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Looks great. *thumbs up*
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Okay, I'll redo the Cage star, then go onto PSS, CCM, BoB, then Bowser.
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I think an Asteroids Hyper 64 would be the best TAS ever made.
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Thanks...I was wondering if the angles were good enough.
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I might redo the last star, but it would only save a couple of frames... Anyway, here's the WIP: Enjoy... Comments are appreciated.
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Looks great! Yes vote.
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AKA wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
To clarify, when you give frame numbers are they out of 60 per second, or the number of extra times you push the frame advance button?
From looking at the figures, some of them are odd numbers so I'd automaticly assume he's talking about number of times frame advance is pressed.
Uhh, I read from the numbers that increase by one every time the frame advance button is that wrong?
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That's what I did, but it was too slow. When AKA exits the Bowser levels, the whole thing looks like it lasts two frames. EDIT: Thanks AKA EDIT 2: Just got PSS 12.6 seconds yet again, but this time I got the boxed star, because I felt like being massively original and creative. For the third time, onto WF. EDIT 3: Got the first WF star 1 frame faster than FODA, but I'm gonna try to improve that before I go on. k, I've made it my goal to get WF's first star at least five frames shorter than FODA. EDIT 4: Got the first WF star 3 frames shorter than FODA, which is good enough, because I need to sacrifice a few frames to avoid the coins in the beginning. Onto the Fortress. EDIT 5: "The Top of the Fortress" is my count, it's 4 frames faster than FODA. EDIT 6: I took a break from the run for a couple of days, but I'm starting again now. The Wild Blue star was giving me a lot of trouble (I couldn't get it shorter than 4 frames longer than FODA for some reason), and I couldn't go on until I beat FODA's time. Anyway, FODA and I were talking about the star, and he tried a couple of new strategies. Eventually, he found one that was six frames faster than the one from his old run. He showed it to me, and I managed to get "Shoot into the Wild Blue" 7 frames shorter than the one in FODA's 120 star run. Major thanks to FODA for finding the new strat. Onto the wall star, and then the dreaded Cage star. EDIT 7: Just finished "Blast Away the Wall", and got it 13 frames faster than FODA...cage star is next, then it'll be onto BoB or CCM. BTW, the bolded framecounts aren'tt to brag, I just do it to show the important part. The rest you can skip.
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FODA wrote:
AKA wrote:
mr_roberts_z wrote:
Heh heh…well, like I said, I did PSS (and spent an hour and an half getting 12.6 seconds), but I noticed, to my horror, that the Exit Course option in the Aquarium was at least one frame too long. AKA and FODA definitely did it faster, and I can’t get the right combination of button presses and frame advances. Anyone know how to get it right?
START+DOWN, *blank*, A
i'd do: - start - down - A
Too late. :( AKA, you didn't do the Fortress star or the Whomp star in your latest run. I'll use your latest as an influence for the rest of the WF stars.
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That's what I did, but it was too slow. When AKA exits the Bowser levels, the whole thing looks like it lasts two frames. EDIT: Thanks AKA EDIT 2: Just got PSS 12.6 seconds yet again, but this time I got the boxed star, because I felt like being massively original and creative. For the third time, onto WF. EDIT 3: Got the first WF star 1 frame faster than FODA, but I'm gonna try to improve that before I go on. k, I've made it my goal to get WF's first star at least five frames shorter than FODA. EDIT 4: Got the first WF star 3 frames shorter than FODA, which is good enough, because I need to sacrifice a few frames to avoid the coins in the beginning. Onto the Fortress. EDIT 5: "The Top of the Fortress" is my count, it's 4 frames faster than FODA.
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Heh heh…well, like I said, I did PSS (and spent an hour and an half getting 12.6 seconds), but I noticed, to my horror, that the Exit Course option in the Aquarium was at least one frame too long. AKA and FODA definitely did it faster, and I can’t get the right combination of button presses and frame advances. Anyone know how to get it right?
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Maza wrote:
your swimming looks very perfect, but I do have one question: Why did you make second jump from the top of the starbox inside the ship? Couldn't you have just stomped on it as soon as you got above it when jumping off of the water?
If I'd ground pounded on the star box, I would've fallen right through it, and then would've had to jump to the star from the water, which would be really slow. The way I did it was faster, and it looks cooler too. Heh heh...
Mukki wrote:
2) In plunder the sunken ship you seem to get stuck behind the chest for a small instant.
It was kind of unavoidable; I used that opportunity to pivot on the spot. If I didn't, I would've had to swim while turning, which would've been slower because it would push me further out.
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Thanks a lot for the comments... I'll post all the updates until the next WIP on this post like I did before. EDIT 1: Just finished PSS, getting 12.6 seconds like before. I didn't bother to compare it to FODA's, because there's no way it's any more than a frame or two longer, because of the need to avoid the coins at the beginning. Onto WF.
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Only two comments? I guess everyone's paying attention to the OoT run. Oh well, I'll get started on PSS.
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That's not a Super Mario movie... THIS is a Super Mario movie!
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Well, I was exprimenting a little more, and I found that it is possible to do the pillar trick without getting any coins, which makes JRB... *sigh* ...even harder. Well, at least it'll look cooler. EDIT: Well, seems like starting over ten times paid off; for the fist star...I just beat FODA by 107 frames, getting a time of 55 seconds. Hopefully I'll get similar results from the Eel star. EDIT 2: I guess so...just beat FODA by 15 frames on the Eel star. Hopefully this will keep up. Heh heh... EDIT 3: Just finished the Ocean Cave star; since FODA did this star with the 100 coin route, I had to use Curtis Bright's site to find the fastest time, which I beat by almost three seconds. EDIT 4: And...just did "Through the Jet Stream, and beat FODA by 7 frames. Now, onto the pillar star... EDIT 5: The pillar star is proving to be harder than I anticipated, and I expect to have the star done by next June. EDIT 6: I did the Pillar star coinless-shipless. I didn't compare it to FODA's yet, but frankly, it doesn't matter. I don't care if I could've saved 200 frames in JRB, I'm NOT restarting it again. So, here's my first major WIP, comments and suggestions are appreciated. Enjoy.
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Well, I was exprimenting a little more, and I found that it is possible to do the pillar trick without getting any coins, which makes JRB... *sigh* ...even harder. Well, at least it'll look cooler. EDIT: Well, seems like starting over ten times paid off; for the fist star...I just beat FODA by 107 frames, getting a time of 55 seconds. Hopefully I'll get similar results from the Eel star. EDIT 2: I guess so...just beat FODA by 15 frames on the Eel star. Hopefully this will keep up. Heh heh... EDIT 3: Just finished the Ocean Cave star; since FODA did this star with the 100 coin route, I had to use Curtis Bright's site to find the fastest time, which I beat by almost three seconds. EDIT 4: And...just did "Through the Jet Stream, and beat FODA by 7 frames. Now, onto the pillar star... EDIT 5: The pillar star is proving to be harder than I anticipated, and I expect to have the star done by next June.
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I still don't think that the strokes are good enough and even, so I'm restarting the level one last time. Now I see why this level is so hard.
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Mr_roberts_z - There's absolutely nothing wrong with making posts when you are trying to get something right and are looking for help. Take as long as you need to get it right *thumbs up*
Cool, thanks.
Yes, it's the best pathwise but probably much harder to optimize than many other levels which might be a bit discouraging.
Yeah, I........seriously, seriously hate JRB...I'm gonna spend hours and hours optimizing it, and then most people will just skip over it. Oh well....Well, I'll go by general opinion: Look good enough to go ahead?
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Well, I've restarted the run, and so far, for the first star, I beat FODA by 2 frames, and for the second star, by almost 40. The swimming is very direct, but I don't think the strokes are perfect, so should I start over? BTW, I know I've been flooding the thread with all the posts, so I'll post all the JRB updates on this post.
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I'd create lots and lots of options, and radomness for determining large chunks of the game. The random variables would be influenced by the options chosen. The game could last 8 hours or 1 hour, depending on the randomness. (hopefully I described that right). In other words, it would be so long and difficult to maipulate the randomness that no one would bother to do it.
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Thanks...but I'm restarting JRB, this time trying to match/beat FODA's framecounts. I watched it again right after watching FODA's full run, and I see how much difference a few frames can make. I also noticed that most of the swimming was really sloppy and not direct enough. It'll probably take me longer, but ultimately, the run will look a lot better (and be alot faster).
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Cool. What's next, PSS or WF? (Sorry for all the posts)
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Well, I redid the level starting from the end of the first star, this time without saving. I also tried to make the swimming more even and direct. Look okay? Hopefully it'll be good enough to go onto WF. I compared the framerate from this one to the previous one, and this is almost 600 frames faster, so it was a good idea to restart. I timed the the Chest star, the Eel star, and the Jet Stream star, and they all seem to match FODA's times.
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Okay, I decided to restart from the end of the first star to get better strokes and not save at the end of star...Hopefully it won't take a week like last time.
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