improvable; I didn't do a whole ton of trial and error testing to make this absolutely frame perfect.
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Still as jerky and boring as the first run, and I still have to vote no for it being a crappy game. Unless you find a major glitch to shorten this to sub 3:30, I won't be entertained by it.
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Yeah, the spindash can be charged faster by alternating ABC, one push per frame. I didn't even think about that for my first movie, but I've played around with the first level/bonus level myself and have found a few timesavers also. The bonus levels can be improved some also. But this won't be on the top of my list for a while though, so that'll give you a chance to get a good run in.
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