Posts for mmbossman

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Thank you very much Warp, I totally agree. Maybe the next time someone thinks about posting about the "worst day ever" not mentioning 9/11 or the holocaust, or the "worst game ever" without mentioning E.T. for the Atari, will reconsider.
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These wind gusts are driving me crazy. My tornado transformation is being slowed down so I'm not able to cover nearly enough ground, and I"m losing massive time because of it. This level is just as frustrating as the magic exploding blocks in Shadownose. Grrr...
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this is me wrote:
power to the oligarchy!
No one has ever said this was a democracy. This is Bisqwit's site, and if he had an infinite amount of time, he'd judge all the movies himself. However he chose to appoint a few people to help him out with the publishing decisions. No one was ever elected here, so no matter what type of decision is made about a movie, everyone just has to deal with it, whether the decision is good or not. If you want to see another judgment that is similar to this, take a look at the recent Ocarina of Time submission.
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I somewhat like the idea of dual polls, or a number system (although I don't know what that number would measure, ie. entertainment value, technical value, overall quality, etc). If the sole question format remains, I think something along the lines of "Do you think this movie would make a quality addition to the site?" might work better than the current question, although I don't know if it would cut down on the people who simply write "I vote yes". So no, I don't like the current question, but I'm not sure I can provide a suitable replacement.
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Huh, good thinking. I thought the wind was blowing at a constant rate, and not in gusts. And I have no idea if they're able to be manipulated.
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Yup, same music sampling rate at 44100. Here's my WIP
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I'm not sure of the correct terminology when it comes to pixel location, I just know that the number increases when I move right (by 3 or 4 when I'm moving at full speed), decreases when I move left, and stops changing when I stand still (and doesn't change at all when I jump straight up). So I'm assuming this is a reliable way of pinpointing my location. The address is 00FFE496, 2 bytes, unsigned, if that helps. There's no moving platforms, but there is one enemy that we both have to kill. I've compared our tactics, and mine would seem to be better for lag reduction: he shoots 4 times, connecting with the enemy three times, and then jump-boosts to kill the enemy; I simply jump-boost the enemy. Both methods produce 5 photons from the enemy (the little swirling circles), so that could be a source of total lag reduction, but not when comparing movies. With the extra shots he takes, that should make his movie slower due to lag, not faster. I can upload my WIP if that would help, I only have 12 seconds of time saved, so it's not the most revolutionary update ever seen.
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Alright, this started to get frustrating. I'm working through shout'n'twist, and started using (what I'm assuming) is the subpixel address for my x location, and I'm somehow losing 13 frames in an area where it really shouldn't be possible. On Mike's movie, on frame 23038, his subpixel location is 3800, and I'm beating it by 754 frames. However, when I get to subpixel 4000, I'm mysteriously behind by 7 frames. Then comes a jump to a platform that I cannot possibly do any sooner, and I'm magically behind by another 6 frames. So 13 frames behind in an area that I've kept my speed at max (using RAM watch), and jumped at the first possible moment. Anyone have any ideas?
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For most of the run I stared at my screen, trying to figure out just WTF was going on. I can only imagine how I'd have felt if I'd ever played this game before. It got repetitive near the end since I don't know the game at all, but I do know it was fast as hell and was fun for the first 9 or 10 minutes. I had originally felt like a meh vote, but gaining an appreciation of how hard this game is from the other posts makes me appreciate it somewhat more. So I'll go ahead and give it a yes, due mostly to the total annihilation you showed.
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I know I've learned more about TASing in general by working with several different emulators and trying different games, so if you're concerned more about future TASing, I'd start out with that. Tricks that you learn about in one game are sometimes usable in others. But since you know a lot about OOT, it may be to your benefit (for now) to stick with Mupen and make another run of OOT that you can practice on. Sometimes totally taking apart a game is a great way to learn also. It just depends on your learning style and what you intend to do in the future. You also ask about how you can make a TAS w/o knowing anything about the game. With frame advance, you take a level and tear it apart step by step, so you can chose different routes without much hassle, and try different things easily. It may be a good idea to do a fullspeed run through of each level before you try and TAS it, but other than that, you'll find a lot of cool tricks just by taking things slowly. However, one of the risks you run is finding out a general movement strategy or trick that speeds up everything, but you happen to find it near the end of the run. Having to redo an entire run is frustrating, but also often improves other areas you thought were perfect. Anyway, hope some of this helps, and let us know how you're continuing.
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I liked the variety of bosses and the different weapons selected to crush them, but beyond that it wasn't very entertaining, at no fault to the author. I give it a meh.
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laughing_gas wrote:
Wait ... what happened to mmbossman's version?
Chalk that up to a lack of motivation. I'm halfway through level 2 (after having completed levels 1 and 3), and I'm more than a half minute ahead of nfq's run (30 seconds out of 10 minutes completed, so about a 5% improvement). I always thought his movie should have been submitted because it's pretty impressive the first time you see it, but there are definite areas of improvement to be made. Maybe this will give me a good kick in the ass and get me back to working on my version. As for this submission, having watched it a multitude of times when I first started my run, I of course have to vote yes. EDIT: Also, if I pick this back up again, I may see about starting over. When I first started this, I had exactly two other TASes under my belt, and wasn't entirely prepared to take on this game. Since my skills have become a little more refined, I may see things I hadn't seen before. This remains to be seen however, I'm pretty busy right now, so we'll see.
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I haven't watched this run, nor have I watched the published run, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents for this type of condition. There reaches a certain length of movie where the argument moves from "faster is better" to "entertaining is better". I don't know where this line is drawn exactly, but a run like Donkey Kong (NES) derives most of it's entertainment from the sheer speed it's beaten, and not much could be done to make it more entertaining while still beating the game in a reasonable time. However, the longer the movie gets, the more chances occur for small entertaining bits to be thrown in. Because of the length of movie, these little bits don't affect the overall enjoyment that comes from speed, since a few seconds missed over an hour long movie seem miniscule. This can backfire though, when a long movie misses chances to throw in these little entertaining bits, or worse, makes blatant mistakes, which can certainly cause the movie to become less enjoyable. And this movie seems to have many instances of that occurring, from what I've read. So, if you watched this movie, and thought it was enjoyable because it broke a record and was fast, then that's your opinion and certainly a valid one. But if you watched it and the lack of optimization caused you to not enjoy it, that's your opinion and also a valid one (although it is rarer for a submission to pop up with these types of problems). For a longer look at another movie that had very similar arguments, see Vatchern's RCR submission So, if enough people found that the lack of optimization made the movie not enjoyable, it shouldn't be published. Any arguments about whether the original should have been published are moot, because it's been done and is not going to be undone. See the 3 NES Track and Field movies for proof of this. So yeah, my two cents about the issue in general.
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After three and a half months, I've picked this back up again in the past couple days, but due to working a 9 to 5 this summer I haven't had a whole lot of time to make much progress. The blocks in the Shadownose level are giving me hell, with desynchs and losing time causing the most problems. It's a lot easier to go over than to go up in this game. Anyway, I'll keep plugging along at it, and after this level things should be fairly smooth sailing from here on out.
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Late vote, but let's say that I picked a damn good time to start visiting regularly again. I loved the BLJ in the first Bowser, and a sub 7 minute run is just astounding. Congrats on breaking the speed of sound, I can only assume the speed of light is next.
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Excellent movie, I was bummed when I heard that Deep Loner had left this after barely starting it, so I'm glad you picked it up and ran with it. Great improvement, and entertaining throughout.
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P.JBoy wrote:
Could you make it more like this by any chance
I can see a few problems with this type of breakdown, unfortunately. Firstly, I'm not sure how the metadata for files is stored, so would a file labeled this way be backwards and forwards compatible (i.e. I'm on XP, would it look the same on '98, ME, and Vista)? Also, there are many users on platforms other than windows (Linux, and to a lesser extent, Macs) wouldn't be able to use these denotations correctly, AFAIK. Also, not everyone uses the layout you do, and while I'm all for personalization, I don't think it would be fair to make this a more restricted format for the people who simply use a list view, instead of having the details shown. Let me know if this makes sense and sounds reasonable.
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Bump for easier access to the new file. Enjoy.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Rarely anybody cares
I care, now my congratulations post makes me look crazy. Well more crazy than normal anyway.
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My movie is faster, therefore it's automatically publishworthy. Probably should be a sublist off of "It's an improvement to an existing movie..." This is one I've used in the past (Donkey Kong), and think that it still has some merit, although some movies like Vatchern's River City Ransom have been rejected in spite of this thinking. Thats the only one I could think of off the top of my head.
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I haven't been around much either lately, and I'm saddened to hear that Deep Loner isn't around anymore, but thank you upthorn for picking this up! Since I've been MIA I haven't heard about the new Gens version, but I love the hitbox detection schema in the video (at least I'm assuming that's what it is). Keep up the good work!
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^^ I don't think I've seen a post dripping with this much sarcasm in a long time (not unwarranted). And a yes vote.
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Tub wrote:
alternatively: a) get a girlfriend b) aplay turn_the_lights_on_bitch.wav
Misogyny FTW
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Props Dan_, everyone's always calling it a plate, when it clearly has no food on it nor utensils around it. 4th base it shall be from now on.
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Zurreco, I truly believe that you could be the next great American poet.
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