Posts for mmbossman

Post subject: Socket: Time Dominator
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This is a pretty horrible rip-off of Sonic. There are three "acts" to each level, and each one has a high speed level, a platforming level, and a maze-type level. I made a WIP of the first level, including the boss, just to get an idea of if this would be worth continuing on with. I have no idea how long the movie would be if I completed it, mainly because I have no clue how many levels there are. I can't find anything on Google about the game other than a campy and cheesy description from the box. And it really sucks a lot to play, so I'd rather just work through one level at a time, and be pleasantly surprised when it comes to an end. Here's the WIP: Oh, BTW... the main character is supposed to be a duck. A duck with an electrical cord for a tail. Yeah. Everyone can laugh now.
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WebNations wrote me a PM yesterday saying that he agreed about crediting the author in the title line, so hopefully that will be changed in the next couple days.
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KRocketneo wrote:
Your goal is to complete as many levels as you can without using warp in Super Mario Bros. There are 32 levels in total. You will get a full completion is to beat the game without using the warp.
I don't mean to sound rude, but it seems like you state the obvious a lot in your posts. I know that you're speaking English (as you've made clear in other posts), but is it your first language? I'm not sure, but your writing reads like you put a sentence from another language through a translation program and then posted the output. Please feel free to ask questions about games, but just stating previously mentioned facts or pointing out what the goal of a game can become annoying after a while.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
I just watched the WIP from Lipucd and yours is cleane
And what about mine???
Aw, I'm sorry. I was about to go to work and just scrolled up until I saw a hotlink. I didn't have a chance to look at the rest of the thread in depth. I'll take a look sometime today and try to give an unbiased opinion for all three runs.
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mmbossman wrote:
BTW, the mm stands for mighty mighty, as in the ska band Mighty Mighty Bosstones, which was, and still is, one of my favorite bands. Thankfully it also makes it very unlikely someone else will have taken my name at any random forum.
You mean it doesn't stand for Mega Man boss Man? You are not the guy who sits on the ceiling of the room on the far right?[/quote] Ha ha never thought of that before... sorry to disappoint.
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There are some that work well, just none with rerecord support (that I know about). SMS plus works really well but AFAIK it's only for Mac.
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I watched it and it looked pretty good (I'm only familiar with the Genesis GH, not the VBA version), however I think you're right about the elevator, it could be a tad more entertaining. Oh and I'm not sure but you may have missed one of the flying guys there too, but I may be mistaken. Definitely post more when you get further, 50 seconds, half of which is actual gameplay, is hard to judge. EDIT: I just watched the WIP from Lipucd and yours is cleaner, especially the sliding. But it looked like he had a good start on it, so use his run as a template to glean good ideas from and get ideas for improvement. I've always been helped with TASing when I have something to compete with.
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He did ask me about publishing my Silent Scope movie about a month ago, and I gave him permission because I figured there wasn't any harm in it. Seeing those movies on youtube annoyed me a little bit, mainly because he doesn't post the author information in the title line (however he does post it in the author comments and has a watermark on the actual movie). In any case I think this site produces a better quality AVI at the expense of taking a while longer, so I don't think I'll be giving him permission to use any more of my future submissions. When I watch the movies I like the to look nicer than usual crap online (I'm not implying that the encodes WebNations does are crap, they're just slightly lesser quality). But I do agree with the idea that a movie is the authors intellectual property/work, so they should be allowed to do what they will with it.
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Just checking to see if there's been any progress, even if there's no WIP to look at yet. Hope it's going well.
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Ouzo wrote:
Can I change my name to ?
I don't think Prince is using it exclusively anymore, but I can't find that key on my keyboard ;) Guess you'd have to go by "The TASer formerly known as Ouzo".
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AngerFist wrote:
Bisqwit would you be so kind to restore my old nickname? Im so ashamed and embarrassed
Hooray! I'm glad to see you're back. I was afraid that the shakey fist guy would be next, which just wouldn't be cool. I raise my fist... but not for Showtime:)
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BALINN wrote:
hahaah, im not 30 like all of you creeps. im still in juinor high
I hope when you hit puberty in 5 years it will give you some muscles to fend off the bullies. Those swirlies every day must really screw up your Jim Carrey 'Dumb and Dumber' haircut.
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Ha ha I love the response there at SDA about him finding a game name "Oot" and beating it in under 2h. And I never know what to make of people who use childhood pictures as their myspace pics. At best they're either really ugly now and want to revert back to better times, or maybe they just want to go back to being a kid again. At worst, that's a picture of the little boy they met on myspace who is currently locked in their basement. Yikes.
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IdeaMagnate wrote:
Still, if it's not fun for you I'm content to have a difference of opinion. A published possibly suboptimal tas won't cause too many problems in the grand scheme of things. If it's improvable and worth the effort, it'll be improved.
Exactly, and I have no qualms about someone else trying to improve on my work. However since the previous run has been around since late 2004, I doubt our fellow TASers will be lining up to try their hand at it. Glad we can agree to disagree:)
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Bisqwit wrote:
asteron wrote:
The vast majority of my online presence is tied to this name. I don't particularly like it but find it acceptable. Ohh well.
That's more or less the same thing as in my case.
I've had mine since I was 14 or so (ie around 10 years), and have yet to start to dislike it. Guess I got lucky . BTW, the mm stands for mighty mighty, as in the ska band Mighty Mighty Bosstones, which was, and still is, one of my favorite bands. Thankfully it also makes it very unlikely someone else will have taken my name at any random forum.
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The bosses in this game are strange. Some flash while they have invulernable periods (Doc Ock, Lizard, Kingpin). The Green Goblin changes his animation but does not flash. And that giant gorilla (not monkey), doesn't do anything to indicate when you can hit him again. All the bosses have variable invulnerablity times which seem to be connected to how close you are to the boss (and possibly if you're in the air too). However, with the gorilla there is a tradeoff between how fast you can hit him (probably a little faster if you stand right next to him the whole time), and how much ground you can cover towards Sandman's sandbox while fighting the gorilla. I do believe 6 hits is the minimum required to take him down, but I'll do some testing to make sure that webbing or punching doesn't take him down in less than 6 hits. Hope this answers your question. EDIT: 10+ hits are required when using webbing and punches.
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I watched one of the WIPs for this movie, and now the completed submission. And I learned something. This movie becomes a lot more enjoyable (for those of us who have experienced lag), when you crank the Mupen speed up to around 175%. Although this makes it seem like Duke is moving a little fast (although it didn't seem like too much), the watchability went way up, because I was actually able to see where he was going. So at least I was able to figure it out this time. As for my vote, I'm torn several ways. It was damn fast. That makes me want to say yes. The emulation is poor (but could probably be tweaked by encoding at a faster rate and then slowing down the AVI or something). That makes me want to vote meh. There has already been confirmation of a substantial improvement being possible- big no. If I hadn't found the Mupen speed quirk it would have been an easy no because I would have no idea what I had just seen, but because of that, and because it was well played, I give it a meh (with the hopes of an encoded AVI that makes it watchable).
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May be time to merge this topic and [URL=]and this one[/url]
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IdeaMagnate wrote:
It's a clear improvement but there's no excuse to avoid watching RAM with Upthorn's improvements to Gens. You really can't tell what you'll find until you look. I strongly recommend some searching and testing. If that sounds discouraging, remember that it usually takes multiple runs through a game to adequately understand and exploit it for a high-quality tas. I'm refraining from voting until this game is better examined.
My only excuse for not using the RAM viewer is that I didn't want to. I went through two versions of this run, and saved 14% over the old run. For me, trying to search out abstract and numerous parameters that may or may not help me isn't fun, and if I don't have fun making the movie, then I won't do them. I enjoy working frame by frame to make the best movie I can, but dissecting each individual game I do down to it's engine is no longer enjoyable for me, it's a chore. I respect that you want to see a totally optimized run. But IMO, by seeing a run obsoleted by this much, while not perfect, is still better than seeing the old run on the publication page. EDIT: This is not to say that I'll never find a need to use the RAM viewer. I'm thinking of improving another run which has a good variety of weapons, so a RAM viewer would be a necessity to find which combination would work best with which bosses. However for this game it is more of an annoyance, since Spiderman's kick is the most powerful (three hits for most enemies), and there's enough back and forth motion that keeping a constant speed is less needed.
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Hmmm... some words come to mind. Wow. Impressive. Intense. Surprising. And above all else, dedication. I couldn't help a but notice that this run hasn't even made it into your sig yet, since there's no more room. You are the king of multi-tasking, and when you're all through with all of them sometime in 2008, you deserve a vacation. Oh, and good job.
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laughing_gas wrote:
Straferunning doesn't work for all fpses, it's been fixed in most of the newer ones.
Ah, good. I'm not up on games like HL2 or the newest ones because of lack of spare time (and hardware to play it on), but it's nice to know some programmers finally pulled their heads out and made it realistic to run around.
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All 4 Turok N64 games involve climbing without holding a weapon. Also: The law of Strafe-running. Anytime your character needs to go faster, and you're already moving forward at a maximum velocity of x, you can get a boost of x times the square root of 2, by running sideways and forwards at the same time at a 45 degree angle.
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For some reason I get the feeling our friend funguy10 is back and has lost mastery of the English language... then again I could just be paranoid about spammers. BTW, just so this isn't totally off topic, I'm glad to hear that this run is still coming along smoothly and I'll be looking forward to the finished masterpiece.
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Wow, I've never seen this much difference of opinion over a 10%+ time improvement. Discussion is great, and I'm glad everyone is voicing their views in a detailed and (mostly) calm manner. Thanks everyone for not being like some other forums.
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Ha ha "I'm history, dude!". Great improvement, and I agree w/ Xebra... random alien abduction style disappearing characters are funny. And the tag team fights are just pathetisad (for the bosses).
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