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You either stayed home sick from work, got laid off, or won the lottery and got bored of all the women and cocaine, because you've watched a ton of older submissions today CrazyTerabyte:)
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Warp wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Non-accelerating in reference to what?
Acceleration doesn't need a reference point because acceleration can be measured. Acceleration causes a force and this force can be measured. An observer in a non-accelerating state can measure that it's not accelerating.
The object and observer may not be accelerating when compared to each other, but not when thought of in absolute terms. I'm currently not accelerating in reference to my laptop, but what about in reference to Jupiter? Or Alpha Centari? I have different accelerations when compared to all these things, it just happens that we usually think of acceleration in the confines of the earth and its atmosphere and its gravity (which is always producing a constant acceleration, since, as you said, it produces a measurable force). Velocity also cannot be measured without reference, because of the vector component, whereas absolute displacement can. Any time a vector measurement is made, it needs to be in reference to another object, so I still maintain that there sin't one single stable reference point in the universe.
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I'm just glad I can play some of the great games I missed out on earlier in life. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction, I don't know why this app never showed up when I googled for playstation emulators.
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Warp wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
As in, there's something tangible in the space which could be used as a an absolute reference point…
Any non-accelerating reference point is as valid as any.
Non-accelerating in reference to what? We're all accelerating due to the spin of the earth and rotation of the solar system in the galaxy, etc. I don't think there is anything that can be described as an absolute reference point.
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Thanks a ton mz! pSX works like a charm, and seems to emulate near perfectly. I'm in your debt:)
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Post subject: PSX general emulation question
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So I just got a PS2, but it's not modded, so I can't play... um... backup games. So I decided to give a PSX emulator a try, but I've been having some problems. Mainly, I can't get some of the graphics plugins I've found to work completely correctly. In FFVII, everything works ok except during battles, where I can't see the menus for attack, magic, etc. I think it's a transparency issue, but I'm not sure. So, does anyone have a recommendation for a collection of plugins (with settings) that seems to be the best for just everyday playing? I don't need them to emulate things perfectly, but being able to see what I'm doing would be nice. I'm using ePSXe 1.6 on XP, with a 2GHz processor and 1Gb RAM (I'm unsure of my graphics card though). Thanks for any help and recommendations!
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Something along the lines of this
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Is that the same as this here? Because if so, I think the question has already been answered as a fairly firm 'no'.
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Has there been any progress on this FrtostyTheDragon?
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You've been doing what I would like to do if I had more time: improving on any and all movies from 2004. So thanks:) Watching this now... EDIT: I had no idea what was going on for most of the time, but near the end I started to get the idea. I have a question though, is it necessary to put the ticket parts in the bedroom after each one you collect, or can you collect multiples and assemble them all at once? If not, I can't really think of anything that I could spot that seemed amiss. It wasn't particularly entertaining, but only due to a funky game choice. Yes for a much overdue improvement.
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The surface area of the balloon is increasing, so therefore the dots have to be moving further apart from each other. They are not moving, however their distances in relation to each other can change due to the amount of stretch in the balloon (due to there being more "dead space" ie strained chemical bonds between the atoms of the rubber)
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Lets just say that if you really want to rant, this is probably not the place. Do you want to hear any of us bitch about random things? Yeah, me neither.
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Watched it, and I'm sorry to say it's just not as entertaining as the 00Agent run. Without the extra objectives, it just seems like a lot of running, and since that running isn't optimized on several levels, I have to vote no. The runway has a lot of lookdown without damage boosting, while the dam doesn't use lookdown when it should be. I also don't think this game deserves more than one run, since the differences between the difficulties is not very great, and a run completing the game as fast as possible with all the objectives is inherently more entertaining than completing the game with 30% of the objectives. Hope this makes sense.
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Tiger Surfing!!! Well that was seriously fast, and pretty entertaining to boot. I love to total boss destruction, especially the level where you don't even get to see what it is. Definite thumbs up. Guess we both had a couple side projects going on huh;)
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Boco wrote:
You know you are a bad poster when you cut-and-paste pages and pages of text from another website without instead just linking there.
Also, you know you're an extra bad poster when the cut-and-paste mess from another website would fit so much better in the "Poking fun at your home country" thread YOU CREATED
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My best advice would be to make two different versions of the level and see which one entertains you the most. If the lag ends up doubling the level length, it probably would be better to just leave it be, but if it's more entertaining to break all the bricks and something like 4 or 5 seconds of lag is created, just explain that in the submission text.
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Why should any of those times be slower than the world record for unassisted play on the same difficulty level?
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Pheromones are part of attraction, but are by no means the only factor. Pheromones can be implanted in paper, but as for tv other factors take over. I think that pheromones are thought to be a major component of mating in lower mammals, but once you get up to the higher mammals, including primates, it's not the only thing to worry about.
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I would like to say congratulations also, and I've loved being a part of the fun here for the last 200 or so publications. And thanks to all the contributors!
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And no one over here in the colonies watches soccer, so no worries here either.
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Chamale wrote:
Today it hit -15 degrees (0 fahrenheit) and people were wearing shirts here.
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jimsfriend wrote:
But what about this?
It's theoretical, and it's doubtful we'll have technology to ever prove it. Theories aren't worth much without empirical evidence to support them. Also, I wish the title of this thread was "Ask an intelligent question, get an intelligent answer", so we wouldn't get questions about "tweaking" a beam of light.
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Good God! My jaw was on the floor for the entire thing, and I actually said WTF with the 100 coin route! This is the first time EVER I have been impressed with JRB. Great work you guys, and I can't believe I'm excited about another Mario64 run again!
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I owned this as a kid and remember actually beating it, and I agree, it's not a very good game. Sonic looks different from all the other Genesis Sonic games, and controlling him on land is absolutely horrible. It literally takes 10-12 frames for him to enter his jumping animation, and you nearly have to be stopped to get him to jump. However the game itself is actually kinda fun to play, as long as you stay bouncing around. Oh, and I wish that there was some color differences in the emeralds, that blue is cool but gets old.
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Comicalflop wrote:
I have a very, very solid piece of advice: find one game, stick to it. When you're done with that one, proceed to the next. I wish I adhered to that philosophy when I started last year.
I have a different piece of advice. I started out solely working on 1 game at a time when I started (which I think is smart to do for beginners), but as I got more experienced, I'd get bored with a game for a little bit and want to concentrate on something else. So to prevent boredom and burnout on a game, I recommend (if you feel experienced enough) having 2 games on your plate at one time. This allows you to still fully concentrate on the minutia of each one while not feeling like "blah, I really don't want to work on this".
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