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You can continue getting coins from Bowser in any of the three boss levels, his puffs of fire will disappear into coins. There was a rumor a few years ago that if you got over 999 coins, a funky little "M" would appear next to Mario's lives, which supposedly made them infinite. I tried it on the console, however, and all I got for my trouble was a wasted hour and a half. :-\
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nfq wrote:
comi, you're not supposed to jump across the bridge, you have to go to the elevator. the characters in turok 3 crawl almost as slow as Hedgehogs, but because the game is pretty small and glitchy it can probably be done below 37 minutes. i hate sequence breaks because i don't know what that means, but i found some for turok 3. i just call them big shortcuts instead.
Excellent news on the time, and you have just made my new favorite phrase:) Sequence break sounds so.... old and nerdy now. I love big shortcuts ha ha. BTW, comicalflop... aren't there rules about how long your sig is supposed to be? Every time I look it seems it's getting closer to a short epic novel, if such a thing exists.
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comicalflop wrote:
but I'll get the Turok page up, with screenshot, recommended ROM, and such if you guys test out the other Turok ones (not the Rage Wars, that one sucks dino-balls.)
Rage Wars was fun in it's own right, but totally non-TASable. Enjoyable for multi-player though. I'm downloading marshmallows SDA run of Turok 2, which may become something I look into in the future after my run of the first game is complete, but his nearly 4 hours time-table is certainly not something that would suit this site. But who knows, with an improved route, perfect aim (headshots DO matter in this game), and maybe a few glitches, it might be cut down by an hour, maybe 2 if there's some good sequence breaking. Anyway, I'll test it out in the next few days and get back to you.
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nfq wrote:
turok also has no desync problems like many n64 games have. too bad turok 3 desyncs like Hell, otherwise i would have TASed it and killed alpha fireborn with one razorwind slash in oblivion difficulty.
Thought I'd chip in my .02 about Turok in general, since it was my favorite (and in the past month, my most frustrating) game. BTW, I don't have editing privileges, but if you would like to add that the "Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (U) (V1.2) [!]" rom emulates perfectly with Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6, TAS Input Plugin 0.6, and Jabo's DirectSound 1.6. Haven't had one problem with a desynch or strange emulation, although the polygon texturing when you're close to an object leaves something to be desired. I remember it was pretty bad in the original game, but it's worse when it's emulated.
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RT-55J wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
Wow, the SNES was NOT meant to handle anything remotely 3D. Unfortunately, throughout the whole movie I felt like I was having a polygon and wireframe acid trip. And, despite the N64 version being an almost direct port, (at least in terms of level layout) because of the crap graphics I couldn't tell what was going on for a good portion of the time.
You spoiled whippersnappers and yer newfangled 60 fps pixel shaded video games. Back in my day we had to draw the pictures ourselves. We were lucky if we got 1 frame a minute. Even then then it was only 16 by 16 dots. We were so poor back then that we couldn't afford pixels. Even if we could we'd have to walk FIF-teen miles in the snow uphill both ways! Back then gravity wasn't as stable as it is nowadays. You young whippersnappers have it so easy these days. </old> </rant>
Aww grandpa! Please tell us the story of Pong again! I know one paddle was intense, but TWO WHOLE PADDLES ON SCREEN AT ONCE?? We love to hear about how you had to survive with only a joystick and your wits. I'm sure your reflexes were sooo much better than ours ever will be.
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Yeah, like I said, I was new to the TAS world, so probably any movie would have impressed me. You've inspired me to go back and watch it again for another review:) EDIT: Ok, some thoughts after watching the first couple of levels again- definitely not at star struck, although I still think it's decently run, especially having played in on the console. However: Level 1- Obviously improvable. Too much walking, not enough boosting, and some backtracking, which seems like it should be a sin in this game. And please, please, PLEASE do something more entertaining with the autoscrolling sections. Don't just hug the side of the screen waiting to move forward. Level 2- I'm sure there is more entertainment to be had on the minecarts, especially during the overhead bomber phase. And I'm sure you can take the snake boss out in just two passes, looks like there was a lot of wasted time there. Anyway, you get the picture. The biggest thing I noticed throughout the first couple levels is the poor setup for subsequent moves, which involved some waiting and some backwards motion, which makes me cringe just a tiny bit. And I'm sure that all the time added up could shave a significant amount off the clock, possibly as much as a few minutes through the whole run just from better movement planning. Thanks Upthorn, for calling me on that.
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Wow, the SNES was NOT meant to handle anything remotely 3D. Unfortunately, throughout the whole movie I felt like I was having a polygon and wireframe acid trip. And, despite the N64 version being an almost direct port, (at least in terms of level layout) because of the crap graphics I couldn't tell what was going on for a good portion of the time. I really liked the boss fights, though, especially stage 3. It was well played (duh, 100%s everywhere), but in terms of entertainment.... meh. So that's my vote.
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Deep Loner wrote:
Were you flabbergasted in a good or a bad way?
Oh definitely in a good way, but then again I was really new to the site and was still in awe of how someone could make a movie of a game and go as fast as he did. I haven't watched it in a couple months so I'm sure I could pick out some flaws now since I'm a little more experienced, but from what I remember, it was fun, fast paced, and entertaining. I'm sure yours will be no different.
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For this being your first game, you've obviously thought through the process an incredible amount, and I commend you for your perfectionism. I hope I can match the amount of patience you have in my current and future runs:). I'm also looking forward to any sort of WIPs, because this was one of my favorite games as a kid, and I was flabbergasted by Dan's run, so I have no doubt yours will floor me. Good luck and keep trucking along!
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Any progress on the publication of this movie? It's nearly 200 submissions behind the next closest one.
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Yeah, sorry about that, there's a specific GBA only site I know that apparently no one else uses. But I'm glad you liked it:)
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Bummer... I can play the game with the glN64 plugin, but it doesn't want to show anything when I start the movie playback. And any other plugin causes a desynch after the bomb throws leading up the mountain. Hope other people don't have this problem.
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I've managed to get stuck in the wall directly below the 2nd key of level 2 (the third level in my run), however it seems to be that I'm getting stuck between two polygons that create a horizontal seam. All the previous seams that have allowed me to wall jump have been vertical, which means so far I've been able to get stuck, but anything I do after that results in me getting shot downward at super human speeds. (I have literally been about a full body length below the key, and when I jump I'm to the death cutscene in like 8 frames). If I can make this work, it's obviously a major sequence break, and I'll save around 1000 frames. I'll keep playing with it. EDIT: Yeah, this isn't looking like it's possible. After analyzing the other places in the game where wall jumping is do-able, there is usually a graphical representation on the in-game map of where the polygons don't line up. There are none of these for any of the keys in level 2, and the horizontal seam has proven to be less than useful.
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*Said in the voice of Towely* You guys... you guys.. I have no idea what's going on... Seriously, it looks well played, and maybe my 3 month old laptop just doesn't have the processing power this games needs, but my frame rates ranged between 9 and 25 most of the time I was watching. Must be game specific I'm thinking.
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How on God's green earth did you know where you were going? I nearly got motion sickness! But a great run (I also think a camhack would be interesting to watch, since you'd be able to see more, but still, good job!)
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L4yer wrote:
Here's what I was talking about before, notice that the frame counter is paused but the input counter continues.
That is weird, should be the other way around... maybe you've slipped into an alternate universe where you can create all the input you want, but you'll never see any of it! Freaky....
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Looking very very good! Keep it up!
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I had my second controller turned on, works fine now... I'm just a tad bit slow in the head sometimes. EDIT: God I love sequence breaks. I don't know much about Metroid other than having played it through a couple times, but I found all the old and new tricks spellbinding, and the little amount of waiting time experienced was entertaining too. Definite yes.
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I get a desynch at the very beginning with every rom I've tried. It seems the most common one is Super Metroid (JU) [!], and I haven't been able to find the one specified in the submission page ANYWHERE. Even my usual source which has never failed me for old games doesn't have it... is there a patch, or is this specific version just hard to find? Or are all of you such huge Metroid heads that you've all dumped it yourself?
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Here's an idea: How about everyone who doesn't care at all about this hack, or the TAS of said hack, stop posting. If I count right, that would leave exactly 1 person still here posting, posting away into the night...
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I think your problem may be game specific also, games like Turok, and from what I hear, JFG, have 0 desync problems. Games like Majora's Mask, and other games that utilize the expansion pack, do tend to have problems (last I checked Mukki was up to 51). I got lucky by choosing a game that likes to do what it's supposed to:)
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laughing_gas wrote:
A general question: when you record, do you have to press "stop recording" before making the savestate? It seems like every time I open a movie in non-read-only mode and load a savestate it causes a desynch instead of re-recording.
You're probably trying to load a savestate that you've created without properly saving it to the movie file (the Mupen rerecording thread explains this better than I can). Basically, when you make your last save state that you want, advance the movie a few more frames and then load the savestate. That *should* fix it. This will inflate your rerecord count some, but it's Mupen's fault. Hope this answers your question.
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laughing_gas wrote:
What do you mean? Straferunning is also present in PD.
Um, I think he was talking about movement in real life, as in "I'm going to run this 100 meters in 7 seconds by running sideways and forwards at the same time!!!" Cuz yeah, that really works well for me... probably explains why I fall down all the time when I go out jogging. EDIT: Speaking of doing impossible things like running faster diagonally, I've discovered that Turok is a second cousin of Jesus, since he can not only jump again and again on water, but he can actually run across the surface too! I'll post some sort of WIP when I get farther.
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scooty wrote:
i wish the game designers would make it so that your velocity was standard regardless of if you were runnning, strafing, or run+strafing. ... i just wish i could see where silly old turok is running and jumping.
You and me both :-\
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kirbymuncher wrote:
I was just trying Mario 64, and it's extremely hard with the keyboard. How do you people make TASes of 3-D games?
Frame advance and the TAS plugin
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